LoD v6.88a0 changelog


Fixed creep upgrades over time being weaker for second ranged creep and second siege creep 
Improved creeps waypoints
They should not evade t1 towers anymore if forest has been chopped

Fixed Damage Block being too strong on illusions
Fixed Stampede malfunction
Fixed Greed's Giftable Aghanim not working on self (losing agha without upgrading effect)
Fixed consumed Aghanim not working in some cases
Fixed False Promise interaction with Strength changers
Fixed Meld with instant attacks (e.g. Stifling Dagger)
Fixed bug which caused Chronosphere last shorter than it used to be
Fixed Formless Books with abilities which are delayed for removing (e.g. Ice Blast)
Fixed Magic Stick/Magic Wand going on cooldown on use when dont have charges at all (not stopping caster)
Fixed Voodoo Restoration drains in 2 times more mana than intended
Fixed neutral Satyr / devoured one Purge being ignored by Linken
Fixed Song of the Siren piercing spell immunity on enemy
Fixed Walrus Punch not stunning spell immunity
Fixed Spell Steal with Battle Cry
Fixed Soul Rip healing Tombstone (and other owned structures if they are exist) too much
Fixed Avalanche cooldown, cursor AoE and visual effect AoE and duration
Fixed Primal Split Earth Hurl Boulder with Linken and Status resistance
Fixed Wave-type spells launching in wrong side sometimes (still possible to be ordered on unit, what is mostly important for shifted or delayed orders, but not on self to evade possible problems)
Fixed Brain Sap ignoring Linkens
Fixed Ethereal Blade, Medallion of Courage and Solar Crest with magic immunity on enemy (cannot be used and does not affect on EthereBlade hit)
Fixed multiple Chronospheres in game sometimes keeps unit movespeed at 1000
Fixed Ice Circles slow amount on lvl 3 being slightly less than intended
Fixed losing True Sight when dropping 1 of multiple Gems from unit
Fixed couriers dropping Gem when upgraded
Fixed Boulder Smash being wasted if pressed on ground near stone
Fixed stolen Mass Serpent ward being not fully upgraded when owner does not have Aghanim
Fixed possibility to slow 2 times per single Bounty Hunter Wind Walk use
Fixed Mass Serpent Wards Upgraded impossibility to hit Tombstone or Power Cogs by secondary attack
Fixed Geminate Attack and Moment of Courage procing on 2 attacks with very fast attack speed
Fixed Vacuum deals less damage when interrupted
Fixed Shallow Grave and False Promise on illusions
Fixed reflected Omnislash have lvl 1 always
Fixed Disruption putting 2 units in same place
Fixed Soul Catcher being working after death
Fixed Demonic Purge stacking from multiple effects
Fixed Divine Rapier value being higher than intended
Fixed some spells sometimes not affecting main target when reflected (Reaper's Scytche, Fireblast, Nether Strike, Void, Mana Void, Dragon Tail, etc)
Fixed Centaur Return doing too low damage when used by illusions
Fixed Metamoprhosis having different attack range on different skill levels (550/500/500/550)
Fixed Phase Shift cooldown being 6.5 instead of 7
Fixed Shadow Amulet interrupts channeling spells what should not be and it grants Phase state properly
Fixed Time Walk still disjointing projectiles; it should not
Fixed disjointing of Spirit Lance and Storm Bolt
Fixed possibility to fail pick on -rd mode
Fixed Split Earth tree killing AoE
Fixed Enchant visual effects and dispelling
Fixed Enrage slightly wrong mechanic when upgraded
Fixed bug with Smoke Screen miss chance when multiple of them exist in game
Fixed Tombstone getting small heal when attacked by illusion and takes 0 dmg (e.g. Doppelganger Defender illusion)
Fixed Phantom Rush sometimes not stops when distance to target becomes too high
Fixed Life Drain and Mana drain link break range being sliiightly less than should be
Fixed Reality Rift armor reduction being broken
Fixed Soul Rip ignoring Linken
Fixed skills with damage penalty like Stifling Dagger not applying damage penalty for bonus damage skills like Tidebringer, Jinada
Fixed Infest blow visuals position
Fixed Decrepify being unusable on Tombstone
Fixed BKB recasting (e.g. with Refresher Orb) keeps unit spell immune
Fixed Morphling Morph staying lvl 1 when picked on 5th slot
Fixed Swoop Down not stunning primary target on catching
Fixed Ice Blast reacting on 0 damage effects on check
Fixed Spit dispel
Fixed Flame Guard stopping block damage after some seconds sometimes
Fixed Fire Remnant jumping around at 25th
Fixed Pulse Nova turning off at first tick if not enough mana (first tick does not consume additional mana which was still checked however)
Fixed Bloodrage still updating outgoing non-reflectable damage; this should not be
Wild Axes and Enrage now properly increases cleave and splash damage, was unaffected
Fixed Spell Steal and Books with Illusory Orb and Ethereal Jaunt
Fixed Spell Steal causing spell lose forever if used already had stealing spell. Important with Formless Books or with multiple similar skills in game.
Spell Steal cannot be taken through books again.
Fixed Primal Split on summon additional effects not working correctly
Primal Split updated to not be stoppable AFTER cast (when caster already hidden) which just waste cooldown
Primal Split now properly moves caster to every spirit (order is earth > storm > fire), when previous dies
Psi Blades now normally spreads damage from illusions instead of not spreading at all (e.g. if illusion takes 600% damage, spreaded damage will be "dealt dmg/6")
Sand Storm visuals now follows caster if he moves during channeling
Snowball now properly moves all units in it with their auras when ball rolls
Sleight of Fist no longer continues when caster is hidden
Casting Supernova now properly stops forced movements
Moonshard can be disassembled normally again
Bloodstone can now be sold
Cheese effect now count as hp/mp Heal properly
Neutral wolves now uses triggered critical strikes, just like each other
Quill Spray numbers no longer appears on Tombstone Zombies
Diabolic Edict no longer waste hits on non-attackable enemies (e.g. Ghost Form) but still trying to damage phisical immune enemies (e.g. under GA or Cold Embrace)
Recoded Paralyzing Cask so they should not be bugged visually again
Fire Remnant no longer sets caster movespeed to 0 (temporary)
Vengeance Aura debuff now always lasts 50 seconds on -ardm mode to evage bug
Following item can now be alt-highlighted normally just like all others: Vladmir, Cuirass, Butterfly, Aghanim, Skadi

Non-guarantied bugfixes:
Fixed (?) rare 8k error
Fixed (?) very rare problem with Duel
Fixed (?) losing freewalking in rare cases
Fixed (?) autoattack sometimes stopping work on ranged heroes
Fixed (?) Haunt sound sometimes not appears

Known, bug not fixed yet:
Bug with MP regen
Bug with projectiles


Normal respawn time changed from 3.8*level + 5 seconds with maximum 100 seconds to
Shortly respawn become slightly longer in early game and shorter later.
Buyback respawn penalty increased from 25 seconds to 30 to compensate.
Death to neutrals including Roshan now increases respawn time by 15 seconds.

Hero levels are now invisible in table if hero itself is invisible for player.
-ma chat command removed

Added forced flying (tossing, airborne) mechanic, what affects: leap, pounce, impales/burrowstrike/ravage, toss and some other
Previously each unit throwing was independent what makes ugly visual twitching.
Now they are connected in single phisical function, what makes pretty and smooth fly
This does not affect actual disable time if it exist but have only visual purposes.
However, abilities, which interact with actually tossed (airborne) by any way units, interacts with these units by specific way. Currently here is only Avalanche, which deals more damage to airborne units.
Also all airborne units are actually phased.
Polymorphed heroes are no longer bugged on attempt to become airborne
Roshan cannot be airborne in any case
This mechanic has been updated for even better looking, and now affects Rocket Flare and Heat Seeking Missile as well :3
From technical side this allows very easy implementing of more abilities and projectiles with similar height-changing effect

Changed Lightning Effects on units: now lightning will follow unit1 only if it's visible for player and unit2 if it's visible for player.
If one of units is not visible, the corresponding end of lightning will stay on place until revealing unit again.

Introducing new class of abilities - semi-rootable ability.
They are not silenced when hero is rooted but working differently instead and even may use different cast points.
For now 2 of them are exist: Earthshock (Ursa 1): not leaping when rooted, has 0.25 cast point in this case and Poof (Geomancer 2): always targeting self when rooted.

Updated armor Formula to current Dota formula which is slightly smoother
Note: high armor amounts became a bit more effective
Armor per agility point 0.14 -> 0.16
Slightly rescaled base armor and in rare cases other stats on heroes
Updated new formula to not let resistance numbers go higher than 100%, which happened at 215+ armor

Siege creeps now properly getting upgrade when corresponding barrack destroyed instead of upgrading at mega creeps
Siege damage vs Hero armor multiplier 0.85 -> 1.00

Illusions now deals only 40% damage to buildings, idk why penalty did not exist before
Fixed illusions healing towers in attempts to backdoor
Backdoor damage reduction 25% -> 40% for non-illusions, for illusions stays 75%

Wind Walks now ends at reaching spell cast point instead of beginning of spell cast (Dota style)
Manual using of Poison Arrow Type abilities will use invis dmg bonus as well
Note: last thing will break unit animation until next attack, unfixable (?)
All this applies to Windwalk abilities only but not to permainvises (e.g. glimmer, moonlight shadow) and not to Meld unfortunally

Melee heroes has innate damage block 16 with 50% chance with same rules as Stout Shield before — can proc only if nothing else worked.
Removed Stout Shield, more info in Item Changes

Illusions with same type as caster now follows main hero form when he use timed polymorphs
They morphs together with hero and morphs back too when he dies or polymorph time ends

Heroes now starting with 3 teleportation scrolls, which are instantly going cooldown until creep spawn

Delay before creepspawn prolonged from 90 to 105 seconds
However, in first 15 seconds heroes are stunned so they cannot act
Note: this used to remove rushing at hero pick and this way give everyone time to get items and act simultaneously. Not sure that i will like this mechanic, so it can be removed

Creeps, towers and fountains no longer trying to hit things they cannot damage, e.g. Supernova, Ignis Fatuus
However Homing Missile is still attackable for them

Tree killing changed to circled around points instead of rectangular

Melee units no longer deals 50% bonus damage to couriers

Creeps/Towers will no longer aggroed if attack on hero was ordered from long range, higher than 2500, so it's impossible to aggro them by targeting hero on other lane.

Suicides, teamkills and dying to Neutrals no longer counts as Death in personal statistic

Statistics now counts swapped HP by Sunder as dealt damage to the enemy heroes. If target is the enemy hero, of course.

Couriers from leavers will be removed ASAP (instantly if courier alive and at courier respawn if it's dead currently)
Items will be dropped on Circle

Quality of life

Mode -ss now allows to see enemy skills through all game, not only at pick stage.

Deathmatch default max lives 110 -> 80

Endgame Tower damage replaced by Building (Bldg) damage. It also counts barracks and tree/throne.

Couriers now able sell items normally. However, cannot sell if hero is dead, just as circles.
Couriers now able to buy items by doubleclick on recipe just like heroes or circle of power.

Restored doubleclick toggling support aka DoubleClickHelperEnabled string in config.lod or -dch command in game.
It's enabled by default, can be disabled by setting it "false" (any other text will count it as "true") 

Temporary hidden units no longer loses selection. They are invulnerable and stunned but can take orders normally.
Only exception is Supernova.
Game does not count them as hidden, however Vacuum, Nether Swap, Poison Nova, Ice Blast Global Silence and some other skills which affects invulnerable but not hidden units still cannot affect these units.

Units in huge range around ended Fissure, Ice Shards or Power Cog — big path blockers — will now try to find better way when duration of one of these blockers is over.

Added sound notification for buybacks. They are different for allied and enemy buybacks and not audible for buybacking player

Added team notification about purchased Pipe, Greaves, Crimson and Urn of Shadows (removed notification about purchased Urn recipe)

Cooldown on spells is now visible when unit silenced
Added visual cooldown on following abilities: Jinada, Geminate Attack, Moment of Courage, Phantom Rush, Kraken Shell (Dispel), Fiery Soul (+charges), Unstable Current, Greater Bash, Chaos Strike

Some abilities are now unaffected by CDR, where cooldown have only protection from non-repeating purpose:
Leap (stable 0.4), Nightmare wake up (stable 0.5), Pulse Nova (stable 1), Psionic Trap blow (stable 0.5), etc

Is now impossible to destroy allied (not own) non-shareable items

Picking up Aegis now sends message with non-polymorphed unit type for everyone. E.g. not "Flesh Golem has..." but "Pit Lord has..."

Stun visual indicator size increased for very short estimated stun time, what especially affects very short stuns.

Scroll/Boots Teleportation visual timer indicator now appears on target point.
Furion Teleportation uses same indicator as well.
Relocate uses same indicator on target point and text timer on casting unit.

Macropyre effect changed on other (was used previously already), but no longer causes lag.
Firefly now uses similar effect as well.

Minimap ping from killed couriers changed to be visible for allies only.

Allied not own couriers now look a bit transparent for player
Enemy couriers got slightly red tint

Bottles with Runes no longer goes on 0.5 seconds cooldown after use. Their cooldown is separated from normal bottles as well.

Blink Dagger now properly interacts with notarget abilities like Echo slam or Reverse Polarity, so cast should not be done in wrong place anymore

Power Treads — Strength changed to have priority in fast purchasing

Dagons now have their level displayed on item

Devour is no longer hidden for duration, but silenced instead

Final / Observer Multiboard now displays player "Networth" instead of "Current Gold"

Final Multiboard now displayd multikills in one string and includes: double/triple/ultra/rampage/morethanrampage (2/3/4/5/6+ multikills)

"Super Text" cannot be cleared during pick stage by -clear or Esc anymore. (e.g. "Ban Stage" text)

Buyback debuff indicator is now displayed on owner illusions as well (only if they have same unit type)

Improved hero glows

Song of the Siren got timer till end on top of hero

Restored lost after recode Hex sounds on cast. Every of them got own sound.
Now plays proper sound when hexing illusions too.

Brilliance Aura now properly displays bonus for owner

Mana Void got AoE indicator, just like Storm Bolt

Spin Web got different colors for allies and enemies for distinction on mirror mode

Lion is now less blue to be more different with own illusions

Phantom Rush will make illusions autorushing (not ordered) with 2 seconds delay for preventing non-planned wasting Rush

Force of Nature now differentiates much more from Sentinels (still use same model) :(

Shortened Spell Steal text from "Give me + spell name" to just spell name

Fire Lord now uses Chaos Wolf Rider model and Wolf Rider sounds. Increased base movespeed and decreased other stats.

True Form now uses Polar Bear model so illusion model will not be broken

Illusions now uses Toggled On Armlet animation (flying orb around unit)

Switching Power Treads and Radiance and using Smoke no longer interrupts current action including channelings

Supernova becomes bigger every level and slightly changes color if contains 2 units in it

Ice Blast got AoE pointer similar to minimal hitting AoE

Changed some icons - Pulse Nova, Infest and Consume, Nightmare End, Chakra Magic
Replaced some visual effects — Howl, Song of the Siren, Fatal Bond, Enfeeble, Heavenly Grace

Earth Splitter visual effects made cleaner and more accurate, reflecting real AoE

Spark Wraith fly height 40 -> 50 and increases to 140 if placed under structure (experimental)
This should make Sparks better visible in these cases

APM counter temporary removed because it does not work correctly.


Rebalanced most hero bodies
Globally: attack range of all ranged heroes higher than 600 decreased to 600. Reason: All ranged over 600 was implemented in dota as stupid "compensation" of sick attack animations which aint exist here. 
And most of them got movement speed nerf
Melee heroes movespeed increased to minimum 300 (true form stays on 290)
All Attack Backswings decreased from 0.25 to 0.15

Gold for melee creeps now grows by 1 per upgrade cycle instead of by 2
Gold per lane creeps no longer increases by 0.02 multiplier every upgrade cycle. This feature used to be for neutral camps only.

Glyph of Fortification recoded. Now it completely protects unimportant buildings as well.
It affects all lane creeps in addition
Towers and fountains getting multishot with 4 additional targets during Glyph
Duration: 7 seconds on structures, 4 seconds on creeps
Fixed Glyph of Fortification on -sp mode

Spell Lifesteal no longer heals from illusions at all
Before it was counting illusions as creeps

Decay, Whirling Death, Spit are now counts attributed from total attribute instead of base (white)
This means base (white) attribute may become negative in some cases
Spit attribute percentage drain 15% -> 9/10/11/12%
Essence Shift can now make target attributes negative as well

Shackles, Dismember and Fiend's Grip are now completely ignored by enemy's Lotus Orb buff on cast.
Note: Dota mechanics with channeling reflected spell on caster by reflecting unit instead is kinda sick for Lod, while blocking spell completely by having Lotus Buff does not makes sence.
Effect still may be dispelled when dispelling from victim

Dismember tickrate 1 sec -> 0.5 sec, Searing Chains tickrate 0.1 -> 0.4

Keeper of the Light reworked
Recall and Spirit Form gone to hell

Second Skill: Blinding Light
In addition to previous effects it deals small damage to enemies, 50/100/150/200
Cooldown 20/16/12 -> 20/18/16/14
Manacost 50 -> 130/145/160/175
Cast range 900 -> 475/550/625/700
Knockback distance 525 -> 350
Duration 4/5/6 -> 3/4/5/6
Miss chance 80% -> 70%
Delay after cast and before effect 0.4 -> 0

Third Skill: Chakra Magic
Mana restored 75/150/225/300 -> 80/160/240/320
Now usable on enemies, copying old Mana Leak effect
Mana lost per 100 distance moved: 0.5/0.6/0.7/0.8% of Maximum MP every 0.1 sec -> 0.45/0.5/0.55/0.6% of Current mp every 0.1 sec
No longer ends when enemy goes off of mana as well as does not stunning
Cast range 900
Manacost 0
Usable only on units with manapool

Fourth Skill: Will-o-Wisp
Summons hypnotizing soul (flame? wisp? who knows) Ignis Fatuus in target area 
After 1 second delay it starts blinking (flickering?), disabling nearby enemies and pulling them toward self
Flickering is cycled with 1.3 seconds active time and 1.85 seconds resting time for total 9.35/12.5/15.65 seconds
Hypnosis cannot be resisted by Status Resistance, but can be dispelled as well as not work on spell immune enemies
Ignis Fatuus has 4/5/6 hp, and only heroes can deal damage it (him? her? who knows)
AoE 725, Cast Range 800, Cooldown 120/110/100, Manacost 250/350/450, Cast Time 0.1
Destroyed Ignis Fatuus grants 100/125/150 gold bounty to killer
Multiple Ignis Fatuuses in one team synchronizes their cycles
Allied and enemy Ignis Fatuus has different color

Suicide Squad, Attack! reworked to... Pocket Nuclear Charge:
After 1 sec delay hero leaps in target point, then flies during 0.75 sec and finally blows up pocket bomb
Bomb deals up to 400+x1.0 / 500+x1.5 / 600+x2.0 / 700+x2.5 owner intelligence and fears enemies for up to 1.8/2.2/2.6/3.0 seconds (affected by enemy status resistance) so they running away from *epicenter*
Both effects have 100% effect in epicenter and falls down to 50% in 400 AoE
Interrupted flight will cause immediate blowing up
Completely ignores spell immune enemies.
Note: preparation is visible and leap sound is audible for everyone
Cast time 1 sec, Cast range 1000, cooldown 70/60/50/40, manacost 125/150/175/200

Removed Multicast, this time forever

Witchcraft took ultimative slot on Ogre Magi
Witchcraft bonuses 4/6/8/10% spell amp (SA), 8/12/16/20% CDR -> 11/18/25% SA, 11/18/25% CDR
Witchcraft still grants bonus spell amplification to summons but still works for illusions, but now it seems more fair
Standart learn hotkey changed to "W"

Soul Steal took slot of Witchcraft on Crobelus, standart hotkey "C"
Renamed to Soul Siphon
No longer usable on allies. Due to new mechanics with heal based on dealt damage it became nearly useless.
No longer end when target turns invulnerable or spell immune, but not drains anything due to not dealing damage as well as will not stun enemy at end.
Cast range changed from 400/425/450/475 to 500, link break range from 600/650/700/750 to 650 (+200 for both with Aether Lens)
Exceeding range or death became only 2 ways to stop Soul Steal prematurely
Does not provide vision on target anymore
DPS 25/45/65/85 -> 30/50/70/90, cooldown 15/14/13/12 -> 18/16/14/12
Cast Time 0.2 -> 0.1

Soul Siphon, Life Drain, Mana Drain no longer instagibs strong illusions (for now only Morphling's)

Lightning Grapple took slot of Arc Warden ultimate
Starting AoE 350 -> 275, finish AoE 250 -> 275
Cooldown 20 -> 30/26/22, manacost 100/150/200 -> 150/175/200
Tree killing AoE around each caught unit 200 -> 140
Speed no longer increases with castrange bonus. Still increases with leveling up skill.

Blood Bath removed
Crabe removed

God's Strength reworked
Now it's melee polymorph into red demon form, have same stats as Sven and slightly bigger model
Grants bonus 80/120/160% damage and 10/20/30 Strength bonus
Duration 25, cooldown 100, manacost 100/150/200

Firestorm rescaled
No longer deals DPS to Ancient Creeps and not damages structures at all
Wave damage 25/40/55/70 -> 20/30/40/50, waves amount 6 -> 8
DPS from max HP decreased in 2 times (from 1/2/3/4% to 0.5/1/1.5/2%)
Fixed AoE being slightly higher than it should be (425 -> 400)
Cooldown 12 -> 15, manacost 100/110/120/130 -> 95/110/125/140
Cast time 0.3 -> 0.35
Fixed visual effect having 1 slow stone at start

Pit of Malice reworked
Damage removed, vision in area removed (still provides true sight around rooted units, just like all roots do)
AoE 300 -> 400, duration 7 -> 12, cooldown 21/19/17/15 -> 25/22/19/16, manacost 100/115/130/145 -> 100/120/140/160
Root 1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5 sec once per unit -> 0.9/1.2/1.5/1.8 sec with 3.6 sec immunity to next root from Pit of Malice
Cast time 0.4 -> 0.5

Naga Rip Tide changed to passive with 17% chance to proc, effect is similar to previously active
30/45/60/75 magical damage, -2/4/6/8 armor for 4 seconds. Working on illusions, dealt damage is relevant to illusion damage percentage, e.g. illusion with 50% dmg will deal 30 instead of 60
Effect AoE 300

Wave of Terror rescaled
Manacost 60/80/100/120 -> 45/50/55/60, cooldown 12 -> 15/13/11/9
Armor reduction 3/4/5/6 -> 4/5/6/7, duration 22 sec -> 8 sec
Damage 60/80/100/120 divine type -> 60/85/110/135 physical type (dealt after reducing armor)
Cast range 1700 -> 1400, Length 2000 -> 1400
AoE stays 300

Spiked Carapace reworked
No longer provides stun
It reflects all damage instead of 1 instance
If damage can be reflected, dealt damage multiplied by 1.25 and reflected back while Carapace owner does not take this damage
Damage can be reflected if attacker is not magic immune, not invulnerable, not structure, damage is not HP Removal type and not reflected damage
Now can reflect damage to any owner including sentinel/scourge/neutrals, not only human players
Carapace lasts 1.5/1.75/2.0/2.25 seconds
Cooldown 24/20/16/12
Manacost stays 60

AM Mana Break rescaled from 28/40/52/64 to 30/34/38/42 + 0/1/2/3% of enemy maximum mana

Spell Shield reflection changed from chance-based passive to active
Renamed to Counterspell
Cast grants shield for 1.2 seconds for self which reflects all spells similar to Lotus Orb and at same time blocks them similar to Linken (has higher priority in block)
Cooldown 20/16/12/8, Cast Time 0, manacost 75
Passive component with spell resistance is no longer working on illusions. Resistance bonus reduced from 20/30/40/50% to 16/24/32/40%
Note: Blocks instead of reflecting Blink Strike and Phantom Strike

Mana Void
Damage per missing mana 0.6/0.85/1.1 -> 0.7/0.9/1.1
Now burns 12/18/24% of enemy current mana before damaging (on main target only)
Now usable only on heroes to prevent missclicks. There are rare amount of non-hero units which making use of their mana anyway.
Cooldown 70/60/50 -> 80/65/50
Manacost 125/175/225 -> 180/240/300

Corrosive Skin no longer slows movespeed. Attack speed slow 10/15/20/25% -> 10/18/26/34%, DPS 10/15/20/25 -> 10/18/26/34, duration 3 -> 4

Revisited spells which affects hidden targets (Sanity Eclipse, Soul Catcher, Shadow Poison, Demonic Purge)
They able to affect hidden By Astral Imprisonment and by Disruption units if they were hidden by an enemy

Arcane Orb reworked
Is now ultimate ability
No longer steal intelligence (this feature has been switched on Glaives of Wisdom)
Damage type changed from Pure to Magical
Cooldown 0
Manacost is 120/160/200
Provides no effect when attack misses
Main target damage is 6/9/12% of current mana, calculated when attack hits target
Deals damage to non-immune units in 200 AoE, damage depends on distance between main target and this unit, scales from 100% to 25% 
Regenerates 80/90/100% of dealt damage by Arcane Orb to main target as mana.
Can be used when target is magic immune, will deal AoE damage but will not hurt target or regenerate mana
Regenerated mana is normal mana restore so it's affected by existing amplifications (for now only Tether shared regen for ally)

Sanity's Eclipse is now regular spell
It deals damage depends on difference between caster's main attribute and corresponding enemy attribute and burns same amount of mana (manaburn applies before damage and does not depends on actually taken damage)
Attribute difference multiplier 8/9/10 -> 2.0/2.5/3.0/3.5
Cooldown 160/140/120 -> 30/26/22/18
Manacost 300/350/400 -> 125/150/175/200
AoE 375/475/575 -> 375
Cast range 700 -> 550
Cast time 0.25 -> 0.4
Ignores heroes with corresponding attribute higher than caster's as well as magic immune enemies

Essence aura temporary removed

Chronosphere and Blackhole no longer affects invulnerable units. Instead, units becomes affected instantly when losing invulnerability in AoE
Also caught units can now be pulled out of them by various spells (not Force Staff/Snowball/Geomagnetic Grip)
However, any type of Forced movement is completely cancelled on entering, if this unit can be affected currently
Also Force Staff or Geomagnetic Grip no longer can be used on chronoholed units, so spell wont be wasted

Chronosphere duration increased by 0.2 sec at all levels, upgraded version by 0.3

Shadowrazes now deals stackable damage to enemies, 50/60/70/80 damage per stack
e.g. first hit on lvl 4 skill will deal 300 dmg, second 380, third 460, etc
Stacks has infinite count, lasts 8 seconds, counts status resist, dispellable

Spectre's Desolate unit seeking AoE 250 -> 325 (weaker), damage 20/40/60/80 -> 30/50/70/90, damage for ranged attackers 50% -> 66%
Illusion damage dealt 100% -> Illusion damage percentage

Walrus Kick can now be used on Roshan to deal damage and slow or to cancel spellblock, but cannot push him away.
Flamebreak updated so it can damage but not move Roshan as well

Heal from Neutral Troll Priest / Devoured one can now be used on Ancients

Flesh Heap bonus str per stack 0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0 -> 1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5
Owner now loses 1 heap stack per death, but cannot have less than -6 stacks
No longer grants hp regeneration. Instead it gives 3 stacks for free on learn and +1 stack per each skill level higher than 1

Glaives of Wisdom no longer steals intelligence forever
It steals 1/1/2/3 int, depends on Glaive lvl, for 20/40/40/40 seconds, multiplied by enemy status resistance
Deals damage after stealing Intelligence
Damage is 25/40/55/70% of owner Intelligence, not highest stat anymore
Manacost 25/30/35/40

Crippling Fear reworked
Now grants caster silencing aura, affect non-immune enemies in 375 AoE
Aura lasts for 3 seconds during day or 4/5/6/7 during night and additional 0.5 seconds on every affected enemy
Cooldown 30/25/20/15, cast time 0.2, manacost 50
Note: getting spell immunity will remove silence effect instantly

Darkness Reworked
Dark Ascension
Polymorph type skill
Morphs into flying killing machine with strong melee attack
50/100/150 bonus damage, 200 attack range
Duration 25/30/35 seconds, cooldown 140/125/110, manacost 150/175/200
Turns day into night for the duration
Has 1800 flying vision during night and 900 during day, thought day will never come while polymorph is active.

Smoke Screen
No longer slows enemy movespeed.
AoE 325 -> 280/310/340/370, miss change 40/50/60/70% -> 25/35/45/55%
Fixed bug which caused attacks under Smoke Screen missing even more than 70% when used as Sentinel

Recoded Smoke Screen and Static Storm silence, now are fully triggered
Smoke Screen effect lasts for 0.5 seconds after leaving area or dispelled instantly by magic immunity
Static Storm debuff lasts for 0.05 seconds
Static Storm Upgraded duration 7 sec -> 5, now applies effect without small delay after cast
AoE 450 -> 450/475/500

Arcane Curse now continues damaging silenced enemies
Arcane Curse no longer slows enemy movespeed
Instead it decreases enemy spell amplification by 10/16/22/28% (actually by 0.1/0.16/0.22/0.28, it's not multiplied)

Last Word silence 3/4/5/6 sec -> 2.25/3.0/3.75/4.5, increases by 2.5 seconds if triggered by spellcast
Burns 5/6/7/8% of enemy maximum mana if triggered by timer
Manacost 115 -> 100/110/120/130

Rescaled Devour, more info about bonus skills is in end of log

Doom rescaled
Non-upgraded version DPS 25/45/65 -> 40/50/60, duration 15 -> 8/10/12 (total damage 320/450/600 divine type), cooldown 160/150/140 -> 100/85/70
Aghanim Upgrade increases DPS by 10, duration by 2 seconds and applies Break.

Bane Nightmare now does not waking up from non-reflectable (mostly already reflected) damage and has limit damage to wake up
Damage limit to wake up 0 -> 50/75/100/125 (after reductions)
Damage counter renews if new targets falls asleep by attacking previous

Enchant Totem cast time 0.25 -> 0.35
Stun duration decreased by 0.2 sec (0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2 -> 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0)
Bonus damage decreased by 0/10/20/30% (100/160/220/280% -> 100/150/200/250%) but not nerfed for Morph or Sleight of Fist carriers
Manacost rescaled from 60/65/70/75 to 52/60/68/76

Firewall updated to apply slow instantly on cast. However damage still starts after 0.5 seconds.
Wall vision removed completely
Cooldown 20/18/16/14 -> 17/15/13/11

Plague Ward tooltip updated and now contains poison Slow and DPS
Lvl 1 ward also got weak poison, which is even weaker than lvl 2, comparable to ranged Orb of Venom - 3 DPS, 4% MS slow

Holy Persuasion no longer can be used on heroes or allied units
Maximum creep lvl Unlimited -> 3/4/5/6
Manacost 100 -> 100/110/120/130
Holy Persuasion now heals target creep
Enchant now heals target creep/illusion on capture just like all other capturing skills

Moonlight Shadow can now buff hidden units

Hand of God can now heal hidden units
Heal 300/450/600 -> 250/425/600, cooldown 100 -> 120/110/100
Aghanim upgrade removed (due to removing possibilities to have Aghanim upgrade for ultimative and non-ultimative upgrade on one hero)

Purification heal and dmg 90/160/230/300 -> 90/165/240/315

Liquid Fire cooldown 10/8/6/4 -> 13/10/7/4

Root 1.0/1.2/1.4/1.6 -> 1.0/1.25/1.5/1.75
Dmg 80/100/120/140 -> 80/120/160/200
Manacost 80 -> 80/90/100/110

Chaos Meteor damage AoE (both versions) increased by 50

Shapeshift now grants critical strike for all owner units instead of self only. 40% chance to deal x1.5/x1.75/x2.0 damage

Lycan Wolves skills updated
Level 1-2 no abilities, level 3 Cripple (20% chance to slow attack speed by 60 and 8 physical DPS for 4 seconds), Level 4 Cripple + Permanent Invisibility with 1.7 sec Fade Delay

Lycan Howl reworked
Wolven Howl
Modifies combat efficiency of nearby units
During day it increases bonus attack speed and armor of nearby allies (buff is dispellable)
During night it decreases attack speed and armor of nearby enemies (debuff is dispellable, duration is affected by status resistance)
Attack speed modifier 25/30/35/40%
Armor modifier 4/5/6/7
AoE 900
Manacost 60
Cast Time 0.0
Duration 6/7/8/9
Cooldown 35/30/25/20
Note: uses different animations for day and night

Feral Impulse no longer grants attack speed but grants HP Regen instead
AoE 900 -> 1200
Damage bonus 15/20/25/30% -> 14/26/38/50% (without other bonuses this means total DPS bonus for owned creeps 32.5/44/56.6/69% -> 14/26/38/50%)
HP Regen 2/4/6/8

Laguna Blade now increases only own damage from hero kills, 20/25/30, based on Laguna level
However if target dies before caster during effect delay or in 3 seconds after, caster loses same amount of bonus damage
This also does not require Aghanim to operate.
Cooldown 70/60/50 -> 80/65/50, manacost 200/375/550 -> 250/425/600
Cast Time 0.3 -> 0.45
Effect Delay 0.25 -> 0.05

Finger of Death
Non-upgraded: damage 600/725/850 -> 550/700/850, cooldown 160/100/40 -> 120/80/40
Upgraded: damage 725/875/1025 -> 650/825/1000, cooldown 100/60/20 -> 90/60/30
Cast Range 900 -> 800
Cast Time 0.3 -> 0.45
Effect Delay 0.25 -> 0.05

Sonic Wave
Damage increased to 300/400/500, +50 when upgraded
Travel speed 800 -> 900
Cooldown 120/110/100 (60/55/50) -> 130/110/90 (65/55/45)
Manacost 200/300/400 -> 250/350/450
Visual effect now should fit real effect better

Warcry cooldown 26/22/18/14 -> 30/26/22/18, AoE 900 -> 700, manacost 25 -> 50

Backstab is now melee only ability
Backstab moved to Ultimate ability slot
No longer steals agility on kill
Attribute damage bonus changed back from highest to primary
Multiplier 0.5/0.75/1.0/1.25 -> 0.75/1.25/1.75

Third skill slot on Riki is occupied by Tricks of the Trade
Unusable under Root or Leash effects
Hero shifts in other dimension (or under ground, who knows) in target location
Grants invulnerability, disjoints projectiles
During this he reappears to hit random enemy around in their back
After ending channeling hero reappears on cast point
During channeling orders may be shift-ordered normally but any non-shifted action will stop channeling prematurely
Cast Range 400, AoE 450
Maximum hits: 4
Hits timing: 0/~0.66/~1.32/~2 sec
Damage multiplier: 70/80/90/100%
Cooldown 21/18/15/12

Life Break is now blocked and reflected at touch instead of at cast
Note: this is because skill is simple projectile-based single-target thing, just caster plays role of projectile
Life Break now applies slow after damage

Tombstone vision range 1800/1800 day/night -> 1400/900 day/night. Means it does not see enemies on max range during night by itself and require additional vision sources for maximizing it's efficiency

Tombstone Zombies Deathlust hp limit changed to constant 40%. AS bonus 75% -> 50/60/70/80%, MS bonus 50% -> 35/40/45/50%
Zombies dies faster when target turns invisible
Zombie attack type Pierce -> Normal so damage vs heroes and their damage block become more in 1.5 times, while damage vs creeps become less.
Zombie slow (stackable) 7% -> 5%

Kinetic Field no longer stops any kind of Forced movement with restrictions for invulnerable and magic immune units
Instead it stops only specific movements (a-la Dota) : Skewer (caster only), Lightning Grapple (caster only), Trample, Leap, Pounce, Force Staff / Hurricane Pike
This mean that victim may be e.g. hooked or vacuumed in or out of field; dive, charge, hookshot etc etc can pass through also.
And this will operate more proper than it was years ago, units wont run AROUND field
AoE 325 -> 340
Improved perfomance, acts much smoother visually

Earthshock reworked
Now leaps forward in 250 range per 0.25 sec, and deals effect only after that
Effect is 75/125/175/225 damage and 10/25/40/55% movespeed slow for 4 seconds
Cast time 0.01, manacost 85/90/95/100, cooldown 9/8/7/6
Leap is count as forced movement, meaning it able to interrupt other forced movements of unit as well as ends prematurely when interrupted.
Still provides effect in this case but not when dying during leap.
If used while rooted, not leaping but uses 0.25 cast points instead of fly time

Overpower AS bonus 400 (200 with Grow) -> 300
Cooldown 13/12/11/10 -> 14/12/10/8, manacost 75 -> 60/65/70/75
Max hits 4/5/6/7 -> 3/4/5/6

Whirling Axes Melee moved to other skill slot to not overlap most abilities
Whirling Axes Melee cooldown increases by 3 seconds when using Ranged and vise versa
Cooldown of both subskills decreased by 2 seconds

Snowball no longer triggers Spell Reflection at all
Snowball allies taking in radius 230 -> 300
Snowball no longer can take in owner's non-hero units

Tether reworked
Removed time limit of link
Regenerating health and mana is now possible when Tether caster has full HP or MP
Shared heal and regen decreased 75/95/115/135% -> 60/80/100/120%
Movespeed bonus decreased to 5/8/11/14%
Slow changed from 100% to 8/16/24/32% for short time (0.2 sec) but continues slowing enemies who stand under link
Fixed bug when Soul Ring grants mana to tethered ally because Soul Ring is not mana restoring ability
Removed possibility to make Tether Train with multiple Tethers in game
Heal is no longer multiplied twice for Target when both Tether Caster and Target have heal amplifications but able to heal Target when Caster is under effect of Ice Blast
Shortly, Tether transfers non-multiplied regen and heal to Target
Does not share regeneration from Aegis
Tether link now instantly breaks when caster or target uses Infest or Primal Split

Chain Frost aghanim upgrade removed
Cooldown 120/90/60 -> 100/80/60
Damage 280/370/460 -> 250/400/550 + 15/20/25 per bounce
E.g. first target takes 250 base damage, then second will take 265, third 280, etc up to 250+15*10=400
Projectile speed also grows per every jump, speed 850 -> 700+50 per jump
Chain Frost no longer provides vision during jump delay and cannot jump in fog, thus, cannot follow units and continue jumping when they going out of vision
No longer affects Roshan by bounces

Soul Catcher (Shadow Demon 2) reworked
Removes current health percentage from enemies in AoE for short duration
When time is over or debuff dispelled, enemies regains only half of lost hp back
Health regained depends on half of lost health from previous cast, not on actual unit hp
Could be resisted. Could be dispelled. Ignores magic immune units
Debuff is not stackable, ends previous Soul Catcher prematurely
Icon and visual effects are unchanged
Note: skill effect is *not* damage, so in pierces any resistance, does not interact with damage effects and spell amplification and also pierces things like False Promise. Spell cannot kill unit even if it has 1 hp.

Penitence (Chen 1) reworked
Now it is projectile-based spell with 1400 speed, no longer instant, and thus blocked and reflected on hit as well as can be evaded
Slows target movespeed by 18/24/30/36% for 5/6/7/8 seconds
Any target's enemy attacker (including neutrals, structures and wards) getting 30/50/70/90 attack speed bonus for 2 seconds when starting attack onto cursed unit
Cooldown 14/13/12/11, duration 5/6/7/8, manacost 70/80/90/100, cast time 0.3

Chaos Strike reworked
Now it's passive ability with cooldown
Works on illusions
Grants random critical damage with lifesteal
Higher critical numbers means less lifesteal and vise versa
Crit damage x1.25 minimum, x1.75/x2.0/x2.25/x2.5 maximum
Lifesteal 5/20/35/50% minimum, 15/35/55/75% maximum
Cooldown 4 seconds
Unpickable with Tidebringer or Jinada
Chaos Strike and Jinada can be refreshed normally

Recoded Rot and Voodoo Restoration, no longer goes off when hero polymorphs
Rot now deals first damage tick after 0.2 seconds instead of instantly
Activating Voodoo Restoration manacost removed
They are pickable together now
Both of them cannot be stolen through Spell Steal anymore
Note: both of them cannot be leveled up while active. Sorry, i'm lazy to fix this.

Infest cooldown now begins when leaving target unit
Infest is now allowed to be picked with Rot, however entering unit disables Rot, Voodoo Restoration and Pulse Nova instantly

Primal Split cast now disables Rot, Voodoo Restoration and Pulse Nova instantly

Scorched Earth cooldown 36 -> 38

Doom Level? Death! finally removed
Infernal Blade
Autoattacking skill for melee heroes only. Cannot be stolen.
Stuns target for 0.6 seconds
Burns for 4 seconds, 16/20/24/28 + 1.25/2.5/3.75/5% of max target HP as DPS
Damage type Magical
Cooldown 16/12/8/4
Visual effect on weapon stays as long as ability is not on cooldown and always visible on illusions

Tidebringer changed to Autocasted ability too
Visual effect on weapon stays as long as ability is not on cooldown and always visible on illusions

Walrus Punch changed to Autocasted ability as well
Cooldown 30/23/16 -> 30/22/14, but obviously going on cooldown after hit instead of after cast like before
No longer orders to attack target after hit
Tooltip is no longer updated when acquiring Aghanim's Scepter
Slow is now applied upon hit instead of upon landing, duration increased by 1 second.
Stun is no longer dispellable
Difference is it can be dispelled while victim is in air
Visual effect on weapon stays as long as ability is not on cooldown and always visible on illusions

Hexes now uses projectile instead of being instant. Blocked and reflected on hit, can be evaded
Rhasta: cast range 550, projectile speed 1650
Lion: cast range 500, projectile speed 1500
Guinsoo: cast range 800, projectile speed 1500

Flame Guard
Manacost 80/90/100/110 -> 110
Cooldown 35 -> 38
Magical Damage block 80/220/360/500 -> 100/250/400/550
Also grants 20% status resistance while active.

Trueshot Aura
Now grants attack speed instead of damage and based on agility instead of highest attribute
16/24/32/40% of agility.

Marksmanship reworked
Grants 20/30/40% chance to:
True strike + 120/130/140 damage vs non-structures, bonus damage cannot crit + attack pierces half of total enemy armor
Illusions receives only true strike.
Special effects appears on weapon when proc
Ranged only
Does not work when enemy heroes are in 375 area around attacker (including hidden units)
Does not work under Break

Luna Eclipse
No longer usable on ground when upgraded, only on allied unit including self (can be doubleclicked)
Now still damage goes from by main caster when used on ally (kinda bugfix)
No longer getting double hit rate when upgraded (0.3s -> 0.6s)
Upgraded amount of shots increased by 1 at all levels (6/12/18 -> 7/13/19)
Night duration 10 sec -> 15 sec (both versions)

Nether Ward
Duration 25 -> 20
Manaburn 0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2% of maximum per second -> 0.7/0.9/1.1/1.3%
Damage per used mana point decreased by 0.25 (1.0/1.25/1.5/1.75 -> 0.75/1.0/1.25/1.5)

Dispersion multiplier decreased by 2% for agi and int heroes, by 1% for str heroes (by 0.02 and 0.01 actually)

Haunt illusion duration was already increased by 1 second to 5/6/7 somewhen, which was not intended
Now it's officially 5/6/7 seconds, and thought Haunt's best way to use is just teleporting to enemy and dealing with him by self, Reality requires slight nerf to give at least split-second to react
Reality cast time 0.2 -> 0.4

Wraith Form now grants reduced damage until respawn instead of until death so DPS abilities wont be overeffective.

Charge of Darkness, Stifling Dagger, Phantom Strike, Blink Strike disallowed to use on couriers.

Phantom Strike attack speed  bonus 90/110/130/150 -> 60/90/120/150

Blink Strike cooldown after cast 0.1 -> 1.5 sec (cannot be decreased by CDR) 

Healing Ward movespeed 420 -> 350

Echo Slam Aghanim upgrade removed, double echo from heroes and illusions included in basic spell.
Cooldown 130/120/110 -> 150/130/110

Waveform cast range 1000 -> 700/800/900/1000
Adaptive Strike cast range 600/700/800/900 -> 600/650/700/750
Morphling Morph can be now used only by Agility heroes outside of AR mode (other heroes cannot be picked with Morph)

Forged Spirits no longer dies on summoning new

Jinada cooldown 10/8/6/4 -> 9/7/5/3, no longer works vs Wards

Maximum souls 15/22/29/36 -> 10/18/26/34
Souls per killed hero 12 -> 6 (damage 24 -> 12)

Counter Helix damage radius increased by 5

Sprint manacost 0 -> 25

Enfeeble debuff bonus spell damage 4/8/12/16% -> 12/18/24/30%, status resistance penalty 15/20/25/30% -> 12/18/24/30%

March of the Machines collision 50 -> 64 (means more machines may hit every unit -> higher overall damage), damage AoE 150 -> 155, duration 6 -> 6/6.5/7/7.5, cooldown 22 -> 23, cast range 300 -> 400
Note: due to not having access to Rearm

Shukuchi duration 3.25 -> 3

Ravage Stun 2.4/2.6/2.8 -> 2.0/2.4/2.8

Time Lock dmg 25/50/75/100 -> 30/60/90/120

Flesh Golem cooldown 75 -> 100/85/70 (temporary change before rework)

Fortune's End is now projectile based instead of being instant.
Projectile cannot be evaded.
Does not grant vision.

Corrosive Breathe (Elder Dragon Form) now applies in 300 AoE together with splash attack (lvl 2 & 3)
Cold Breathe recoded and no longer pierces magic immunity. Slows by 40% for 3 seconds.
Fixed Splash Attack deals damage even when attack were evaded

Mirror Image and Phantasm now places hero on random position instead of center, does not places 2 units on same point

Unstable Concoction will now blow on death as well, provides only half of stun and damage (experimental change, may be reverted)

Frostbite total damage versus heroes and herocreeps 150/200/250/300 -> 90/160/230/300, duration and damage versus creeps are multiplied by 4
First damage tick happens not instantly on cast so it's technically possible to dispel debuff faster than taking any damage from it.
Cooldown 12 -> 12/11/10/9
Manacost 120/130/140/150 -> 105/120/135/150

Inner Fire knockback range 50-450 -> 50-550, disarm increased by 0.6 sec (by actual knockback duration)
Manacost 95/110/125/140 -> 105/120/135/150

Tiny Toss cast range 1300 -> 1000/1100/1200/1300, cooldown 11/10/9/8 -> 15/13/11/9
Can now toss toward spell immune units

Skewer speed 1100 -> 1000

Time Walk max range 675 -> 600, cooldown 22/18/14/10 -> 23/18/13/8, manacost 90 -> 80
Heal is now limited at 25% of caster's maximum hp

Shuriken Toss cast range 700 -> 600, manacost 120/130/140/150 -> 105/120/135/150

Press the Attack AS bonus 60/80/100/120 -> 65/90/115/140, cooldown 14/13/12/11 -> 16/15/14/13, manacost 80/90/100/110 -> 110

Gush armor reduction 3/4/5/6 -> 4/5/6/7

Reality Rift armor reduction 2/3/4/5 -> 3/4/5/6
Cast Range 475/550/625/700 -> 550/600/650/700

Traxes Frost Arrows now deals 5/10/15/20 bonus damage

Spiderlings damage decreased from 18-20 to 14-16

Spell Steal Upgraded cooldown 6/4/2 -> 6/5/4

Amplify damage armor penalty 10/15/20 -> 8/13/18, manacost 35/50/65 -> 50

Familiars vision range is no longer reduced when landed (201 -> 390)

Juxtapose ranged illusion damage output 22% -> 16%

Kraken Shell damage block reduction with other damage blocks existing 30% -> 25%

Split Shot damage percentage 25/40/55/70% -> 30/45/60/75%
Moon Glaives damage percentage 14/21/28/35% -> 15/25/35/45%
Moon Glaives now checks attacker damage on attack start instead of on hit
Split Shot and Moon Glaive can now hit ward type units because wards become a problem (exception is Power Cog)

Frostbite manacost 100/115/130/145 -> 120/130/140/150

Lucent Beam cast time 0.25 -> 0.3

Flak Cannon cooldown 30 -> 40, AoE 1000 -> 1200

Fireblast cast point 0.3 -> 0.35

Viper Strike non-upgraded cast range 500 -> 600

Greater Bash no longer grants movespeed
Greater Bash speed in damage 10/20/30/40% -> 12/24/36/48%

True Form attack range 150 -> 200

Coup De Grace critical chance 15% -> 25%, damage x2.5/x3.5/x4.5 -> x1.9/x2.5/x3.1
Total DPS bonus stays same in this case but deals less dmg per lucky shot

Demonic Purge Upgraded max charges 3 -> 2

Blade Dance crit multiplier x2.0 -> x1.8

Magic Missile cast range 525 -> 550

Shockwave movespeed slow duration 0.75 -> 1 sec

Black Hole DPS 50/100/150 -> 100/150/200, Manacost 275/325/375 -> 300/400/500

Shadow Strike starting ms slow 20/30/40/50% -> 30/40/50/60%

Dragon Tail damage 25/50/75/100 -> 30/60/90/120

Exorcism duration 30 -> 35, Ghosts amount 10/17/24 -> 8/16/24, dmg 56-61 -> 59-64
Ghosts Acquisition range 900 -> 700, means hero should stay closer to an enemy

Chemical Rage Health regen 30/50/70 -> 30/55/80, Mana regen 3/7/11 -> 0

Torrent cooldown 10 -> 16/14/12/10, cast range 1350 -> 1500, total damage 120/180/240/300 -> 90/160/230/300, stun and airtime 1.6 -> 1.3/1.4/1.5/1.6, tooltip info is much more accurate

Burning Spears healthcost 2% of current HP -> 3%
Burning Spears now deals all damage per single instance once per second instead of damaging by every spear separately
Visual effect stays individual for each stack

Caustic Finale damage 60/100/140/180 -> 70/110/150/190

Diabolic Edict damage per explosion 12.5/25/37.5/50 -> 13/22/31/40, duration 10 sec -> 9/10/11/12
Total damage 500/1000/1500/2000 -> 468/880/1364/1920
Greatly improved tooltip

Fissure stun AoE 225 -> 175 (around each segment)

Ice Path cooldown increased by 1 second (12.5/12.0/11.5/11.0 -> 13.5/13.0/12.5/12.0

Plasma Field manacost 125 -> 110/115/120/125 (yes, again), cooldown 14/13/12/11 -> 13/12/11/10

Elder Dragon Form BAT 1.6 -> 1.5

Spin Web is now melee only ability

Dragon Blood now grants Green bonus armor and thus does not work on illusions (however displays bonus)

Death Ward now has 0.22 attack reload time and 0 attack swing instead of 0 reload and 0.22 swing. Actual difference is ward will not wait after cast

Power Cog improved to be easier catch and push units
Pushing AoE increased by 40, so it wont be possible to hit cogs from outside by melee heroes in rare cases.

Rocket Flare damage 80/120/160/200 -> 80/130/180/230, so it can be used again to kill ranged creeps from 2 shots

Shrapnel slow 15/20/25/30% -> 12/18/24/30%

Storm Bolt cooldown 12.5 -> 17/15/13/11

Psionic Trap blowing up from hero no longer interrupts anything

Blink AM and Blink QOP cast time 0.33 -> 0.4
X Marks the spot and Return cast time 0.2 -> 0.3
Waveform cast time 0.25 -> 0.3


Aeon Disk removed until rework
Aeon no longer activates from self damage

First Bounty Rune experience bonus 100 -> 0, gold bonus 100 -> 125

Rune of Illusions now acts like Mirror Image - hides caster for 0.1 seconds and evades projectiles
Changed illusion color to ~Lime

Sentry Wards now have limit of 10 in market with cooldown 60 seconds per every ward

Consuming Aghanim recipe goldcost 1800 -> 1000

Boots of Travel no longer has active ability
Instead they improves hero's Scroll of Town Portal cooldown and makes it do not consume charges anymore as well as removes teleportation time penalty.
Scroll of Teleportation tree killing AoE on teleport 240 -> 140
Scroll of Teleportation base cooldown 70 -> 80, upgraded by Travels lvl 1 to 40, by Travels lvl 2 to 30
Boots of Travel movespeed bonus 100 -> 110/130
Scroll of Town Portal gold cost 50 -> 90

Euls movespeed bonus 40 -> 20

Satanic active lifesteal +150% -> 175% because armor become more effective -> less lifesteal from armored target, and Satanic feels a bit bad already, especially with nerfed many main sources of clear dmg+
Satanic no longer grants 25% status resistance

Heart of Tarrasque
Recipe changed:
Reaver + Vitality Booster + Recipe -> Reaver + Sange + Recipe
Total cost stays 5500
Hpregen 4.75% -> 5%
No longer grants 250 hp
Now grants 25% status resistance

Bloodstone bonus 0.3 hp regen per charge replaced by 0.35% spell amplification per charge (only Bloodstone in higher slot grants bonus)
Bloodstone active cooldown (heal) 250 -> 90

Fixed and reenabled Green STR bonus from Armlet, so it does not grant illusions STR anymore. HP bonus still exist.
Armlet HP drain 54 per tick once per second -> 6 per tick 9 times per second
Under False Promise effect HP is not attempted to drain but instead hp lost resaved as current hp
Damage bonus 9 -> 15 (active 40 -> 46)
HP regen 7 -> 5
Recipe cost 550 -> 650 (total cost 2370 -> 2500)

Radiance no longer affect ancient creeps
Radiance no longer work in couriers
Radiance debuff is no longer dispelable
Recipe now requires Talisman of Evasion in addition (does not inherit evasion but blinding enemies around)
Recipe cost 1350 -> 550, total cost 5150 -> 5250

Due to removing Stout Shield, Vanguard now requires 200 gold cost recipe.
Blight Stone moved from it's current position in market on place of Stout Shield.
Orb of Venom moved on place of Blight Stone to Weapons Dealer from Black Market

Echo Sabre renamed to Echo Saber
Note: Don't even ask "why"
Added 200 gold cost recipe for it
Note: this used not to make item less crazy but mostly used to prevent unintentional combining
Str bonus 10 -> 12

Drum of Endurance no longer has charges
Cooldown 30 -> 60, Manacost 0 -> 50

Sange and Yasha movement and attack speed bonus 16% -> 12%
Sange and Yasha status resistance 16% -> 20%
Heaven's Halberd status resistance 14% -> 20%
Sange Status Resistance 12% -> 16%

Maelstrom and Mjollnir chain lightning jump distance 900 -> 650

Crimson Guard active dmg block 55 -> 60

Power Treads stat bonus 9 -> 10

Phase Boots
Recipe: Boots + Blades of attack + Blades of attack -> Boots + Blades of attack + Chainmail (Total cost 1240 -> 1370)
Bonuses: 45 movespeed, 15 damage, 5 armor
Active Phase: 24% (20% for ranged) speed and Phased state for 2.5 seconds -> 20% (10%) speed and Phased state for 3 seconds

Demon Edge cost 2400 -> 2200
Dmg bonus 46 -> 42

Crystalys dmg bonus 30 -> 34, crit 20% x1.75 -> 30% x1.6

Buriza dmg bonus 81 -> 88, crit 30% x2.20 -> 30% x2.25

Sacred Relic cost 3800 -> 3300

This way Nullifier total cost 4700 -> 4200

Divine Rapier now requires x2 Sacred Relic
Total cost 6200 -> 6600

Bloodthorn recipe and stats changed
Orchid + Hyperstone + Recipe
Damage 60 -> 30, attack speed 30 -> 85
Passive crit removed
Debuff crit multiplier x1.4 -> x1.3
Means it will not overlap 2 crits from one item for one user

Urn of Shadows:
Heal 400 -> 240
Damage 150 divine type -> 200 magical type
Recipe changed: Sobi Mask + Circlet of Nobility + Ring of Protection + Recipe, total cost stays 875
Bonuses: +75% manareg, +2 all stats, +2 armor

Tango 125 gold for 4 charges -> 90 gold for 3 charges

Abyssal Blade 
Active changed from 2 seconds stun from 160 range to Blink Strike with 1.4 seconds stun from 600 range
As it follows blink strike rules, in case of reflecting target teleports to caster. It does not take attack order in any case unlike caster.
HP Regen 15 -> 10

Kelen's Dagger
Cooldown 14 -> 15
Distance 1200 -> 1050
Explanation: Dota still following old warcraft bug where blink had by 20% less distance depends on where they were clicked.
This "feature" is completely unreasonable so it does not exist here. However blink distance become too long, so we decreasing it slightly

Helm of the Dominator 8.5 HP reg as aura -> 4 hpreg aura + 4.5 hpreg to owner only

Gauntlets, Slippers, Mantle cost 150 -> 135
Circlet cost 165 -> 155
Bracer, Wraith Band, Null Talisman total cost decreased to 450
Cost of combined from them items decreased respectively

Ring of Aquila no longer grants +1 armor for carrier (bonus was still here by mistake)
Basilius and Aquila damage bonus decreased by 1

Blades of Attack cost 420 -> 450

Rod of Atos now grants +6 damage from components

Ghost Scepter duration 4 sec -> 3.5 (ethereal blade stays 4)

Diffusal Blade manabreak 50 -> 40

Lothar Edge attack speed bonus 30 -> 22
Silver Edge AS 30 -> 25, Dmg 30 -> 25, all stats 15 -> 13
Shadow Amulet invis delay 1.5 -> 1.25, cooldown 0 -> 3 (i don't think that copying separated cooldown on self and ally is needed)

Tranquil boots hpreg bonus 16 -> 13

Dagon Effect Delay 0.03 -> 0.05

Quelling Blade cost 200 -> 150, damage bonus 24/7 -> 18/6

Gold and Exp for Necronomicon units decreased by 50


Hurl Boulder, Magic Missile, Chaos Bolt, Hellfire Blast, Spawn Spiderlings vision 600 -> 0
Sand Storm 1000/750 -> 0
Stifling Dagger vision 600 -> 450
Invoker Tornado vision 600 -> 200
Stasis Trap vision 600 -> 64

Thunder Lizard Chief damage type Normal -> Hero, dmage 71-78 -> 60-65
Dark Troll Warlord Ensnare cooldown 20 -> 15, manacost 150 -> 75
Dark Troll Warlord attack damage slightly decreased, damage type pierce -> hero
Both Dark Trolls attack range 400 -> 250
Satyr Hellcaller Shockwave cooldown 10 -> 8
Small Centaur hp 550 -> 350, armor 2 -> 1, movespeed 350 -> 320
Gnoll Assassin vision 400 -> 900
Gnoll Assassin poison no longer deals additional damage on hit, only DPS. But slows movespeed by 5%
Gnoll Assassin death time 3 sec -> 10 sec. This should fix when poison not deals damage
Centaur Khan Stomp cooldown 20 -> 12
Small Centaur and small Ursa got Cloak aura, which grants 10% spell resistance for heroes and creepheroes and 20% for non-heroes.
Not stackable. Affected by Break.
Fixed Black Dragon splash working even when attack missed


Shortened some items names:
Scroll of Town Portal -> TP Scroll
Hood of Defiance -> Hood
Khadgar's Pipe of Insight -> Pipe
Nathrezim Buckler -> Buckler
Guardian Greaves -> Greaves
Medallion Of Courage -> Medallion
Headdress Of Rejuvenation -> Headdress
Ancient Tango of Essifation -> Tango

Drunken Brawler -> Drunken Master

Swapped Ring of Regen and Sobi Mask places in side shop


Devour special section

Cooldown 70/60/50/40 -> 70, bonus gold 25/50/75/100 -> 20/80/140/200
Can now be used on units of 3/4/5/6 levels, depends from Devour level

This also means that high-level units will grant less level of ability, e.g. Thunder Clap and Endurance Aura will have only 2 levels since only 3 and 4 levels of Devour can acquire them

***All auras and slow effects, except Purge, updated to be stackable with skills from neutrals***
Necronomicon Aura is also updated to be stackable with neutral's Ursa

Devour can now acquire new Cloak Aura from neutrals, getting 6/8/10/12% magic resistance aura for hero units and doubled amount of 12/16/20/24% for non-hero units

Devoured Purge slow rescaled from 100% to 0% per 5 seconds to per 3.5/4/4.5/5 seconds, speed restores much smoother, tooltip updated for better informing

Rescaled abilities from high-level creeps

Harpy Storm's Chain Lightning and Ogre Magi's Frost Armor unchanged

Polar Furbolg Ursa Champion
Thunder Clap manacost 100/120, damage 120/180, slow 20/30% for 3 seconds
Endurance Aura (attack speed) 12/20%

Satyr Soulstealer
Mana Burn
Cooldown 20/14/8, Manacost 80/95/110, burns 125/175/225 mana, deals same amount of damage as burned mana
//Added passive manabreak ability, burns 15/20/25 mana with 50% burned mana in damage, stackable with other manabreaks

Satyr Hellcaller
8 cooldown, 100 manacost, 175 damage
Unholy Aura
6 hp regeneration

Alpha Wolf
Command Aura 10/14/18/22% -> 8/12/16% damage
Critical Strike 20% for x1.4/x1.6/x1.8/x2.0 damage -> x1.3/x1.45/x1.6 damage

Cobold Taskmaster
Movespeed bonus 9/12/15/18% -> 6/9/12/15%

Forest Troll Priest
Heal unchanged
Brilliance aura bonus 2/3/4/5 mp/sec -> 1.75/2.5/3.25/4.0 mp/sec

Centaur Khan
Stomp 15 cooldown, 105/130 manacost, 80/120 damage, 1.4/1.8 stun

Gnoll Assassin
Poison unchanged

Slow rescaled from 20% for 2/3/4/5 seconds to 15/20/25/30% for 2 seconds and affected by Status Resistance and Break

Enraged Wildkin
Tempest 70 cooldown, DPS in 150 range 40/60, 10/15 in 600 range, AsMs slow 12/20%. Tempest speed 150/200
Tougness Aura 3/4

Dark Troll Warlord
Ensnare 15 cooldown, 600 castrange, 2.25 duration, 85 manacost
Raise Dead 25 cooldown, 40 duration, 425 hp, 6 armor, 32-40 damage, 1.0 Base attack time, 335 movespeed, 20-26 gold bounty, 30 experience bounty

Mud Golem
Hurl Boulder 15/13 cooldown, 110/125 manacost, 125/200 damage, 1.0/1.35 stun
Doom Hatchlings 400/550 hp, 4/6 armor, 46-50/66-72 damage, 325/350 movespeed


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