LoD 6.88e0-6.89t4 Changelog

Greetings everyone, who determined to check whole changelog for this year version leap. Have... patience, i guess?

Our discord: https://discord.gg/nj6RMUN



Even more fixed bug with second appearing hero instead of illusion smh
Again fixed 1-shot bug in specific circumstance
Fixed Illuminate being clickable on units instead of ground, thus sometimes revealing caster when used not to
Fixed Psi Blades splash effect being unaffected by Break
Fixed Homing Missile interaction with spell reflection if original caster is already dead
Fixed Greed statistic display counts total gold for bounty runes instead of only bonus gold
Fixed numbers in Retaliate description (yes, problems become so rare that i can log stuff like this again)
Fixed second Stampede, Haunt sound were not audiable
Fixed Steamrollers and Sleight of Fist behaviour when recasted before ending
Fixed icenix fire spirits debuff visual effect
Fixed Ogre Powa being not displayed as silenced under Break
Fixed Sadist, Warpath and Static Field been displayed silenced under silence, even tho they are passive

Cleaned some trash from map, thus decreased load time


Neutral camps will be shown on minimap as filled every minute even if they got blocked at this spawning instance
Thus it becomes slightly harder for enemies to recognize that something went wrong rather than easily detect wards

Decreased visual size of most buildings to better match their real collision

Added buff indication to:
Reality Rift armor reduction
Cold Embrace
Adaptiveness (illusions has it too)
Ogre Powa (illusions has it too)
Craggy Exterior (illusion has indication but not reflecting effect)

Added visual effects on:
Trample slow
Earth Splitter slow
Reality Rift debuff

Changed Greed Scepter icon


All pure damage bonuses on hit will not be dealt as one damage instance, just like it happens with magical damage (glaives of wisdom, impetus, desolate)
Note 1: this used to fix bug which i could not repeat on test — stealing stats forever with combo of glaive + essence shift
Note 2: there's gonna be more pure damage bonuses, so it's done prematurely
Note 3: there are only 3 abilities left, which reacts on each damage instance independently, so in rare cases this change will make them slightly stronger.


Roshan Bash bonus damage decreased by 20%

Changed CDR effect on Static Field to simply reduce penalty for every affected target but nothing else

Telekinesis Land is no longer doubleclickable nor silensable

Homing Missile can now be cast toward magic immune units (but not affect them)

AoE slightly increased (by 30/20/10/0)
Damage 50/100/150/200 -> 80/120/160/200

Pocket Nuclear Charge
Self damage 100% -> 50%
Now blows even if flight interrupted
Now debuff can be dispeled instantly by on-damage reaction (kraken shell, borrowed time)

DPS 15/35/55/75 -> 18/36/54/72
Charge cooldown 55 -> 50

Speed 600/625/650/675 -> 500/550/600/650
Stun 0.5/0.75/1.0/1.25 -> 0.7/0.9/1.1/1.3

Walrus Punch
Critical damage 280/320/360% -> 280/340/400%
Cooldown 24/18/12 -> 20/16/12
Manacost 80 -> 75

Last Word
Manacost 100/115/130/145 -> 80/95/110/125
Cooldown 17/15/13/11 -> 14/13/12/11

Static Storm cast range 800 -> 800/900/1000

Cold Embrace cooldown 24/21/18/15 -> 20/18/16/14


Using Leaf does no longer interrupt channelings and attack and spell animations

Mask of Madness
Active AS bonus 110 -> 100

Nerubian's Scepter recipe cost decreased by 200

Pipe magic resistance aura 10% -> 12%



Balance off mode updated over some last patches, details below.

Fixed commands "-mute RGC", "-mute rgc", "-mute HOST", "-mute host" not working correctly
Fixed Eul's affecting magic immune enemies
Fixed using Enrage during disabled unit control (e.g. under berserker call) causes ability effect but not sends them on cooldown
Fixed Elder Dragon form damage for illusions
Fixed incorrect cooldown of Laguna Blade (non-upgraded)
Fixed Charge of Darkness loses it's silence on duration of charge if target unit dies to initial charge damage while been in distance closer than 90 at beginning of charge


Phantom Strike, Blink Strike, Reality Rift, Nether Strike  and Nether Swap can no longer be reflected to avoid weird interactions

Nether Swap and Meat Hook does no longer allows to walk freely after draging on cliffs. Stucking on mountains gogo! You have been asking for this "fix" for long time :)

Sticky Napalm passive proc now has 0.3 seconds cooldown, affected by CDR

Divine Intervention (forgotten Chen ulti)
Now also grants hp regeneration bonus to all affected units
24/32/40 hp/sec for 8/9/10 sec (for 192/288/400 hp regenerated in total)
Base heal 250/425/600 -> 200/325/450
Thus total heal per cast before modifiers 250/450/600 -> 392/613/850
Regeneration buff is dispellable

Bounty Hunter Wind Walk -> Thug Walk
Effect on hit changed:
20/25/30/35% MS slow, 20/25/30/35 AS slow, Leash (prevents escaping but not moving)
Debuff duration 4 -> 1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0 sec

God's Strength
Damage bonus 110/135/160% -> 100/125/150%


Martyric Boots damage max transfer 50% -> 55%

Dragon Lance
Attack range bonus 125 -> 100, agi bonus 14 -> 15
Hurricane Pike remains unchanged

Active mana restore 110 -> 100
Hp regenbonus 0.6/0.9/1.2 -> 0.5/1.0/1.5

Damage bonus 2/3/4 -> 2/4/6

Stacking these items has been felt like a waste, so upgrades are changed to give same amount per stack

Mode -sc
Changed to spawn 2 different super creep type to 2 different lanes (strictly, so they will barely intersect each other)
Siege Golem basic hp 2000 -> 3000, MS 300 -> 325 (like lane creeps), attack range 200 -> 250
Scary Fish attack range 200 -> 250, attack point 0.6 -> 0.4, unit size slightly decreased
Ancient Hydra basic hp 4500 -> 3000, MS 310 -> 325 (like lane creeps), poison duration 2 -> 3, unit size slightly decreased
Gold and experience bonuses made equal for each super creep type:
700-800 gold and 400 exp (without growing over time bonuses)

Mode -bo
shortmode "!mode ru5" changed to be -sds6itffbo (like ru1 but with balance off included)

Furion Teleportation allowed to be picked
Reverted from channeling to long cast ability, so not going on cooldown if interrupted and affected by cast speed modifier
Does no longer support doubleclick cast to avoid bugs
Updated to give bonus movement and cast speed for next 3 seconds after successful teleportation
This has no real effect for escaping but helpful in engaging. This speed buff is dispellable.
+20/25/30/35% for both speeds
Is no longer usable before creep spawn, similarly to teleport scroll
Cooldown remains 75/60/45/30, manacost remains 75
Added a couple of visual effects

Laguna Blade can be stacked by similar fashion as before, +15/20/25 damage per kill, -30/40/50 damage per death
If caster dies first in these 3 seconds, not just he will lost twice of bonus damage, but also surviving victim will receive bonus to it's Laguna Blade even if he don't have it (for following reflection or for spell steal)

Reincarnation available
Cooldown 220/170/120 -> 220/160/100
Aghanim Upgrade removed




Fixed Elder Dragon form damage
Fixed Eul's unit targeting
Fixed special model of Mystic Snake

Chat commands

Improved -mute chat command, now supports massive muting, relatively:
"all" or "everyone"
"ally" or "allies"
"enemy" or "enemies"
-mute 0 will no longer mute hostbot
Muting all includes muting host messages

New possibilities to mute host personally are:
For everyone
-mute 12
for RGC:
-mute RGC
-mute rgc
For Atinad and probably others:
-mute HOST
-mute host
Actually any of these commands should work at any platform, just adding them to have obvious texting

Note 1
-unmute has same options, obviously, if whyever you will want to talk with specific badass again
Note 2
You MAY mute or unmute self but only by writing specific number.
Massive muting / unmuting will skip you

BO mode updates
Picking Ball Lightning + Sadist allowed on Mode BO


Manacost 150/100/50 -> 150
Cast range 475 -> 375/475/575

Time Lapse
Manacost 150/100/50 -> 150
Cooldown (upgraded version) 70/55/40 -> 35/27.5/20 -> 50/35/20

Thus there are no spells with decreasable manacost per level left

Concussive Shot
Cooldown 18/16/14/12 -> 15/14/13/12
Manacost 80/85/90/95 -> 80/90/100/110

Ancient Seal
Cooldown 14 -> 12
Bonus magical damage 30/35/40/45% -> 20/25/30/35%
Manacost 80/90/100/110 -> 70/80/90/100

Slightly limited amount of Dispersion visual effects (can be created not more than 10 times per second, similarly to spell lifesteal effects)


Linken's Sphere
Cooldown and ally buff duration 13 -> 12
Recipe cost 1200 -> 900

Rod of Atos and Gleipnir
Root duration 2.0 -> 2.25
Projectile speed 1500 -> 1750

Abyssal Blade
Recipe cost 1550 -> 1500


89t1 (hotfix)

Fixed Arctic Burn debuff stays forever
Fixed Arctic Burn debuff always being lvl 1
Fixed Marksmanship and Elder Dragon form works on melee instant attacks (from new features)
Fixed multiboards says creep "K/N/D" instead of K/D/N" even tho change was reverted

Recoded Arctic burn and Elder Dragon Form for more correct debuff applying
Recoded Feast bonus damage for correct interaction with hp changes
Added warning when picking Melee Forced abilities

Corrosive Skin poisoning does no longer work on illusions (magic resist remains)

Elder Dragon Form
All on attack effects are now completely shutted down by Break: poison, splash, cold (doesnt matter how it was before)

Flesh Golem
No longer has area effect of 275 around enplagued targets
Now additionally affects everyone who attacks Dirge, enplagues them for 3 seconds instead of 6 in this case
Does not affect invulnerable attackers but still pierces magic immunity

Ancient creeps magic resistance 70% -> 50%

Equalised additional weapon stats on Ancient Protectors and Spirit Towers
Tier 1 towers damage +2, Tier 2 towers damage -6 and base attack time +0.02. Difference between them was a bit too high


89t0 (balancing and technical update)

-bo mode updates:
Zeus and Furion ults are pickable together

New feature 1
Forcing attack to be melee or ranged, independent of actual attacker weapon type
Stifling Dagger, Tricks of the Trade, Sleight of Fist and Omnislash attacks changed to be always treated as melee attacks.

New feature 2
In addition to increased spell damage Spell Amplification now affects mana burned from most mana burning and mana draining abilities
Mana Break (Antimage passive, Diffusal and Sublimal blades) is also affected
Note 1: Exception is Nerubian's Scepter which does not burn mana but decreases mana regeneration
Note 2: For abilities which damage depends on amount of burned mana damage is not multiplied twice by SAmp, instead it only multiplies burned mana, and then damage dealt is equal to percentage of burned mana
Note 3: Energy Drain drains slightly more mana from heroes over every tick while draining spell amp
Note 4: Abilities which reduces enemy mana via stealing intelligence are unaffected this way


Recoded ranged illusions damage dealt to avoid inconsistence numbers with polymorphs, thus some small rebalance happens:

Illusion rune
Damage dealt 35% all -> 36% (24% ranged)
Damage taken 200% (300% ranged) -> 250% all

Manta Style
Damage dealt 33% (28% ranged) -> 36% (24% ranged)
Damage taken 300% melee (350% ranged) -> 300% all

Reflection (Terrorblade's 1st)
Duration 3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0 -> 5.0
MS slow 20% -> 12/18/24/30%
Damage dealt 55/70/85/100% all -> 45/66/87/108% melee (30/44/58/74% ranged)
Manacost 75 -> 70/80/90/100

Damage dealt 30/45/60/75% all -> 33/51/69/87% melee, 22/34/46/58% ranged

Wall of Replica
Damage dealt 60/80/100% -> 60/84/108% melee (40/56/72% ranged)

Spirit Lance
Damage dealt 20/25/30/35% -> 21/27/33/39% melee (14/18/22/26% ranged)

Damage dealt 22% (16%) -> 24% (16%)

Phantasm, Mirror Image, Conjure Image, Haunt stays nearly same in result

Other skills

Bulldoze no longer uses special animation for Spirit Cat skin (as it looks weird and out of place)

Double Edge
Attribute requirement changed from Main to Strength
Base damage 120/180/240/300 -> 100/150/200/250
Now grants bonus strength as percentage of caster strength except bonus strength from Double Edge (thus each stack does not multiply other stacks) on moment of cast per every affected
Bonus is provided after initial damage if caster is not dying in process e.g. to damage reflection
Thus initial cast is not affected by bonus, but following casts are
Spell block interaction: still deals self-damage, however does not provide bonus
Spell reflection interaction: reflecting hero receives bonus as well
Dispel interaction: undispellable
Each stack is independent of other
Number on ability displays numerical bonus
Received bonus strength straigtly increases current HP, losing it retains hp percentage
Bonus strength is NOT treated as heal and overlaps False Promise and Ice Blast
Bonus str: 5/6/7/8% per affected enemy hero, 1.0/1.2/1.4/1.6% per creep or illusion. Rounded down after calculating total bonus per cast.
Duration: 18/22/26/30 seconds

Changed to throw victims in opposite direction (behind caster)
Should become nice in combo with other sand king abilities
Cooldown 19/17/15/13 -> 22/20/18/16

Sticky Napalm
Active manacost 18/20/22/24 -> 18/22/26/30
Now has passive component which grants to proc napalm effect when hero receives hit (by not ward unit, similarly to other on-hit effects)
Chance 15%
AoE 375 (normal cast 525)
Affected by Break

Flaming Lasso
Now instantly breaks when dragger uses Fire Jump, doesn't matter distance
Note: "dragger" means unit which carries unit next to it; for secondary target of upgraded Lasso this is primary target

Arctic Burn
No longer has limitation of laying debuffs (renews it's duration on every hit instead of being unable to lay new when old exist)
Debuff duration 5 -> 3
Debuff can now be dispelled

Sun Strike
Damage 175/250/325/400 -> 160/240/320/400
Cooldown 22 -> 20

Meat Hook
Still does not prevent actions while casting
But added channeling time up catching somebody or failing in catch or receiving any action
Thus used to make playing with enabled autoattack more comfortable to keep free acting but not making hero aggroing on anyone around right after cast
Shifted orders will wait for eding condition in this case as well

Ether Shock
Slightly increased seeking range for side targets (by from equal to cast range to +50) and cone angle (from 90 degrees to 90/95/100/105)

Eyes in the Forest
Duration unlimited -> 720/840/960 (12/14/16 minutes)

Become Enraged (both upgraded and non-upgraded) duration increased by 0/0.25/0.5

Stone Gaze angle which is counted as "unit looks at caster" reduced from 85 degrees to 75 degrees

Guardian Angel
Duration 5/6/7 -> 5.0/6.5/8.0
Aghanim does no longer grants +1 second

Cast range 250 -> 300
Tree kill range 300 -> 200, fixed order of actions (firstly kills trees then places tomb)
Cast time 0.5 -> 0.35

Nether Ward
Cast range 250 -> 300
Now kills trees in range of 200 around itself
Cast time 0.5 -> 0.35

Life Break
Does no longer disables unit control for jump duration
Caster will able to use spells and toggle items, but not move, turn or attack

Is no longer disabled by any sort of disable during teleportation delay
Instead cast time increased from 0.01 to 0.5 sec
Teleportation delay decreased by 0.5 sec
Is no longer castable again before returning back from previous cast

MS and AS slow 30% -> 35%
Aghanim upgrade no longer decreases cooldown by joking 10 seconds
Instead it decreases cast time from 2.0 to 1.25

Timewalk heal timer last 2.0 sec -> 2.5 sec

Spit cooldown 16/14/12/10 -> 13/12/11/10

Sonic Wave AoE 100...400 -> 150...300 (the further the wider)

Decay cast time 0.35 -> 0.25
Upgraded version AoE 375 -> 400

Bloodrage does no longer counts as spellcast (similarly to chakra magic and some others without manacost or healthcost)

Alacrity cast range 650 -> 1000

Infernals vision day/night 1800/1800 -> 1200/900

Retaliate base damage slightly increased

Greater Bash cooldown 1.35 -> 1.0

Energy Drain
Spell Amp modifier duration after end of link 15 -> 20 (before victim's status resistance modifier)

Shadow Wave cooldown 9/8/7/6 -> 8/7/6/5

True Form now grants bonus max health and retains same health percentage (means it's stronger if used at higher hp)

Goblin's Greed does no longer provide gold for bounty runes if hero is under Break or dead

Geostrike, Poison Sting, Orb of Venom are no longer usable by illusions

Battery Assault is now treated as disable

Sanity's Eclipse
Cast Time 0.4 -> 0.35
Now deals damage to non-hero units if they have manapool, enemy main attribute is treated as equal to 0 in this case

Nerubian manaburn manacost 100 -> 80/95/110/125

Glaives of Wisdom
Int Steal 1/1/2/3 -> 1/2/3/4
Steal duration 20/40/45/50 -> 30/40/50/60 (before status resistance multiplier)

Mud Golem and Shard Golem Hurl Boulder cooldown 30 -> 20
Doom Hatchling Hurl Boulder cooldown 30 -> 24/20/16/12, stun 0.6 -> 0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2, damage 125 -> 60/90/120/150


TP Scroll upgrade 2 now also reduces teleportation delay from 3.0 to 2.5

Changed rules for Sange, Yasha, Kaya and their upgrades stacking:
Status resistance: Stacks from Halberd with other sange combos. Sange grants bonus only if no other sange-based items exist.
Movement speed: Stacks from Manta + any other yasha-based item, including base Yasha.
Spell Amplification and Spell Lifesteal: Stacks from Bloodstone with other Kaya-based upgrades. Kaya grants bonus only if no other kaya-based items exist.

Attack damage bonus 65 -> 60
Blinding aura 17% -> 10%
Now grants 15% evasion for carrier (stacks with blinding aura for 23.5% miss chance in total)

Shadow Amulet buff is now dispelable, as one of it's upgrades (glimmer's cape) buff is dispellable, so it won't become "worse" after upgrade in this case.

Dust of Appearance cooldown 0.5 -> 3
Affected by CDR again

Drum of Endurance cooldown 45 -> 40
Heart of Tarrasque cooldown 45 -> 40, active status resistance 15% -> 25%
Nerubian's Scepter aura status resistance debuff -12% -> -18%

Eye of Skadi bonus attributes 25 -> 22
Nullifier projectile speed 900 -> 1200

Solar Crest recipe cost 900 -> 750, MS modifier 10% -> 12%
Assault Cuirass recipe cost 1300 -> 1200, aura armor modifier +- 5 -> +-4
Desolator armor reduction 6 -> 5
Penetrator armor reduction 9 -> 8

Energy Booster cost 900 -> 1050
Vitality Booster cost 1050 -> 900
Soul Booster Total cost (TC) unchanged
Bloodstone TC unchanged
Lens TC +50
Octarine TC +50
Vanguard TC -50
Crimson Guard TC -50
Abyssal Blade TC -50
Lotus TC -150
Greaves TC unchanged
3 other tier 3 boots TC -150


Fixed one of crash reasons
Fixed -disablehelp says wrong ally names for Scourge players. It worked correctly, just wrong game message (Reported by MetakaRU)
Fixed Flaming Lasso catches units which it not supposed to catch (reported by memes)
Fixed remodelling Doom Hatchlings in set been applied incorrectly (only for lvl 1 Devour)
Fixed some damage instances being able to turn off dagger of invulnerable units even if they are not supposed to
Fixed Meat Hook small bug (Reported by Taheni, idc1)
Fixed Meat Hook making it's caster unrootable (Reported by Vit9ka, MetakaRU)
Fixed Eyes in the Forest been immune to true sight (Their hpbar is visible again )
Fixed Lycanthrope having 1800 night vision instead of 900, shapeshift form stays 1800 (Reported by recklessrussian)
Fixed Homing Missile retargeting on units it used to not affect sometimes (reported by plenty of peoples, lul)
Fixed ice qop skin attack projectile (Reported by v3n0m)
Fixed Raise Dead healing projectile and Centaur Archer arrow been invisible
Fixed Static Link transparency depending on distance
Fixed Ignite and Liquid Fire not applies around target if it dies while projectile flies (Reported by LHTW)
Fixed Meld applies it's debuff and shows numbers even if attack missed to blind or evasion
Fixed Ghost Forms not protecting from physical damage in specific cases
Fixed all (i suppose?) fucking possibilities to get second hero transformed from illusion due to rare bug. First was happening mostly with Juxtapose, but it happened to have this happenning in other cases as well.
Fixed "owning" sound appearing at suicides and teamkills
Fixed level 3 Firestomp been unusable (Reason found by I3omb)
Fixed Fortune's End affects magic immune main target (thx random bolivian for using it)
Fixed (i hope) some neutral camps alt-hightlight been not accurate
Fixed Winter's Curse hero kill tracking
Fixed Illuminate deals 0 damage until charged up to full (Reported by Pnt.)
Fixed Life Drain and Energy Drain visibility in fog of war
Fixed (?) Split Shot and Flak Cannon deals full damage during Sleight of Fist, Tricks of the Trade, Focus Fire and by Stifling Dagger (fuck these total attack damage % modifiers, i swear)
Fixed Berserker's Rage rooting possibility been not removed on death
Fixed Geminate Attack works for illusions
Fixed TP Scroll alt-click info been not renewed at all until reselecting unit while advanced stats icon is disabled in config
Fixed (?) hero been able to learn 2 skills at one level in rare cases
Fixed incorrect values for Mekansm and Greaves hpreg auras, Fade Bolt damage reduction
Fixed Telekinesis Land having wrong icon position
Fixed Captain Pudge skin rotting heap visual effect acting incorrectly when hero silenced
Fixed Searing Chains provides vision for incorrect player sometimes (thx Taheni, LHTW)
Fixed Gem disappears when carrier dies on impassable terrain (reported by Taheni)
Fixed wrong block/reflection of upgraded Flaming Lasso (thx Pnt.)
Fixed Fire Jump still having wrong icon position


89s3 (yet another hotfix)

Whirling Death damage 90/120/150/180 -> 75/110/145/180, basic attributes reduction 11/12/13/14% -> 10/11/12/13%
Sun Strike damage to every unit in radius Dmg/Count -> Dmg/SquareRoot(UnitsCount) (higher if hits more than 1 unit)
Consume Gem cost 700 -> 500

Small updates
Charge of Darkness no longer applies disarm on caster (he cannot shoot during charge anyway, as he's in channeling state)
Tricks of the Trade animation improved to better match attack instances, also animation does not play if caster is disarmed (cannot attack)

Fixed mode -ar malfunction (caused by previosly made fix of Juxtapose doubling heroes, lul)
Fixed Bottle of other owner disappears when picking up runes
Fixed Nerubian Scepter auras (+manareg, -status resist) not working (they checks for veil of discord in hero instead of scepter, actually you may make them working by obtaining another Veil before picking up Scepter)
Fixed Obsidian Destroyer model portrait having incorrect positioning
Fixed Spin Web buff icon
Fixed Antimage and Death Ward from sets having incorrect portraits, Death Ward having no birth sound
Fixed Blade Fury model of first Juggernaut set, no longer has animation delay on cast, and thus can be used
Fixed Blade Fury from second Juggernaut set having no sound and reveals caster position in fog even if he is not visible

89s2 (another hotfix)


Hero is no longer hasted to 522 MS
Instead grants 35/50/65/80% bonus movement speed
Thus he can be slowed
Duration 3.0 -> 3.25
Damage on pass 75/100/125/150 -> 70/105/140/175

The Butterfly
Attack speed bonus 30 -> 25 (it was already 25 actually, but had wrong tooltip)
Now grants +25% turn speed in addition

Phase Boots and Steamrollers now grants +35% turn rate actively in addition

Fixed Charge of Darkness running out of groups
Fixed Charge of Darkness malfunction
Fixed Geminate Attack, TP scroll 1 and 2 consumed, gifted bottles icons
Fixed Pink Spectre model
Fixed invises bonus damage and effects been not removed properly when hits ward or building

Fixed another wc3 bug which caused useless loops in counting so slightly improved performance (thx Dracol1ch)



Tricks of the Trade
Cooldown 21/18/15/12 -> 18/16/14/12
Max hits amount 4 -> 3/4/5/6
Hits frequency 0.66 -> 0.5, but first hit is now delayed by 0.5 sec instead of being instant
Manacost 50/55/60/65 -> 50/60/70/80
Damage penalty per hit 30/20/10/0% -> 25%
Cast time 0.3 -> 0.25

Sand Storm AoE 425/500/575/650 -> 500/550/600/650

Penitence projectile speed 1400 -> 2000


Fixed -sets chat command
Fixed some sammy faces and green icon on Greaves aura
Fixed Laguna Blade always uses donated model
Fixed Counter Helix animation ben to slow / long
Fixed Break being applied in incorrect order sometimes
Fixed (?) weird hero behaviour after multiple changes in attack range bonus
Fixed Charge of Darkness not affects units around if casted too close to main target
Fixed Pounce breaks flying state counter in case of dying in middle of jump
Fixed Spirit Lance slows attackspeed instead of movespeed
Fixed Midnight Pulse visual effect ends after first second
Fixed War Terror cooldown display still been slightly incorrect after cast with 0 charges left
Fixed Storm Spirit death animation
A couple more small fixes


Skins & technical difficulties

Added all new skins, except for Boatless Void and Real Night Stalker (just now, these 2 will be available later)
Updated all effects on already existed skins to match their specific effects
So all skin sets will be available and fully functioning since next patch, except Monkey King, of course:

Repaired / restored map archive, shouldn't randomly lose files anymore
Also cleaned some trash, so reduced map size
Some files could've been lost during repairing, so please, in case of lacking some icons (green icon) or units/effect models report immediately

Mods & Chat commands

Taverns of leavers at pick stage will no longer available for picking from them (not created / removed instantly, depending on game stage)

Added chat command -sets, which displays total sets obtained by player
Added test chat command "-turn xx" where xx is real number between minus infinity and infinity

Shortmode -ru13 changed to -sds6itsc as previous had unused mode inside anyway (-ls on 1 tavern draft has been making no difference)

Mode -om (mostly played like ardmom) now requires only 2 barracks to be destroyed to spawn megacreeps

-disablehelp # now works against (allied spell only ofc) :
— Denying units at or below 50% hp by selected ally
— Supernova (however, unlike other disablehelped spells, it still works to not suddenly but only on self in case of disabled help
— Decrepify

Testmode -aa / -sa commands now triggers "Ability Learned" event of appropriate level

Game messages & Visuals

Updated text about "Allies" and "Roshan" respawns

Own recipes can now be alt-highlighted just like all other items

TP Scroll alt-click now shows actual level of ability. To shorten message it says in number:
lvl 1 for non-upgraded
lvl 2 for first TP upgrade
lvl 3 for second TP upgrade

Some more units does no longer trigger hightlight "unit attacked": Swarm beetles, Supernova Sun, Ignis Fatuus, Homing Missile

Multiboard now displays bought Dusts separately and Gems in addition to Wards

Gifting Aghanim now creates visual effect similar to gifting Moonshard

Technical updates

Skills may now be learned / leveled up under any disables!

Recoded bonus attack ranges, should not bug anyhow anymore

Recoded Bloodstone manareg, now works for spirit bear and illusions

Recoded Demonic Purge slow, thus no default "purge" type ability slows left in game

Tree Of Life / Frozen Throne (which one survived) now instantly turns invulnerable when game ends to prevent megarare (maybe 1/30000 games) cases when both dies at same second

Updated (mostly increased) cast range of Impales (Lion, Nerub), all shockwave-type and some skillshot-type spells, so they will match effective range of spell including it's effect radius
Note: only CAST ranges updates, not actual effect ranges
Full list:
Impale (Lion), Impale (Nerub), Dragon Slave, Carrion Swarm, Dual Breathe, Breathe Fire, Spit, Shockwave (magnus), Shockwave (neutral satyr when captured), Shockwave (Doom), Poison Touch, Sonic Wave, Illuminate, Meat Hook, Elune's Arrow, Hookshot, Fissure

Hood, Pipe and Flame Guard damage block now works in certain order instead of consuming all shields at once:
Hood and Pipe shields works depending on time when shield was layed, so oldest always protects first, Flame Guard always receives damage after them but before Raindrop
Hood and Pipe now shares cooldown
Raindrop block priority moved higher than these shields

Slightly rearranged damage bonuses order:
Damage penalty (stifling dagger, tricks of the trade) takes into account Marksmanship and Manabreaks dmg bonus
Critical strike is now displayed after adding Marksmanship and Manabreaks dmg bonus

Melee heroes bonus attack range against wards 150 -> 165

Psi Blades and Accurate Shot are no longer restricted for melee only, works correctly for melee heroes (not provides bonus range, only additional effects
Fix of interaction was needed for Spell Steal + these ranges anyway + polymorphs combo anyway
So now they can be picked most likely with melee polymorphs, surely still not recommended to be picked with just melee hero as bonus range will have no effect

Telekinesis Land now always deletes information about previous landing
While unit flies into target point, pointer is moved to this point if it's further



Elune's Arrow, Meat Hook, Hookshot, Powershot, Timber Chain:
Now spawns slightly in front of caster instead of right at his place and effectively avoiding hitting units behind
Small fixes about their effective distance
Slightly increased Elune's Arrow bonus damage based on distance
Slightly increased Powershot tree kill radius
Meat Hook distance is now exactly equal to written at every level (it was rounded to 36.25 instead of to 25)
Meat Hook now stops instantly when caster dies
Meat Hook no longer prevents caster from moving till hook beginning backdragging
Fixed Meat Hook bonus cast range was applied slightly incorrectly
Timber Chain cooldown 4 -> 5.5/5.0/4.5/4.0

Tidebringer cooldown 14/11/8/5 -> 13/10/7/4 (numbers on tooltip were slightly incorrect btw)
Great Cleave cleave distance 700 -> 600, cleave percentage 25/45/65/85 -> 24/41/58/75
Empower cleave distance 650 -> 550, cleave percentage 15/30/45/60 -> 14/26/38/50
Battle Fury cleave distance 650 -> 550, percentage 60 -> 50
Infernal Blade cooldown 14/11/8/5 -> 10/8/6/4, manacost 40 -> 35

Energy Drain, Arcane Curse and Sand Storm negative spell amplification is no longer affected by Status Resistance again
Battle Hunger negative damage is no longer affected by Status Resistance

Spiked Carapace
Changed again, no longer grants bonus armorand magic resistance, instead it protects from any kind of damage from enemies (not hpremoval)
Carapace receives 56/64/72/80% of damage instead of carrier, and when it protects for up to X damage, it cracks with same effect as before
Means that while hero receives only 20% damage it's carapace receives 80%, thus it may crack very soon
Duration 5/6/7/8 -> 6/7/8/9
Maximum flat shield capacity slightly reduced (by 20%)
Damage protection priority is ~average (after Ghost Ship and before Mana Shield)
Main difference from previous: damage protection is stronger, more likely cracks soon and thus applies full possible damage

Can now be casted during wind walks
This does not change much in revealing time but allows to hit from invis with using this WW's special effect on target enemy
As side-effect this will allow to cancel linken's from WW by Omnislash, which is only difference in actual WW revealing
Chance to change target while it stays nearby 50% -> 33%

Mass Serpent Ward
Attack damage 25/40/55 -> 28/46/64
Aghanim's possible bonuses changed to:
+1 target, +35 attack speed, +2 hp
It's still 1 of 3 random bonuses at each cast

Thundergod's Wrath
Damage 250/350/450 (350/500/650) -> 300/400/500 (400/500/600)
Manacost 250/375/500 -> 300/400/500
Cooldown 90 -> 120
Aghanim upgrade now also increases reveal duration from 3 to 6 seconds

Stun duration 0.2 -> 0.25
Stun frequency 0.3 -> 0.35
Thus window between stuns stays same (at lvl 4) but stun duration "on place" becomes longer
AoE 325/350/375/400 -> 335/360/385/410
Damage 70/140/210/280 -> 90/155/220/285
Cooldown 20/18/16/14 -> 19/17/15/13
Manacost 120/130/140/150 -> 105/120/135/150

Craggy Exterior
Does no longer grant bonus armor
Damage dealt 40/60/80/100 -> 40/60/80/100 + 30/45/60/75% of damage dealt (before reductions) as magical damage
So difference from Blademail reflection is in type (BM reflects damage of same type to any sources, Craggy deals Magical damage always but only against attacks)
Note: Don't forget that Siege Golem in -sc mode has Craggy now

Poison Attack (Viper 1st) reworked
Now deals DPS and reduces victim's movement speed and magic resistance
Lays stackable debuff up to 4 times
Each stack increases DPS to 4/8/12/16 per levels
Each stack reduced movement speed by 6/8/10/12%
Each stack reduces magic resistance by 4/6/8/10%
Dispell removes all stacks at once
Manacost decreased to 18/20/22/24

Neurotoxin changed
Does no longer increase spell damage taken by enemies
Still applies Break
DPS 30/45/60/75

Magnetic Field
Manacost 120 -> 90/100/110/120
Pushing enemies speed 60/75/90/105 -> 80/100/120/140

Whirling Death
Damage bonus per tree 12/18/24/30 -> 10/15/20/25
Main attribute drain 12/13/14/15% -> 10/11/12/13% (stays +1% per cut tree)

Rebalanced to be always charged up to 3 seconds (longer at lvls 1-2, faster at lvls 3-4)
Max dmg decreased to 180/270/360/450
Visual effect now becomes brighter depending on channeling time (53%...100%)

Cooldown 8 -> 10/9/8
Damage per touch decreased by 20 (by 25 with aghanim)

Dark Pact
Effect delay 1.5 sec -> 1.2 sec
Self damage 50% -> 33%
Manacost 55/50/45/40 -> 75

Flaming Lasso
Max speed allowed to not break Lasso 30 000 -> 12 500
Catches and drags second target closer to first (450 -> 300)
Now will catch creeps if cannot find heroes, illusions or creepheroes around main target

Homing Missile
Cooldown 20/17/14/11 -> 19/16/13/10
Missile HP 3/3/4/5 -> 3
Note: it seems to be nearly unkillable most of the time after being made unattackable by towers, so HP has been reduced

Enchant Totem does no longer grant true strike on hit
Instead it grants bonus attack range of 75
Cooldown 5 -> 6
Manacost 52/60/68/76 -> 30/38/46/54

Attribute Shift
Now renews it's exchanging rate instantly when leveled up while active instead of requiring restarting it
Attributes exchanging rate 1/4/10/20 -> 1/3/7/15
Bonus agility per ability level 3/4/5/6 -> 2/3/4/5 (total 3/7/12/18 -> 2/5/9/14)

Frost Shield
Cooldown 30/25/20/15 -> 24/21/18/15
Manacost 100/110/120/130 -> 90/105/120/135

Damage per tick 30/55/80/105 -> 35/60/85/110
Stun per tick 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0 -> 0.35/0.6/0.85/1.1

Cooldown 15 -> 14
Victim's max hp as magical dps 1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5% -> 1.2/1.8/2.4/3.0%
Cast Time 0.35 -> 0.3

Pit of Malice
Cooldown 25/22/19/16 -> 22/20/18/16
Can now catch same unit more often (delay 3.6 -> 3.4 sec)
Cast Time 0.35 -> 0.3

Damage per main attribute 80/120/160% -> 65/100/135%
Turn Rate slow 30/40/50% -> 34/50/66%

Cooldown 14/13/12/11 -> 13/12/11/10
Cast range 500/600/700/800 -> 575/650/725/800
Base damage per tick increased by 1
Damage bonus per unit up to 50% (hero/ancient) / 25% (creep) -> 60% / 30%
(Small adjustments before another rework)

Manacost 125 -> 105/120/135/150
Cooldown 28/26/24/22 -> 26/24/22/20
Burned mana into damage 60% -> 75%
Mana steal from heroes 50% -> 60%

Shuriken Toss changed to jump to furthest possible target in radius
Next target seeking distance 400 -> 500
Jumps amount 0/1/2/3 -> 1/2/3/4
Damage rebalanced

Now launches it's first attack instantly upon cast (thus total attacks amount increased by 1)
Corpse Explosion effect AoE 250 -> 275
Armor debuff duration 2.5 -> 3

Wild Axes
Now increases all damage taken from owner's units (again) instead of attack damage only
Debuff is now layed before damaging instance, effectively inreases each axe's damage instantly
Debuff is no longer layed on magic immune units, but damage pierces
Bonus damage 12/16/20/24% -> 9/12/15/18%
Each axe damage decerased by 5

Greater Bash
Chance 17% -> 20% (14% ranged), cooldown 1.5 -> 1.35
Movespeed into damage 12/24/36/48% -> 15/25/35/45% (affects other greaterbashing abilities too)

Cooldown 19/17/15/13 -> 18/16/14/12
Max unit throw range 350/375/400/425 -> 325/370/415/460

Fade Bolt
Cooldown 9 -> 8
Manacost 110/120/130/140 -> 90/105/120/135
Damage fall per jump 8% -> 6%
Attack damage reduction 10/18/26/34% -> 14/20/26/32%

Spell Steal non-upgraded cast range increaased by 50
Thus it turns to be 950/1100/1250, while for upgraded  1100/1250/1400

Echo Slam now echos twice from ancients in addition to heroes
Which is just a bit of heads up in Roshan fights or catching enemy on ancient camp or countering some specific summoners / Overlord carriers

Sticky Napalm
Now increases any damage (both attack and spell) received from Napalm caster insead of increasing spell damage received from any source
AoE 500 -> 525
Cooldown 2.5 -> 2.25
Damage bonus slightly increased:
Old 4.5/6.0/7.5/9.0% basic + 1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0% per stack
New 5.4/7.2/9.0/10.8% basic + 1.8/2.4/3.0/3.6% per stack
Thus max damage bonus 30% -> 36%

Dark Ascension
MS bonus 20/30/40% -> 22/30/38%
AS bonus 40/80/120 -> 45/80/115

Viscous Nasal Goo
Now affects all enemies around main target in radius of 300 with individual counter on each.
Manacost 12/16/20/24 -> 20/24/28/32

Quill Spray AoE 700 -> 650

Flame Guard does no longer protect from self-inflicted damage, effectively makes it useful in certain combos

Astral Imprisonment and Disruption will now pause illusions lifetime for duration

Requiem of Souls does no longer aggroes Roshan (does not spell lifesteal from it too, however)

Whirling Axes now affects Roshan

Primal Split changed that if it will be summoned near towers or creeps, Earth will be focused first instead of Fire

Spirit Lance illusion damage 20% -> 20/25/30/35%

Dream Coil does no longer stuns invulnerable units

Static Storm moving speed increased by 25%

Cold Snap can now be dispelled

War Terror max charges 3 -> 2, charge cooldown dcecreased by 5 sec

Chakra Magic now counts as dummy ability (does not react on spellcast events) like other abilities without manacost or healthcost

Degen Aura now slows turn rate (TR) instead of cast rate, MS slow persist. AoE 375 -> 350.

Accurate Shot slow rescaled
100% MS, 100 AS for 0.35/0.45/0.55/0.65 sec -> 50/60/70/80% MS, 75/90/105/120 AS for 0.5 sec

Timewalk does no longer heal from self-inflicted damage

Smoke Screen now also slows victims movement speed by 11/14/17/20%

Jinada Gold steal 16/24/32/40 -> 16/24/32/40 + 1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5% of victim's unreliable gold
Note: unreliable gold is difference between total and reliable gold (displayed on string in topright corner)

Heat-Seeking missiles and Concussive Shot are no longer castable if no possible targets around to not waste spell (as unlike most of spells, they affects only visible units, so no need to worry about invisible units, idk how to explain)

Forged Spirits duration and cooldown increased by 5 seconds (from 35 / 25 to 40 / 30)

Eidolons and Zombies does not prolong their own lifetime by 2 seconds as well as these 2 bonus seconds not granted to newly spawned units

Lightning Storm slow duration 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0 -> 0.55/0.7/0.85/1.0

Atrophy Aura bonus dmg duration increased by 5 seconds but damage bonus per died unit decreased by 1

Sadist hero death bonus multiplier 6 -> 5 (same as at Atrophy Aura)

Feral Impulse
Damage bonus 12/22/32/42% -> 13/22/31/40%
Regen bonus 2/4/6/8 -> 1.5/3.0/4.5/6.0

Wolven Howl AoE 900 -> 1200

Warcry AoE 900 -> 1200

Static Field AoE 950 -> 1000

Rotting Heap caster's max HP as bonus DPS 0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0% -> 0.75/1.5/2.25/3.0%

Starfall second star seek AoE 425 -> 475

Plasma Field
Fixed damage dealt being much less than intended
MS slow duration and efficiency slightly increased

Radius 175 -> 200
Duration per unit 1.1/1.4/1.7/2.0 -> 1.2/1.6/2.0/2.4

Power Cog
Damage 80/120/160/200 -> 100/150/200/250
Manaburn stays same 80/120/160/200

Rocket Flare
AoE 420/480/540/600 -> 575
Reveal duration increased by 1 sec

Cold Embrace can now be used on invulnerable units

Crystal Nova damage 100/150/200/250 -> 90/150/210/270

Glimpse now deals small magical damage upon returning, equal to 60/90/120/150

Enfeeble resistances modifier 12/18/24/30% -> 14/21/28/35%

Golbin's Greed stack duration 20/24/28/32 sec -> 20/23/26/29 sec

Divine Intervention manacost 250/350/450 -> 200/300/400

Fervor now procs in successful beginning of attack (looks way more logical for ranged attackers), however this means that stacks wil be received when attack misses
AS bonus per hit decreased by 1 to compensate

Mana Burn (all 3: nerub, doom, neutral) cast range 600 -> 625

Breathe Fire attack damage reduction 20% -> 17/24/31/38%

Crippling Fear duration at daytime 3.0 -> 3.0/3.3/3.6/3.9 (stays 4/5/6/7 at night)

Kinetic Field is no longer treated as Disable

Reverse Polarity returned to other ability basis, which will cancel non-shifted orders after cast (autoattacking instantly after catching enemies, as it mostly used to catchand hit, and not move after)
Same done with Ancient Seal according to experience of using it

Removed 0.05 sec effect delay on Laguna Blade and Finger of Death


Sniper and Gyrocopter projectile speed 2500 -> 2000

Couriers no longer grants vision near Roshan
Courier Shield duration 2 -> 3
Demonic Purge is no longer castable on couriers

Smoke of Deceit will no longer be wasted by courier if there is no possible targets around

Not that beggar Todd has grown, and now he's Definitely not beggar Todd
His height increased by ~6%

Watchers sight distance 1000 / 1000 day/night -> 1200 / 900

Thunder Lizard Chief attack damage increased by 4.5, Slam damage by 25, AoE by 50 (can now affect enemies inside of it's attack range)
Manapool 450 -> 375, base manareg 1 -> 3

Sasquatch Shaman attack range 200 -> 225 (melee)

Neutral Ghost attack rate 1.0 -> 1.35, average damage per hit 29 -> 35 (less dps total), slow duration 2 -> 3
Fel Beast damage 16-17 -> 18-20 to compensate camp dps



Rune of Invisibility recoded, now acts like Wind Walk:
— Reveals caster when attack animation or cast animation finishes instead of beginning of attack or cast animation
— Allows casting spells which can be used during Wind Walks
— Allows to pass through units
— No longer dispellable
— Duration and fade time stays the same: 45 and 2 seconds accordingly
— Overrides and becomes overrided by other Wind Walks, so take care of autoactivating it from Bottle during other WWS, especially Vendetta
— Will not be used automatically if user is stunned or inventory is muted, but this was already correct for all bottled runes

Gem of True Sight can now be consumed
This action requires just a 700 gold "recipe", which can be found near consumable Aghanim in Black Market
However it has some drawbacks:
1) Consumed Gem provides less AoE detection than normal Gem
2) It will drop on death in form of normal Gem, thus requires to consume it again and so spend gold
3) It cannot be droped prematurely
4) Consumed version counts as 1600 gold in player's Nethworth, thus grants additional bounty per kill

Gem of True Sight's last carrier is now always counts as it's owner
Gem of True Sight now provides small area vision and true sight around itself for last owner when dropped on ground (AoE 300, type Ground)

Veil of Discord got an upgrade
Nerubian's Scepter of Divergence
Mystic Staff + Veil of Discord + Recipe (875) for total 5200 gold
+35 Intelligence
+5 Strength
+5 Agility
+4.0 MP reg aura (allies)
-12% Status Resistance aura (enemies)
Active: Havoc
Cooldown 25, duration 16, cast range 1000, AoE 600 (are are same as on Veil of Discord)
Manacost 100
Increases spell damage taken by affected enemies by 25%
Affected enemies loses 25 mana per second (up to 400 over normal duration without Status Resistance duration modifier and if not dispelled)
Shares cooldown with Veil of Discord
Overlaps Veil's debuff of 18%
Negative auras does not affect magic immune enemies
Without other sources of status resistance enemy which has been in radius of aura before laying debuff will be debuffed for 17.92 seconds and thus lose 448 mana in total
Credits for visual effect: Vinz

Heart of Tarrasque got new recipe and bonuses
Moved to Portos's shop
Shortly it provides less toughness but grants usability for teammates as well as grants an upgrade for Drum
Reaver + Drum of Endurance + Ring of Health = Heart of Tarrasque, total cost 5675 -> 5275
+35 Strength (down from 45)
+5 Agility
+5 Intelligence
+66% MP Regen
+30 MS
+1.2% HP Regen
Active: Heartbeat
Retains Drum active bonuses (45 AS, 13% MS) and also grants +15% Status REsistance to all affected units in 1200 radius
Duration is 9 seconds compared to drum's 6 seconds
Cooldown 45, manacost 90 (Drum stays 60)
These bonuses are given via 2 different buffs (uses drum and heart icons), thus they will work correctly with other drum's active
Both buffs are completely dispelable by enemy
Heart of Tarrasque and Drum of Endurance can now be cast during channelings

Removed damage delay of 0.05 sec
Rebalanced to have 4 levels instead of 5 but grow more effectively
Recipe cost 1300 -> 1400 (max upgrades cost 7950 -> 7050)
Damage 400/500/600/700/800 -> 425/550/675/800
Cast time 0.37/0.34/0.31/0.28/0.25 -> 0.4/0.35/0.3/0.25
Cast range 600/650/700/750/800 -> 575/650/725/800
Manacost 120/140/160/180/200 -> 130/170/210/250
Strength and Agility bonus 6/8/10/12/14 -> 6/8/10/12
Intelligence bonus 14/16/18/20/22 -> 16/19/22/25

Can now stack up to 3 times in inventory, uses different icons and names for each stack:
1) Fresh Mango 2) Delicious Mango 3) Enchanted Mango
Purchase cost 70 -> 75
HP Regen bonus 0.6 -> 0.6/0.9/1.2
Active cooldown 0 -> 5
Can no longer be consumed through courier

Faerie Fire
Can now stack up to 3 times in inventory, uses different icons and names for each stack:
1) Thorny Leaf 2) Plantago Leaf 3) Faerie Leaf
Damage bonus 2 -> 2/3/4

Make sure to check their descriptions!

Can now be cast during wind walks
Initial charges 14 -> 10, Spell amp per charge 0.35% -> 0.5%
Thus initial Spell amp bonus 4.9% -> 5.0%, initial MP Reg per second 7 -> 5
Active cooldown 85 -> 80

Corrosive Pendant
All attributes bonus 3 -> 2
Armor debuff duration 7 -> 5
Recipe cost 220 -> 200 (total 950 -> 930)

Cost 1100 -> 1250
Proc chance 30 -> 25
Proc damage 100 -> 125

Monkey King Bar bonus damage 40 -> 45

Phase Boots and Steamrollers active MS bonus 20/13% -> 21/14%
Steamrollers duration 3.0 -> 3.2, damage AoE increased to 350

Mjollnir recipe cost decreased by 100, so total mjollnir cost increased by 50

Rod of Atos recipe cost decreased by 50, gleipnir recipe cost decreased by 50, so total gleipnir cost increased by 50

Quelling Blade and Battle Fury cast range increased by 25, AoE by 5

Octarine Core CDR bonus 25% -> 20%

Shadow Amulet duration 3 -> 4

Holy Beads hp and mp recharge per missing point 0.7% -> 0.6%

Dragon Lance attack range bonus 140 -> 125
Hurricane Pike attack range bonus 140 -> 150

Helm of the Dominator manacost 75 -> 120
Helm of the Overlord manacost 100 -> 150
Gleipnir manacost 200 -> 150



Fixed Santa Hat uses team color sometimes, should not change it's color
Fixed 0x15C error on hero respawn when hero dies to Nether Ward or Last Word damage when casting Rage or Blade Fury
Fixed The World Fur Tree not having portrait and effect attachpoints (e.g. for Glyph)
Fixed default config.lod contained disabled DoubleClickHelper instead of enabled
Fixed creeps behaves unproperly at spawn (doubled collision operating, was using old function, don't ask, lul)
Fixed unit tinting still goes incorrectly in rare cases
Fixed Fortune's End buggy behaviour
Fixed Telekinesis Land dummy unit being controllable sometimes
Fixed Tidebringer deals insane damage in rare cases
Fixed some items counts as "spellcast" for exceptional cases (e.g. fiery soul, static field, last word)
Fixed some things which are not supposed to block neutral camps still does this
Fixed Naga Ensnare and sniper Assassinate being usable on couriers
Fixed Bear Form not provides bonus hp under Ice Blast
Fixed Geostrike attempting to damage & applies it's visual effect under invulnerable targets
Fixed Poison Sting (venom 2 3, orb of venom) damages invulnerable targets
Fixed displayed total dead time on statistic multiboard, now counts buybacks
Fixed Homing Missiles not retargets on non-hero-like units as intended
Fixed Flaming Lasso has doubled visual effect on victim
Fixed Death Ward disappearing on any other spellcast during Death Ward channeling even if spell used to not interrupt channelings
Fixed Rotting Heap still displays "+x hp" text even when total bonus stays below 0 (visual only)
Fixed Helm of the Dominator and Helm of the Overlord being uncastable on rooted units
Fixed some neutral creeps projectiles were not marked as "homing"
Fixed Arcane Curse not affects Ancients (not follows target visually)
Fixed Paralyzing cask hits by 1 target less than intended
Fixed Primal Split Storm being able to attack supernova / willowisp (these used to be attackable only by heroes)
Fixed Focus Fire still not worked sometimes when attack is on cooldown (on attack range close to max)
Fixed (finally) some Exorcism spirits dying after long ranged teleportation
Fixed Epicenter and Requiem of souls visual effects ends in case of casting non-interrupting spell during channeling instead finishing only appropriate spell
Fixed Epicenter AoE being not increased as it was said in previous patches
Fixed Blink AM visual effect interaction with cancelling blink. Both AM and QoP blinks now creates their visual effeects at blinking moment instead of beginning of cast
Fixed Overwhelming Odds attempts to damage magic immune units
Fixed Unstable Concoction actually affecting invulnerable or magic immune main target
Fixed Mass Serpent Wards trying to attack Homing Missile by it's second attack
Fixed Breathe Fire always reduces damage by 20% instead of growing per level
Fixed Land Mines being set always not visible for owner and his allies instead of always visible without straing vision on them
Fixed Voodoo Restoration sometimes can begin draining mana forever, prevented similar problems for Rotting Heap and Pulse Nova just in case
Fixed doubleclicking on these abilities will not make them instantly turns them off
Fixed Searing Arrows working against couriers
Fixed Fervor not changes bonus when attacking wards
Fixed Shuriken Toss jumps not to closest victim to previous target, has been feeling like semi-random
Fixed Shuriken Toss dealing slightly incorrect damage amount
Fixed Supernova affecting invulnerable allies (still can be cast on invulnerable self and ordered on invulnerable ally, but if ally will be still invulnerable at end of cast point, he will be not affected)
Fixed Dragon Lance provides 14 str and 12 agi instead of vise versa
Fixed Juxtapose creates by 1 less illusion than intended
Fixed Flak Cannon still loses it's charges indicator completely after ending of buff
Fixed Scorched Earth reveals carrier in fog by red light
Fixed HP Removal damage not kills very low max hp units
Fixed Primal Split Fire crits and evasion malfunction
Fixed neutral wolf critical strike being not displayed
Fixed Shrapnel working weird against other shrapnel owner
Fixed Blur now shows hero on minimap even when enemy heroes are nearby
Fixed Elder Dragon Form poison affects wards (?)
Fixed Ancient Seal provides only lvl 1 negative resist (+30% dmg always)
Fixed Mana Shield being much less efffective than intended (feelable at high damage resistance amounts)
Fixed item cast makes hero play certain cast animation even if it was "interrupted" by previous check
Fixed Infest being still castable on allied Super Creeps (-sc mode)
Fixed unit phased or flying state being not recounted properly after Shapeshift and Firefly
Fixed Chakk Spit being weaker than intended in temporal removing HP and MP by attributes (was keeping same hp mp percentage at drain for w/e reasons)
Fixed Echo Saber AS bonus interacts incorrectly with wards
Fixed Terrorblade's Reflection to not affect invulnerable units at all
Fixed Magic Stick, Magic Wand and Holy Beads sometimes not going on "fake" 0.5 seconds cooldown when activated with 0 charges
Fixed these 3 items being unaffected by CDR
Fixed Haunt illusions tinting interaction with other tinting effects
Fixed Moment of Courage buff being not removed after it's triggered hit
Fixed Assassinate Upgraded being unavoidable by spells which used to avoid projectiles
Fixed Split Earth having longer cast time than description says
Fixed Chaos Strike being still unpickable with Enchant Totem after rework of Chaos Strike
Fixed (i hope) armor decreasing effects stays layed on wrong unit and stays on it forever (or until renewed) in very rare conditions
Fixed Dagon creates some doubled visual effects
Fixed Force Staff and it's upgrades been working on units caught by Chronosphere or Blackhole
Fixed Hexes not silensing unit properly (abilities which used to not work under Silence still worked)
Fixed Shadow Shaman Voodoo being slightly shorter than expected at lvl 2
Fixed Burrowstrike slow was counted as buff instead of debuff in terms of dispeling rules
Fixed Firewall slow being counted as buff instead of only magic immune purging in terms of dispeling rules (As it's "aura")
Fixed bug with Berserker's Call and neutrals which follows unit forever
Fixed Skeleton Walk and Blink STrike goes on cooldown when leveled up
Fixed adding Release Poison and Psionic Trap Blow subspell for Spell Steal acquiring
Fixed small inconsistency in Requiem of Souls effect positioning, reduced effect size
Fixed unit ordering during and/or after Power Cog and Hookshot casts (not feels that wooden anymore, better than shortly before as well as long before)
Fixed some nigligable things which i don't want to explain
Fixed Synergy bonus on brood spiders was applied incorrectly (messed up 2 spider types and smaller did not receive bonus at synergy lvl 1)
Fixed Tether being visible at very starting location if no caster and target visible for local player
Fixed Midnight Pulse visual effect being too overwhelming (~doubled from intended)
Fixed Song of the Siren effect size being scaling with caster instead of showing real AoE
Fixed Charge of Darkness becoming unsilensable forever if victim dies right after cast (in first ~0.002 sec or so). This really happened in game!
Fixed reflected Assassinate Upgraded acted as non-upgraded
Fixed Epicenter and Viper Strike doing by 1 less damage instance than intended
Fixed Will-o-Wisp stun duration been still 1.3 instead of intended 1.2
Fixed Sven skin for cut versions of wc3
Fixed Belka walk and death animations
Fixed attachments on both Priestess of the Moon models
Slightly improved Bane Elemental and Treant Protector clickability

Attempted to fix case with second hero appearing in midgame (caused with Juxtapose iiuc or so)
Attempted to fix "suicide" case under Winter's Curse
Attempted to fix rexxar's Eagle pathfinding

89a series


Delivery items (Courier) returned to it's previous version
Fixed Timber Chain deals damage even if interrupted (really, really old one)
Fixed Big Rock Throw still not stuns proper target
Fixed Chakra Magic being able to target non-hero units

Emoticons now looks smoother on moving heroes

Big Rock Throw (Emerald Golem)
Pushing slightly rebalanced
Is now affected by status resistance
No longer pushes units around caster.
Cast time 0.5 -> 0.4

Static Remnant is added to exceptions of Overload, so it always triggers even tho Remnant CD is below 3.25

Icarus Dive now destroys trees in same distance when moving and at end


Fixed Pocket Nuclear Charge and Static Storm not affects proper targets sometimes
Fixed Big Rock Throw deals no damage and no stun
Fixed Stone Caller having wrong cooldown until depleting all charges once
Fixed Fortune's End may act wrong in very rare cases
Fixed Caustic Finale does not create it's visual effect sometimes
Fixed Atrophy Aura being displayed as silenced under silence effects
Fixed Winter's Curse wrong behaviour after last update
Fixed Spiked Carapace malfunction after last update
Fixed Glimpse returns hero to home if used after reincarnating (Aegis)
Fixed Dark Rift animation timing
Fixed Attribute Shift with illusions which are made from illusions (e.g. Disruption, Juxtapose)

Recoded transferring items by courier, thus:
Fixed very rare bug when hero dies during transferring which was taking up to 0.1 sec, and thus loses 1 item forever
Items will be transferred instantly, without dropping them on ground for short time, which also just looked weird
Optimised item transferring action



Counterspell buff duration 1.20 -> 1.25
Atrophy aura bonus damage duration 35/40/45/50 -> 30/35/40/45

Satanic cooldown 45 -> 40



Fixed True Form causes crash on cast
Fixed Timber Chain malfunction, fixed previous fix :| smoothered animation
Fixed Timber Chain interaction with cast range bonus (yes, again, so it supposed to increase range but not travelling speed)
Fixed text about limited consumable which were resold from enemy shops to allied was displayed for buyer's enemies

Vusials & Stuff

Updated some abilities icons


Chakra Magic
Simplified, can now only buff allies, including invulnerable ones
Grants 8/16/24/32 bonus intelligence, 4/8/12/16 MPreg, 16/24/32/40 CTR
Cast range 800
Cooldown 26/22/18/14
Duration 25
Still can be dispelled, of course
Note: previous version still did not work correctly

Geostrike DPS 16/32/48/64 -> 14/28/42/56

Degen Aura now slows victim casting speed in addition by same percentage: -10/18/26/34% CTR



Fixed TP Scroll being not alt-clickable with disabled Extra Stats icon (AdvancedStatsIconDisabledState=true in config)
Fixed combination of modes -sp and -md being broken in terms of tavern visibility
Fixed some rare but easily abusable crashes
Fixed some typos
Fixed Bulldoze being unusable during Wind Walks
Fixed attachments on Huskar model
Fixed Attribute Shift on illusions switches main attribute depends on illusion owner instead of it's original hero
Fixed Big Rock Golem pushes Roshan in 1 of 2 pushing cases
Fixed Familars Stone Form having different HP from flying version
Fixed Fire Jump landing destroys trees in too small area, sometimes causes hero to stuck
Fixed Firefly destroys trees in too small area
Fixed Heartstopper aura pierces invulnerability
Fixed Winter's Curse grants 55% bonus movement speed instead of attack speed
Fixed Kraken Shell dispel being unaffected by Break
Fixed Berserker's Blood shows it's lowhp animation under Break
Fixed Doom Command Aura not working on allies
Fixed Krobelus silence creates area visual effect in target point on cast even tho it's become projectiled
Fixed Rupture effect always lasts 12 secs visually even tho real effect is 10/11/12 sec
Fixed Dark Rift has wrong timing in animations
Fixed some effects procs when they should not (e.g. Corrosive Skin procs when victim is attacket by Terrorblade's Reflection)
Fixed Poison Sting (veno 2) can have multiple damage instances in rare cases
Fixed Tidebringer having doubled manacost
Fixed Tidebringer being active when just learned even tho displayed as not active
Fixed Moon Glaive stops bouncing if next target dies before hit by Glaive
Fixed Moon Glaive triggering before cleaves and splashes
Fixed Rotting Heap icon sometimes not updates displayed bonus properly on low stacks amount
Fixed Static Field procs in some conditions when it should not
Fixed some specific units were convertable by Helm of the Overlord which should not be
Fixed Enchant converting strong illusions
Fixed Cold Arrows, Frost Attack and Shaking Arrows being undispelable
Fixed Stone Caller not goes on cooldown when have 0 charges
Fixed upgraded versions of Supernova and Time Lapse being uncastable on invulnerable allies as it's mentioned on tooltip
Fixed Ogre Powa being not displayed in broken state under Break
Fixed some creeps uses wrong kill bounty counter, especially Super Creeps (-sc mode)
Fixed Assassinate creates it's special sound when hits already dead enemy
Fixed neutral Ghost was counted as unbreakable instead of unsilensable even tho her ability was changed to passive
Fixed Doom Cloak Aura having only 1 level instead of 4
Fixed Winter's Curse aggroes all enemies of caster instead of aggroing all allies of victim
Fixed stolen War Terror not working
Fixed Sticky Napalm counter breaking hero leveled it up and casted again on already napalmed units (was reaching max stacks instantly in this case)
Fixed Timber Chain slightly not reaches tree position at very end
Fixed Demonic Purge non-upgraded resets cooldown nearly instantly sometimes
Fixed Supernova + False Promise interaction
Fixed higher levels of Lunar Blessing does not provide Night Vision bonus correctly
Fixed higher levels of Chakra Magic mana regeneration percentage bonus does not work correctly
Fixed Chakra Magic duration on enemy being shorter than expected
Fixed (?) Shadow Poison not working properly sometimes
Fixed all forcestaff-like effects being just slightly faster and further than expected (by ~5%)
Fixed Force of Nature being castable on no trees, wasting spell completely
Fixed Force of Nature counts trees in "radius" of rectangle instead of circle
Fixed displayed and in some cases real duration of Timed Life for converting abilities
Holy Persuation, Helm of the Dominator and Helm of the Overlord will completely remove Timed Life from captured units, e.g. from Rexxar's Boars
Charge of Darkness now changes target if previous target has been captured and become an ally of caster
Fixed some other abilities reacting on changed owner always when should've react only in case of new owner become an ally of caster (the swarm, soul channel, energy drain, life drain) and small inconsistences in their procs what caused them to work slightly more often sometimes than expected

False Promise can now be used on invulnerable units
Essence Shift changed to display amount of received agility instead of stacks (+1 per instance -> +3 per instance)

Improved Earth Spirit stone model selection collision for proper clicking on it

Fixed some hero models and attachments: alchemist, huskar, zeus, tinker, obsidian, lone druid
Fixed size of models: Zombie, Ghoul, Techies
Created or updated camera views (interface portraits) for: Shiny Blades Antimage, Bloody Knight Dragon Knight, Racoon (courier), Squirrel (Courier)
By ABLAGOOD & Vordik

Slightly optimised "pickup all items" and increased it's cooldown on courier
Added additional prevention of lag abuse


Changed Siege Units logic:
They will prefect towers and barracks rather than other buildings around (but other creeps don't have this property)
Also fixed that they may act wrong in very rare cases



Changed Fear effect interaction:
Every following layed Fear effect on unit will instantly cancel previous
Haunting illusions changed to be immune to Fear
Note: "Fear" is when unit control is disabled, and instead unit acts differently depending on effect (Berserker's Call, Pocket Nuclear Charge, War Terror, Winter's Curse)

Changed interaction of Status Resistance and: Inner Fire, Gust, Blinding Light, Flamebreak, Deafening Blast, Vacuum, Greater Bash
Now they pushes with high status resist faster, so total push distance stays same but unit is unable to move for less time
For Blinding Light and Flamebreak victim's aietime is also modified

Lion's Impale is no longer blockable or reflectable, thus none of spells with AoE effect in game are blockable or reflectable
Lion Impale is no longer unit targetable
NYX Impale cooldown 14 -> 12
These 2 are completely equal rn, let's see what we can do with this later
Manacost on both slightly decreased

Unstable Concoction is now only blockable and reflectable by main target instead of every enemy hero around

Battery Assault
Overall become slightly weaker at levels 1, 2, 3 and stronger at lvl 4
Now deals first hit instantly upon cast
Hit frequency 0.8 -> 0.82/0.78/0.74/0.70
Stun 0.2 -> 0.14/0.16/0.18/0.2
Damage per hit 22/40/58/76 -> 25/40/55/70
Total amount of shots 14 -> 10/12/14/16
So duration 11.2 -> 8.2/9.36/10.34/11.2

Borrowed Time changed
Previously it was activated if hero takes damage while being below 400 hp or below 20% of max hp
Now activates when incoming damage is *going to* make victim hp below 200 *after all reductions*
So it activates literally *always* except when victim is under Break (however, Breaks are always layed *before* Damage by attacks and spells)
To not make much difference from manual usage of BT, triggered damage instance is already converted to heal, like if it was used right before taking hit
Note: don't tell me that this is OP, you've voted for this change

Telekinesis Land will now forget last coordinates after 15 seconds of non-using it or if Telekinesis owner dies or after single Telekinesis usage
So it will use victim coordinates instead, so not throws anywhere, keeps on place
While coordinates are unknown, effect is not shown as well

Purification and Heavenly Grace can now be used on invulnerable allies

Heavenly Grace
Is now dispelable
Status Resistance bonus 50% -> 35/40/45/50%
Duration 8/9/10/11 -> 7/8/9/10
Cooldown 24/21/18/15 -> 18/17/16/15
Heal per second 12/18/24/30 -> 14/20/26/32
Manacost 80/90/100/110 -> 70/80/90/100

Blinding Light
Manacost decreased by 15
Fixed cast range and AoE indicator numbers being swaped
Cast range 475/550/625/700 (using "proper" numbers) -> 550/600/650/700

Chakra Magic
Mana regeneration increased by additional 10% and by 1 per second
Cast Range 600/700/800/900 -> 675/750/825/900

Rocket Flare
Effect radius 600 -> 420/480/540/600
Damage 75/125/175/225 -> 70/125/180/235
Reveal duration 10 -> 5.5/7.0/8.5/10.0
Cooldown 20/18/16/14 -> 15/14/13/12
Manacost 65 -> 56/64/72/80

Drunken Haze
No longer affects victim CTR (cast speed modifier)
Cooldown 8/7/6/5 -> 7/6/5/4
Manacost 50 -> 38/42/46/50

Speed ~1030 -> 1200/1300/1400/1500 (~+16.5%/26.3%/36.0%/45.7%)
Max distance 700 -> 600/650/700/750
So max fly time 0.68 sec -> 0.5 sec

Trample speed 1200 -> 1350 (+12.5%)

Acid Spray DPS increased by 2

Shadowraze effect radius decreased by 6% from 250 to 235

Torrent cast time 0.3 -> 0.25

Stone Caller cooldown per charge 30 -> 46/39/32/25, depending on amount of Earth Spirit spells picked

Drums of War passive component is now affected by Break

Lunar Blessing night vision bonus reduces by 128 at all levels (before bugfix it actually was 256 always)

Quill Spray stacked damage 22 -> 18

Sticky Napalm cast time 0.15 -> 0.01, cooldown 2.0 -> 2.5

Updated Tiny Toss to follow victims just a little better at close distance (possible distance to move away 25 per estimated fly tick -> same +25)

Flaming Lasso now grants vision over victims for duration, including truesight. They are caged, aren't they?

Vacuum tree killing AoE 200 -> 167/200/233/266

Updated Fervor + Omnislash: now in addition to not procing Fervor it nullifies attack bonus instead of retaining current stacks (actually uses 1 stack) during Omnislash

Black Dragon splash 75% -> 50%

Fade Bolt cooldown 10 -> 9

Breathe Fire and Spit max distance increased by 25, feelably increased their cast ranges

Arc Lightning cooldown 1.6 -> 2.5/2.2/1.9/1.6

Sand Storm cooldown 32/26/20/14 -> 26/22/18/14

Spiked Carapace releaes AoE and speed increased by 3.1%


Quelling Blade and Battle Fury active changed
Now destroys trees in small area around target point instead of single tree (avoiding wc3 bug with targeting trees in fog)
QB aoe 115, BF aoe 160
Cast range 350 -> 300
Note: cannot simply do the same with Tango as it has unit targeting as well.
Eyes if the Forest remains unchanged

Battle Fury no longer grants bonus damage against creeps like Quelling Blade does (as it's damage bonus is included in damage grow from items combination)

Arcane Rune
30% CDR, +20% SLs (spell lifesteal) -> 30% CDR, 30% CTR (cast time reduction)

Kelen's Dagger
Cast time 0.2 -> 0.1 (not 0 like before, though)
Cooldown 15 -> 14

Sublimal Blade
No longer affects victim's CTR
Cooldown 15 -> 12

Hurricane Pike and Jackboots one target push distance 750 -> 700
Hurricane Pike casted on enemy push distance for both units 400 -> 350

Radiance now fully affects Roshan (before it was ignored), but does not aggoring him

Urn of Shadows
Active total heal 300 -> 375
Active total damage 200 -> 250

Nullifier cast range 600 -> 800

Javelin bonus magical damage on proc 70 -> 100

Ring of Health can now be sold normally for full cost in last 10 seconds

Hurricane Pike push distance when targeting enemy 450 for each unit -> 400

Orchid damage bonus 30% -> 25%, Bloodthorn damage bonus 45% -> 40%



Land Mines does no longer provide vision
Satyr Hellcaller manapool 600 -> 250, manaregen 1 -> 5
Satyr Soulstealer manaburn 100 + 2.5% of max mp -> 100 + 5% of max mp, cooldown 18 -> 15





Fixed some on cast effects were not called at all (89aK only)
Fixed Icepath malfunction
Fixed Chakra Magic CTR interaction with allies
Fixed Unstable Concoction becomes unlaunchable in case of suiciding by it
Fixed illusions having wrong displayed charges on chargeable items
Fixed -dch command being not informed about doubleclickhelper option from config
Fixed manual usage of orb attacks having higher distance than normal attacks (decreased by 48 actually)
Fixed Enchant not giving any bonuses to converted unit
Fixed Hurricane Pike become unusable on magic immune enemies in last patch (it used to push back only caster in this case, not being uncastable, which also means that enemy will still be pushed back under magic immunity + having spell reflection)
Fixed courier behaviour when it awaits for hero reincarnation
Transfer items order can now be given while hero is reincarnating

Updated plenty of specific projectiles and other triggers to act by 1 tick earlier as it was done previously with main ones


Restored Chakra Magic effect when casted on ally
Restored Dismember cast sound
Restored neutral satyr Purge animation
Changed Sublimal Blade active animation to be same as Diffusal Blade

Chat Commands

"-mute 0" chat command should now properly mute RGC messages in game (including this pointless "Stats: SID..." spam




Reduced experience for herokill
185*(SquareRoot(GetHeroLevel(victim)*2-1)) -> 175*(SquareRoot(GetHeroLevel(victim)*2-1))

Any own Ward may be denied, not only sentry or observer (e.g. plague ward, mass serpent ward)


Sticky Napalm
AoE 400 -> 500
Cooldown 2.5 -> 2.0
Maximum stacks 10 -> 8
Slow and +damage instances now begins at tripled stack grow
E.g. instead of 5/10/15..45/50 numbers would be 15/20/25.../45/50

Chakra Magic
Allied bonus regen 100/140/180/220% + 10/14/18/22 mp/sec for 5/6/7/8 seconds
-> 50/80/110/140% + 5/8/11/14 mp/sec for 10/12/14/16 seconds
So castspeed modifier stays for longer as well
Cooldown 18/17/16/15 -> 20/19/18/17
Manacost 40/70/100/130 -> 40/75/110/145

Dismember, Double Edge, Retaliate and Stampede attribute dependance changed from Highest to Main

Last Word Bravery duration 10/12/14/16 -> 14/16/18/20 (buff is not stackable, only renews duration)

Energy Drain buff/debuff basic duration 10 -> 15 (both are resistable by an enemy, stackable from multiple casts)

Cruel Bracer, Elusive Band, Imaginary Talisman recipe cost 265 -> 245 (total cost 900 -> 880)

Sanity's Eclipse manacost 120/140/160/180 -> 100/125/150/175, cooldown 18 -> 18/16/14/12


Steamrollers damage AoE 275 -> 300
Phase Boots / Steamrollers special visual effect is now avaiable for any Cursed URsa donation pack owner instead of only when playing with Ursa body

Removed 0.21 seconds cooldown from Maelstrom and upgrades to properly grant true strike for pseudo-attacks (split shot, flak cannon)


Removed small neutral camp "trolls + kobold" which makes no sence, so trolls and kobolds will spawn only in separated camps


Broke Ice Path
Fixed Searing Chains grants vision over units forever
Fixed Searing Chains order not having own order number
Fixed Firefly not destroys trees around
Fixed Spectral Dagger behaves unproperly when casted in units

Kelen's Dagger basic cast time 0.25 -> 0.2
Increased shifted behavious after Dagger from 0.15 to dynamic (0.2+0.2*CTR)

Changed Krobelus silence on Projectile with speed 1000
Slightly rebalanced cooldown, manacost and cast time


Very important:

Config & Chat Commands
Added more natural lightings:
1 2 3 4 5 6, so -light 1 / -light 2, etc, to get proper one
Default lighting changed from Ashenvale (new "3") to Lordaeron (new "1") to be more contrast and less dark at same time
Lights 5 and 6 are about "underground" lightong, which has no difference in coloring and brightness over actual daytime, may be more useful for professional gaming
So config string "ClassicNaturalLighting=false" (or =true) replaced by "NaturalLighting=1" (or 2,3,4,5,6)
Keep in mind that ingame commands can only change lighting but not ambient sounds, if they are still not disabled in game options by whatever reasons
So if you need changed ambient sounds, change lighting via config

Config in map replaced, should've unpack clean new config after deleting previous
So if you want to obtain it, just delete old config.lod.ini from wc3 folder and make settings in fast pace again
Now Doubleclick Helper is enabled by default

Fixed -qbind for items was shifted in wrong side (thus -qbind -1 worked for item slot 3, -qbind -4 for itemslot 6, and slots 1 and 2 were unqbindable)


Fixed Tether possible targets (again)
Fixed Tether and Linken's Sphere being clickable (not usable tho) on structures
Fixed Haunt malfunction
Fixed Chakram costs in 2 times more mana per second than expected and deals in 2 times less dmg when moving and safely moving distance was not properly affected by castrange bonus
Fixed Concussive Shot malfunction
Fixed Doppelganger affects Haunt and Reflection illusions
Fixed Flak Cannon charges display
Fixed problems with Alchemist's illusions
Fixed memory leak in polymorphing illusions action
Fixed Walrus Punch, Tidebringer, Infernal Blade not counts used mana for soul ring / martyric boots
Fixed Attribute Shift (morph 3) interaction with illusions (they had wrong base attribute and wrong damage amount)
Fixed Dark Ascension and True Form cooldown being affected by CDR unproperly, thus causes unlimited or nearly unlimited usage with just some CDRs
Fixed Spirit Bear being capturable by Helm of the Overlord
Fixed (?) AghanimUpgrader + ConsumeRecipe does not work sometimes without dropping and picking up aghanim
Fixed Fissure and Icepath area shapes were still slightly incorrect
Fixed interaction of unit coloring by different effects with polymorphing
Fixed Sun Strike damage counting invulnerable units in dividing damage
Fixed Death Ward provides vision for some time after ending
Fixed Venomous Gale travelling distance and speed being slightly less than expected, which sometimes was felt critical
Fixed Drunken Haze above level 1 blinding effect does not work at all
Fixed Enchant kills captured unit at attempt of refresh him
Fixed Diabolic Edict not aggroes victims
Fixed Polymorphs being refreshed after end ven if refreshing thing was used before cast of this polymorph
Fixed some non-dota dummy heroes having hero sounds although they should not

Now all non-ultimative spells which may be used on allies and two-faced spells (which may be used on both allies and enemies) are usable on magic immune allies, no exceptions
"Fixed" some ultimative spells being wasted on magic immune enemies if immunity is obtained during cast swing, e.g.: Reaper's Rcythe, Finger of Death, etc, as it is not affected by fix above
Note: Assassinate does not pierce magic immunity but can be channeled prematurely so it's not prevented to use


Fixed visual effect on Drunken Haze debuff
Added Maledict effect on ground on cast
Added Chakra Magic effect on ally for duration
Changed Templar Assassin cast animation
Changed Kelen's Dagger icon
Changed Warcry icon, effect and buff



Couriers can no longer recharge Bottle (should've be done long ago, but was forgotten)
Slightly decreased gold per herokills per networth (NW in power of 0.533 - > 0.525)
All Roots now provides full vision over target instead of only invisibility revealing

Cast times (CT)

CTR - Cast Time Reduction

Added mechanic of modifying cast time, affects only spells with CT above 0.01
Bonuses stacks multiplicatively (e.g. +25% = /1.25)
Debuffs stacks linearly (e.g. -25% = multiplier-0.25)
Overall formula: base cast time * (1 - bonus 1) * (1 - bonus 2)... * (debuff multiplier)

Drunken Haze
Strong beer now decreases victim's CTR by 14/18/22/26% for duration
Miss change 45/55/65/75 -> 40/50/60/70

Chakra Magic reworked to scale better over game
Modifies CTR 16/24/32/40% for ally and by -16/-24/-32/-40% for enemy
No longer instantly restores mana, replaced by 100/140/180/220% mpreg + 10/14/18/22 mp/sec
No longer reduces cooldown of next spell
Manacost 0 -> 40/70/100/130
So it becomes more effective relatively to regenerated mana over levels but more useful to buff an ally rather than self
Blockable by linken's on enemy
Still burns mana on enemy when he moves
Duration 5/6/7/8 seconds on allies and enemies (affected by status resistance on enemies)
Cooldown stays 20/18/16/14 -> 18/17/16/15
Cast range 900 -> 600/700/800/900

Sublimal Blade
Decreases victim CTR by 50/40/30/20/10% depending on slow tick
Active name "Inhibit" -> "Prohibit", cooldown 12 -> 15

Refresher Orb
Passively grants 25% CTR

Cast Time changes

Fate Edict cast time 0.3 -> 0.25
Ancient Seal cast time 0.1 -> 0.2
Lion's and Shadow Shaman's Voodoo cast time 0.0 -> 0.2

Many items got cast times above zero:
0.01: many, needed for technical reasons, not mentioned in tooltip
0.1: Gleipnir, Abyssal Blade, Ghost Scepter, Ethereal Blade
0.2: Gunsoo, Atos, Orchid, Bloodthorn, Nullifier, Diffusal, Sublimal
0.25: Veil, Blink Dagger
0.3: Manta, Dominator, Overlord, Halberd (cast range 600 -> 750, however)
Various: Dagon 1/2/3/4/5 -> 0.37/0.34/0.31/0.28/0.25

Note: hero plays cast animations when uses these items


Restored and rebalanced Sticky Napalm
It's now non-targeted ability with 0.15 cast time, so does not interrupt other orders
Applies stackable debuff on victims up to 10 stacks
Reduces victim's movement speed (MS) and turnrate(TR) by 3/4/5/6% per stack, so up to 30/40/50/60% both
Increases any type of spell damage victim takes by 1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0% per stack, so up to 15/20/25/30%
AoE 375 around target point -> 400 around caster
Cooldown 3 -> 2.5
Manacost 20 -> 18/20/22/24
Note1: duration is unaffected by status resistance (SR), instead TR slow is reduced by SR. MS slow will be reduced by SR in closest patches.
Note2: swapped skill positions with Flamebreak (follows order: long ranged / targeted spell first, followed by close-range and non-targeted

Rotten Heap, Voodoo Restoration, Pulse Nova and Attribute Shift can now be toggled on and off if hero is silenced but does not provide their effects (none of manacost/damage/slow/heal/switch/etc)

After end of Hookshot caster now receives attack order on target if:
— caster's alive;
— target's alive;
— caster don't have other orders queued.

Blinding Light push distance is now affected by victim's status resistance

Chakram Aghanim's upgrade AoE, damage and speed bonuses 20% -> 25%

Time Walk heal as last damage in power of 0.84/0.86/0.88/0.90 -> 0.85/0.87/0.89/0.91

Shapeshift movespeed 610 -> 550, duration 18 -> 18/20/22

Reverse Polarity damage increased by 25 just for better consistence

Laguna Blade damage 450/650/850 -> 450/675/900

Cooldown 12/11/10/9 -> 11/10/9/8
Damage bonus 50/100/150/200 -> 40/80/120/160
Duration decreased by 0.25 sec

Bulldoze free walk time 1.5 sec -> 2.0 sec (reverted)

Burrowstrike unit throwing/pushing angle reverted as new is somewhy bugged sometimes

Stasis Trap now reveals self in 0.5 seconds before blasting

Avalanche cooldown decreased by 1 sec

Midnight Pulse now damages ancients (as damage was changed to Magical, and they all has greate magic resistance) but not Roshan

Firefly now ends prematurely on case of death

Flaming Lasso cooldown 60/50/40 -> 74/62/50, manacost 225 -> 175/200/225

Fiend's Grip cooldown 100 -> 100/85/70

Plasma Field
Damage increased by 5 (all levels and distances)
Slow duration increased by 0.05 sec (all levels and distances)


Shadow Amulet reworked (it was barely used by itself anyway)
Non-targeted cast (self only)
After 1.25 seconds delay grants 3 seconds invisibility for user
It is not temporary permainvis unlike Glimmer Cape, so it will be removed at any action aside of moving
Cannot be cast during channelings unlike Lothar's/Silver
Does not grant phased movement
Does not getting cancelled when moving
Cooldown 14
Manacost 60
All invisibility granting items now shares cooldown (Shadow Amulet, Glimmer Cape, Lothar's Edge, Silver Edge)

Basher's Bash damage bonus 85 -> 80
Abyssal Blade's Bash damage bonus 85 -> 100

Phase Boots and Steamrollers cooldown 9 -> 8 (reverted)

Diffusal Blade recipe cost decreased by 50, Sublimal Blade recipe cost by 150

Hand of Midas
Recipe cost 1750 -> 1700
Gold bonus 160 -> 140 + 1 per game minute (after first creep spawn, of course) + 3 per every owner's Hand of Midas usage
Experience bonus 210% -> 190% + 1% per game minute + 3% per every owner's Hand of Midas usage
So from one point it's slightly more useful if was delayed in purchasing, from other — more crucial to die with non-cd Hand of Midas

Helm of Overlord hpreg and manareg bonuses for captured creep decreased


All Ancient neutrals except Roshan basic HP regen increased



Fixed Soul Ring having 25 manacost instead of 25 cooldown
Fixed some typos

Deafening Blast pushing distance is now affected by victim's status resitance instead of push time, similartly to Inner Fire, Gust, Flamebreak pushes
(Will be rethinked later)


Fixed abusable bug with Tether
Fixed Battle Hunger reduces attacker's damage too much
Fixed illusions having doubled bonus of hp and mana
Fixed wrong cooldown of Stifling Dagger level 4
Fixed Insatiable Hunger buff lingers for some time after end
Fixed dagger been cancelled by allied damage (still cancelled by attack damage, which may happen only under Winter's Curse)
Fixed Aghanim again being count as existing after selling or dropping
Fixed Storm Bolt stuns main target even in magic immunity
Fixed Greed stays with buff displayed lvl 1 after Break effect
Fixed (?) Necromastery takes wrong skill slot
Fixed some attack effects works when they don't should do (when attacked against units with hit-count armor type)
Fixed Attribute Shift adapts base hero damage at learn or other modification of hero's agility (e.g. drained) instead of instantly at entering
Fixed Fortune's End not dispels self, also again allows to dispel self in case if self-channeled cast was interrupted by e.g. silence
Fixed (?) Fortune's End effect stays forever sometimes
Fixed Rotten Heap having hp penalty in case of big fail (granted hp should not be below zero, as it's mentioned on tooltip)
Fixed Impetus and Arcane Orb not pierces magic immunity properly
Fixed Magic Stick and it's upgrades being charged when carried by couriers, improved performance of charging action ^_^
Fixed AM Manabreak visual effects works even when not burns anything (under Break effect)
Fixed Concussive Shot reacts unproperly on death/evading
Fixed some bugs in Melting Strike (Forged Spirits passive)
Fixed Stasis Trap not reveals itself for enemies at very blow moment
Fixed sided Triple Meteors starts off in slightly front of main instead of slighty behind
Fixed Heavenly Grace status resist not being updated properly if carrier fo buff died in process
Fixed Doom visual effect duration being different from real effect under Status Resistance modifiers
Fixed Purification trying to damage invulnerable units
Fixed Blade Fury not prevents damaging by attack during whirling
Fixed Focus Fire and Sleight Fist interating with other damage bonuses unproperly (both these skills gonna be changed soon, by the way)
Fixed Charge of Darkness fixes unit position before killing trees instead of after
Fixed following abilities not updates charge cooldown on leveling up ability properly: Skeleton Walk, War Terror
Fixed prevention of purchasing faeries, mangos and bottles in enemy shop was not working
Fixed new -disablehelp x command not working properly for Scourge players
Fixed Enchant still not affects already captured units correctly
Fixed Green texxtag appears even in fog (was already "fixed" but mistaken)
Fixed Tether pulling from far not ends instantly in case of death of caster or target
Fixed Great Cleave special effect being too small
Fixed Cleaves and Tosss Find Unit having slightly higher AoE than expected, also Dispersion damage being slightly higher
Fixed Focus Fire not starts effect immediately on cast if attack is on cooldown
Fixed interaction of AM Blink tint and frost effects tints
Fixed (?) sentinel creeps sometimes stucking at middle near to base
Fixed (?) scourge creeps sometimes goes around sentinel T1 on bottom
Fixed (?) scourge creeps sometimes goes around scourge T1 on top
Fixed some leaks in -dm mode, not sure if they were causing random crashes there or no
Fixed Supernova deals by 1 less damage instance than intended
Fixed Adaptiveness on Agility heroes having too low chance (5% instead of 10/15/20%)

Fixed Orb-walking was not fixed properly (instead other thing has been changed what did not affect game anyhow, lul)
Shortly, orb-walking is completely removed since now

Fixed Break effect being removed instantly on death so mostly ranged attackers could apply their passive effects after death under Break
Now removing it is delayed by 5 sec

Fixed interaction with hero colors and polymorphs in some cases
Changed "cold" effect on units to be not that deep blue

Idea-fix: Ghost Scepter can now be used during magic immunity, as it's no longer dispelled by magic immunity


Models updates
Goblin Techies no longer creates crater under self on every spell cast
Batrider no longer laughs on every spell cast. Changed cast animation.
Troll Warlord (Skulls Pack) no longer creates Mask of Madness effect on every spell cast
Sniper's attack sound now appears in proper time (all models)
Gyrocopters's attack sound now appears in proper time (all models)
New model for Sand Storm

Very slightly increased size of super creeps and mega creeps because after last decreasing they become nearly indistinguishable from normal creeps sometimes
Changed their color to be slightly darker than normal creeps
All of "super" creeps got proper "Super" in their name (as "Mega" already existed)

More performance improvements, this time nigligably small by themself but in cases which happens very often in game, so effect should be meaningful

Added visual effect when hero consumes Teleport Upgrade

Added displaying gained bonus on:
Essence Shift (actual numerical agility bonus)
Rotten Heap (actual HP bonus)
Decay (Strength)
Atrophy Aura (damage bonus)
Warpath (current stacks)
Sadist (current stacks)
Refraction ("tens" number for attacks and "ones" number for damage protection)
Soul Assumption (displayed on skil charges instead of separated ability on panel)

Slightly increased chaos Meteor size to better match new AoE

Improved Spiked Carapace performance, slightly increased shards size



Rebalanced reward for herokilling:

Gold reward counts networths more and hero level less
Old formula:
(80 + SquareRoot(VictimNetworth)) * SquareRoot(VictimLevel * 1.5 - 0.5)
New formula:
(75 + VictimNetworth ^ 0.533) * SquareRoot(VictimLevel)

Note for somebody who struggling with maths or names:
x^0.5 = SquareRoot(x), x^0.533 is bigger than x

Experience reward slightly decreased for low levels, slightly increased for higher levels
Old formula:
200 * SquareRoot(VictimLevel * 1.5 - 0.5)
New formula:
185 * SquareRoot(VictimLevel * 2 - 1)


Enemy's Black Market is no longer always visible due to consumables display, however other shops stays always visible


All Spell Amplification decrementers are now affected by status resistances (Arcane Curse, Energy Drain, Sand Storm)
Before only Arcane Curse was affected

Triggered projectiles now ticks by 0.02 seconds earlier, thus technically reaches target slightly faster


War Terror no longer scales with caster attributes (at least temporary)
Damage 120 / 180 / 240 + 1.0/1.5/2.0 of STR -> 150/225/300
Duration 1.0/1.5/2.0 +0.005/0.0075/0.01 INT -> 1.2/1.8/2.4

Is no longer usable under Roots
Shared HP and MP heal and regen 60/80/100/120% -> 55/70/85/100%

Now starting point depends on caster facing and first wisp always appears in front of caster
Now turns into random direction at every cast
MS Slow rescaled from 35% on 1 sec to 25/30/35/40% on 1 sec

Now pushes units more in front (possible angle between pushed unit and direction 0-90 degrees -> 0-45 degrees)
Victim pushing distance slightly increased
Now hurts victim legs, what slows their movespeed by 18/22/26/30% for time equal to x2.5 stun time
Slow is dispellable, of course
Damage now falls over distance just as stun / airtime / slow durations
Contant 90/160/230/300 -> Maximum damage 110/180/250/320
Effect AoE slightly increased, especially in first milliseconds of travelling

Sand Storm reworked
No longer grants invisibility
Not channeling
Melee only
Creates deadly storm around hero current position
Lasts up to 20 seconds or until caster leaves area
Deals physical DPS and blinds enemies, what makes harder both attacking and casting, so
AoE 425/500/575/650
25/50/75/100 DPS
15/20/25/30% miss chance
-15/20/25/30% spell amp
Cooldown 32/26/20/14
Manacost 80/100/120/140
Note: multiple Sand Storms effect does not stack, not even DPS

No longer evades projectiles on cast
Cooldown 10/9/8/7 -> 12/11/10/9
Armor reduction 2/4/6/8 -> 3/4/5/6
Duration 2.5 -> 2.5/2.75/3.0/3.25
Manacost 50 -> 60

Refraction cooldown 17/15/13/11 -> 18/16/14/12

Recoded Ether Shock, works more properly and now counts cast range bonuses for side targets

Completed recoding of Flaming Lasso, should no longer cause any bugs related to dummy-caster, like slightly delayed stun effect or inability to cast more than 1 lasso to 1 target
Flaming Lasso does not longer pulls invulnerable units but getting invulnerability by target by itself does not break Lasso

Death Pact is no longer counted as Heal, thus it overrides freezing hp, heal modifiers and receives bonus instantly under False Promise

Waveform and Hookshot now disallows turning during travelling (in addition to previously updated abilities)

Mass Serpent Ward armor type "basic" -> "Hit count", HP doubled, normal creeps deals 1 damage, all other units - doubled

Impetus: Aghanim's upgrade removed, at least temporary

Elder Dragon Form illusions no longer applies slow, still applies poison and splash damage

Freezing Field damage distribution around circle is now twice as less random in areas and more fair between middle and edges

Reflection (Soul Keeper) and Battle Hunger (Axe) now affects invisible and fogged units

Searing Arrows bonus damage 20/30/40/50 -> 14/26/38/50

Great Cleave 30/50/70/90% -> 25/45/65/85%

Backstab main attribute in damage 90/135/180% -> 80/120/160%

Tombstone and Nether Ward cast range 200 -> 250

Added minimal travel range of 150 on Burrowstrike and Time Walk



Helm of the Overlord recipe and bonuses changed:
Helm of the Dominator + Vladmir's Offering + Recipe
All stats bonus 20 -> 8, but receives all Vladmir's auras as well
Total cost 6000 -> 6100
Dictate ability bonuses unchanged

Damage Block chance from vanguard / crimson / abyssal is now always 50, it does not grows with multiple items of these types. It's just not needed, excessive checks.

Mithril Hammer damage 24 -> 25



Fixed Mask of Madness not reduces armor of owner
Fixed Centaur Return deals insane damage
Fixed Disruption not creates illusions
Fixed non-reflectable damage from attacks is not dealt at all (report: blade mail does not work)
Fixed Echo Saber works on illusions
Fixed Primal Split Storm Wind Walk not deals bonus damage
Fixed some banned heroes uses wrong models
Fixed Juxtapose illusions sometimes doubles unit's items (no longer creates illusion if attacker is dead before projectile has reached target)
Fixed (?) weird waypoints on bottom lane for sentinel creeps

Macropyre Flame is now always visible in fog for allies

Centaur passive "Return" renamed to "Retaliate", effect is unchanged

DPS decreased by 4
Slow rescaled
From 15/20/25/30% to 12/18/24/30% on melee
From 5/10/15/20% to 8/12/16/20% on range


Fixed Force Staff unaffecting allies completely instead of disallowing only when help is disabled
Fixed Aghanim Upgrader Consumable sometimes not disappears (however, hero cannot pickup it without free slot)


Fixed possible crash on selecting potion shop
Fixed Alchemist and Lone Druid models were not visible when banned


Fixed early crashes
Fixed displaying consumed items in endgame / obsboard stats having unproper positions
Fixed sammy face at Surge buff
Fixed missing Ion Shell disbtn

Null Talisman and Imaginary Talisman bonus spell amp decreased in 1.25 times (+3.0% -> +2.4%, +5% -> +4%)



Fixed main problem if this version series: desync caused by illusion and items, so version should be completely playable
Fixed units does not aggroes properly on first attack in many conditions, especially neutrals
Fixed (?) !ff command works incorrectly with leavers (even worse than before previous "fix")
Fixed Life Drain color flickering (again)
Fixed Flaming Lasso causes broken flying victim's state on death in rare cases when victim dies to last lasso damage tick
Fixed Couriers suddenly learned how to pick up runes
Fixed True Form base attack time still being better than used to be
Fixed some auras have active buff icons instead of passive (strictily passive effect => passive buff icon)
Fixed illusion critical damage being displayed from "real" damage, now displays damage like if was real hero again, not counting straight damage bonuses.
Fixed Blade Dance, Drunken Master, Blur and Desolate not works on illusions
Fixed False Promise effect on unit was visible even when unit is hidden in invisibility from enemy, thus no longer reveals his position
Fixed Orb of Venom affects wards and structures
Fixed Pounce jump interaction with other forced movements
Fixed Demonic Purge Upgraded breaks target forever in some conditions
Fixed Cosmic Courier lacking model
Fixed Fissure effect AoE in front and behind being still smaller than expected
Fixed Mask of Madness buff being undispellable
Fixed Blade Fury allows to damage normally by attacks but instead Static Storm short silence was undispellable
Fixed Spirit bear Entangle lasts 9 seconds on heroes instead of on non-heroes
Fixed Stone Caller being spell stealable
Fixed Vacuum breaks unit fly state counter if unit dies to Vacuum damage caused by interrupting Vacuum by other forced movement
Fixed reflected damage being wrong damage type
Fixed appearance Gem visual effect above hero head was weird sometimes
Fixed MoM buff been affected by owner status resistance
Fixed (?) MoM buff stays forever sometimes
Fixed interaction of Shadow Word and Spell Block
Fixed (?) courier sometimes keep moving toward his hero after death
Fixed Refraction visual effect on cast appeares even when caster is hidden in invisibility
Fixed Pocket Nuclear Charge visual effect on cast stays forever in one condition
Fixed Concussive Shot being unaffected by castrange bonuses
Fixed Brilliance Aura-allied was only level 1
Fixed (?) Doppelganger causes illusions stay transparent forever sometimes
Fixed Ban Stage time was displayed incorrectly if mode is not picked instantly at start
Fixed Bloodrage not amplifying damage at all
Fixed Thundergod's Wrath donated version spawns special FXes around all already dead heroes before damage instance, including even allied ones
Fixed Roshan being affected by Black Hole forced movement (he used to be not affected by any)
Fixed plenty of passive poison effects still having active buff icon and some of other tooltips
Fixed Imaginary Talisman grants +2 str and agi instead of 3
Fixed recasting False Promise on same target when already active not working properly
Fixed Gravekeeper's Cloak, Reactive armor and Fiery Soul charges are not displayed when picked on 5th skill slot
Fixed Necromastery existance in game causes crash when Gravekeeper's Cloak, Reactive armor or Fiery Soul learned
Fixed Necromastery still being displayed as silenced under silence (it's passive ability)
Fixed Earthshock jumps over Kinetic Field
Fixed Magic Wand / Holy Beads having wrong charges amount at upgrade
Fixed (?) The Swarm latches on allies sometimes
Fixed Arcane Boots and Leech Seed does not affect ancients
Fixed Phantom Strike not cancels owner's forced movement
Fixed Enchant not prolonging lifetime of already captured units and converted illusions
Fixed Cold Snap effect on target stays for too long
Fixed "Learn skills" being alt-clickable
Fixed bug which allowed to consume Aghanim's Scepter for free
Fixed Final Multibard lacking a couple of Rows
Fixed name of Final Multiboard (DotA scores -> LoD scores)
Fixed item orders still been successfully completed when unit's affected by inventory mute (currently only Doom) after been ordered to use item
Fixed place near Roshan which being free to put ward and partially see lair inside
Fixed Electric Vortex not interrupting victim's forced movements on cast
Fixed Pounce and Earthshock acting weird when casted in very fast pace multiple times (e.g. refreshed/chakraed/WTFed)
Fixed Spectral Dagger hits targeted hero later than disappears, thus sometimes keeps tracking him after damage (if target moved away with "correct" timing and thus creating 2 "black roads" for some time

Some non-hero units has been lacking turn speed fix, updated for all of them

Improved performance in some item operations

Config and chat commands (important!)

Config file inserted in map updated.

Added chat command -qbind (bind of quick casts)
So you can easily set quickcast hotkeys only for things you need in current game without opening config and thus not overlap other hotkeys
Works similarly to -bind but for quickcasts
Supports items as well with codes -1, -2...-6 for appropriate 1,2...6 inventory slots

Improved chat command -disablehelp, now acts as "-disablehelp x", where x is number between 1 and 5, according to allied player slot

Added separated autoattack toggler for hero and non-hero units (wards will still keep autoattacking in any case)
Chat command -aat replaced by -aath and -aatu
Check in config for AutoattackEnabledHeroes, AutoattackEnabledUnits
And also, if need, for AutoattackDisabledByStopOnlyHeroes and AutoattackDisabledByStopOnlyUnits

Swapped hotkeys for neutral troll warlord spells (main spell Ensnare is on R now and Raise Dead on E as secondary spell, although spell names makes feeling like it should be vise versa)

Visuals & Quality of life

Banned heroes now leaves tavern and watches players picking in addition to doubling their names in chat log
They goes to drink beer after end of pick

Added "Consumed" [items] in Final Multiboard and Observer Multiboard

Slightly increased Chaos Meteor size to match increased previously damage radius better

Reduced amount of visual effects caused by spell lifesteal

Updated Macropyre visual effect

Added Great Cleave visual effect

Updated GDS model for donated version


Old "Orb attack movement" bugfeature removed (single attack orders now aggroes creeps like normal attack)

Improved mechanic of locking unit angle
Since now used in Leap, Pounce, Earthshock, Trample, Force Staff — unit will not able to turn during them without constant setting his facing back to "proper"
This means he is not stunned so can use spells normally but can attack or cast targeted spells only in front of him
Feels better, performs better, looks better

Improved mechanics of shared vision
Since now it reveals only target but not anything around
This includes revealing if invisibility
Skills: Track, Amplify Damage, Static Link, Last Word, Lightning Bolt, Shackles, Fiend's Grip, Dismember, Life Drain, Thirst
Units: all Shops, Sentry Wards, Called Stone
Note: possibility to reveal unit in fog already existed, but it did not allow to select or control them, see HP bar, etc, so other things, e.g. Firewall, remains changed as they are already fine



Now halves enemy armor after all other armor manipuations (e.g. Desolator)
No longer "halves" enemy armor if it's already below 0
Bonus damage on proc 90/115/140 -> 80/100/120

DPS from multiple Instances of Demonic Purge does now stack on same target again

Duration without nearby enemy heroes 2 sec -> 1.5 sec
MS bonus decreased by 2%
Cooldown after losing buff increased by 1 second
Added 0.01 cd to prevent pointless double usage

Spiked Carapace
Can now be destroyed by self or allied damage
Cannot be destroyed by pure damage as bonus resistance has nothing about pure damage

Ignite and Liquid Fire projectiles no longer disappears when target dies during flight
They will still disappear when evaded
Concussive Shot won't blow in midair when evaded anymore as well
This means they all still can hit main target after being evaded if target stays enough close to previous point
Glimpse now disappears when target dies, effectively prevents enemy to buyback and return to previous point

Firewall manacost 80/90/100/110 -> 80/95/110/125

Aphotic Shield capacity and damage 110/140/170/200 + 0.8/1.2/1.6/2.0% of caster's max hp -> 60/100/140/180 + 2.5/3.0/3.5/4.0% of caster's max hp

Neutotoxin DPS 30/45/60/75 -> 24/36/48/60

Shapeshift movespeed 650 -> 610

Poison Nova ring speed 650 -> 702, thus +52 max AoE as well

Doom DPS slightly increased by 0/5/10

Hoof Stomp damage slightly increased by 5/10/15/20

Slightly nerfed Aghanim's upgraded Infernal: attack damage by 5 and Flaming Fist damage by 10

Fixed amounts been less than intended and slightly increased Magnetic Field pushing back power

Spark Wraith MS slow 100% for 0.4/0.6/0.8/1.0 sec -> 45/60/75/90% for 1.0 sec

Wall of Replica width 50 -> 80
Removed plenty (52) of currently useless Wall dummy units, improved it's performance on spell cast in at least 30 times

Grave Chill buff and debuff duration 6.25 -> 6 (reverted)

Time Lapse cast time 0.3 -> 0.4

Shadowraze stack duration 12 -> 9



Aghanim's Consume cost 1250 -> 1600, retains 100% of stats again instead of 80%

Drum of Endurance total cost 1500 -> 1650
Note: now it's currently fairly stronger pickup than any mid-grade boots, so cost is raised up slightly

Tranquil Boots can now be used by illusions normally. They follows same rule as on hero/bear and begins with normal state always.



Alpha Wolf aura 30% -> 20%, Hp 650 -> 800, damage 30-33 -> 34-38

Removed own vision from Earthbind unit. It will stay visible in fog for allies, however.

Rocket Flare and Ice Blast made selectabe again, thus they are visible on minimap again


Super Creeps (-sc mode):

Slighty buffed Super Creeps stats, especially HP regen


Siege golem
Attack type Hero -> Siege (in 3.57 times stronger against structures than before, really scary now)
Increased attack damage
Added 50% spell resistance
Has 20% chance to stun atacker for 0.9...1.5 sec and deal 50...125 damage to him (equal to Craggy Exterior levels 1-4, growing between minutes 10-40)
Now counts as Siege Unit for game logic, e.g. attack priority

Scary Fish attack type Normal -> Hero (stronger against heroes and structures), armor type None -> Hero (Stronger against some other creeps)
Added 33% spell resistance
Added Critical Strike 20% for x2 damage (equal to neutral wolves)
Added passive chance to launch damaging armor-decreasing wave (equal to Rip Tide, levels 1-4, growing between minutes 10-40)

Ancient Hydra
Base Damage heavily decreased
Added 33% spell resistance
Added Multishot ability which hits 2 random additional targets. This is "real" multishot which procs all on-attack effects (scary!)
Poison recoded to be HP removal like all passive poisons used to be and to not work under Break effect
Poison buffed from 25% ms and 50 as to 40% ms and 40 as, dmg increased to 40 and duration from 1 to 2 seconds

These creeps cannot be captured anyhow anymore



Fixed desynch from 89a11, not sure about others
Fixed bug with Bottles
Fixed Chain Lightnings does not provide effect on target if it dies to their damage

Hurricane Pike
Allied push buffed to push of Jackboots (forgotten buff from previous patch):
Cast range 800 -> 1000, distance 600 -> 750, time 0.4 -> 0.35
Enemy push cast range 400 -> 500

Armlet active hp drain per second 54.54 -> 50, damage bonus 31 -> 30

89a11 (ab)

Yet another attempt to fix desynches


Fixed Orb of Venom not working on illusion (bruh mistake)
Fixed illusions burns full amount of mana instead of being mutiplied on their damage amount
Fixed Enfeeble works against magic immunity


Quality of life

Some more performance improvements
— game mostly wont create texttags for players who should not see them with a couple of exceptions
— game no longer checks every order to prevent dropping allied items in shared control state (it's not that much necessary with all players having own courier)
And other small updates

Camera setup is no longer reseted for observers every 3 minutes (was extremely annoying for observing)
Rocket Flare unit is no longer selectable




Infernal's Flaming Fist damage type pure -> magical, still pierces magic immunity



Helm of the Dominator
Creep base MS 425 -> 375, gold bounty 200 -> 125
Creep MP regen bonus 4 -> 2

Helm of the Overlord
Creep base MS 440 -> 400, gold bounty 250 -> 150
Creep MP regen bonus 5 -> 3


Yet another hotfix


Fixed Blood Rite silences caster instead of enemies
Fixed Sammyface (well, just green icon) caused by Culling Blade buff
Fixed exp and gold bounty for new upgraded Infernal was still 75% as it was weaker. Now it's same as for non-upgraded.
Fixed Brain Sap launches healing projectile even when did 0 damage (so it wont heal anyway, thus won't launch healing proj anymore)
Fixed Trample causes broken fly state on caster
Fixed Fissure with Castrange bonuses
Fixed Elder Dragon Form splash, Black Dragon splash, Moon Glaive and Psi Blades malfunction
Fixed Track not provides normal vision over target
Fixed some memory leaks

False Promise now records all enemy damagers instead of only from deadly blows but not allied, so barely allows to "deny" hero by dealing to him last damage instance.
Note: actually to deny should kill ally without not taking any damage from enemies

Minor stuff:
Marksmanship no longer reduces armor for non-primary attack, only grants true strike for it (Split Shot, Flak Cannon), and so does not create visual effect as well
Fixed Meat Hook uses old icon when silenced
Updated Furion stats (all 600 range heroes now has 290 base ms)
Orchid and Bloodthorn ending damage no longer tries to damage dead unit, thus not displays damage numbers
Slightly updated Scroll of TP tooltip by missing space, also now checks for enemy manapool when clicking on enemy scroll



Fixed many attack effects works only against heroes instead of only from heroes
Updated banned heroes info logging, now includes title



Fixed bottom lane Sentinel creeps behaviour
Fixed Roshan armor and damage grows unproperly under relevant reductions
Fixed Ether Shock checks on owner spell block instead of enemy's
Fixed Primal Split Earth receiving lvl 3 Demolish at any level of non-upgraded Primal Split
Fixed one of TP Scroll visual effects having wrong appearing conditions
Fixed Illuminate vision being too far and lasted forever
Fixed Burrowstrike pushes Roshan
Fixed Sublimal blade having wrong icon in ending stats
Fixed Searing Arrows not piercing magic immunity
Fixed Hurricane Pike being wasted completely when used against magic immune enemy (in 89a it was used to push back only caster)
Fixed Sammy Face on Berserker Rage (for real this time)
Fixed (?) Icepath having slightly less area of effect than intended
Fixed Satanic being unusable during WW as mentioned, fixed Mask of Madness lacking this stuff at all
Fixed Arcane Curse damages only once
Fixed some passive skills goes on wrong units instead of owner's illusions when illusion is created
Fixed Eul being unorderable on self when invulnerable
Fixed Illusory orb and Teleport Scroll indication string being invisible
Fixed Aghanim's Scepter Consumable being unpickable with full slots if hero haven't any upgradable skills
Fixed Aegis being unpickable by Spirit Bear
Fixed Armlet being unpickable by Courier
Fixed Rotting Heap DPS being too high
Fixed Tiny Toss following target unproperly
Fixed Snowball still not follows dead target properly
Fixed Walrus Punch and Infernal Blade counting mana spent for soul ring / martyric boots unproperly after previous changes
Fixed multikill streak (double kill, triple kill, etc) being not announced by text
Fixed having positive and negative Ghost Form effect on unit at same time changes his color forever
Fixed Blackhole not stops forced movements
Fixed Life Drain visual effect being visible in fog
Fixed Time Walk when casted on very short range
Fixed Maelstrom and it's upgrades lightnings procs against allies
Fixed Dark Rift not canceling forced movements of teleported units
Fixed Deafening Blast damages before rooting instead of after
Fixed manabreaks not working on illusions
Fixed Poison Arrow type attacks can be used form win walks without breaking them
Fixed Quill Spray protection at higher skill levels being slightly weaker than intended
Fixed Lightning Grapple slow being counted as buff instead of as debuff in dispels
Fixed Spirit Wolves stucking in terrain sometimes when summoned
Fixed Holy Beads going on full cooldown when used with 0 charges (idk how tho)
Fixed Stone Gaze slows more than intended (50% instead of 35%)
Fixed Polymorphs breaks on add (testmode only)
Fixed some things breaks Rexxar Eagle flight state (e.g. Surge buff)
Fixed some of Avalanche animations being a bit too overwhelming (doubled)
Fixed text about banned heroes lasts different time for title and names (now 30 seconds everything)
Fixed Pit of Malice visual effect was delayed together with rooting effect, which is not intended
Fixed Pit of Malice reveals enemy invisiblity forever instead of rooting time only
Fixed devouring Harpy Storm gives nothing
Fixed Heartstopper aura affecting Roshan
Fixed interaction of damage from multiple Demonic Purge debuffs on same target (now refreshes duration instead of not dealing damage from following casts at all)
Fixed Fire Jump not kills targeted remnant when caster is interrupted by other forced movement. So now Remnant disappears without damaging in this case.
Fixed Chilling Touch debuff affects allies
Fixed Cleaves working when attacking structures
Fixed Craggy Exterior check on magic immunity of target instead of attacker
Fixed Icarus Dive being stopped even by instant (0.00 sec) stuns, e.g. by interrupting unit and being moving faster when hero casts spells during it
Fixed losing tint info for short time in some tint changing cases, what causes completely black tint for short time
Fixed Pocket Nuclear Charge breaks some other visual effects (suddenly it was breaking only until alt-tab)
Fixed False Promise continues slightly unproperly if target is invulnerable and small fix in visual indication
Fixed Geostrike not working from illusions
Fixed bug which was caused by new Javelins and other magical bonus damage to attack effects, which prevented some other attack effects from working if target dies to this damage
Note: something recoded for that, so also improves performance, especially in big fights

Fixes most of silences being undispellable properly
Fixed Force Staff and it's upgrade push being dispellable by wrong way and thus causes some problems until next cast of Force on unit
Now it's effect divided by allies and enemy, like other buffs. So allied pushing buff is dispellabe by an enemy dispel, and enemy's pushing debuff by allies.

Partially fixed Shapeshift aura units stucking (hard to explain tho)
Recoded Reactive Armor, should not bug anymore

Visuals, Sound and texts

Chat command -light got updated tip and can be used like -light 1 or -light 2 instead of full naming

Banned heroes names now stays in chat log
Roshan theoretical respawn time is now displayed always in same string where respawn timers are

Game time before sunrise now begins at end of pick instead of absurd jump from midnight (0:00) to sunrise (6:00) at first creep spawn

Item costs can now be seen when shop is far
And so removed item costs from names (e.g. "I want to buy > Clarity Potion - 50" -> "I want to buy > Clarity Potion"

Telekinesis Land effect is now always visible for allies, including fog
Dismember sound is no longer audiable if haven't vision on caster, however sound is still global

Updated most icons of passive item effects on status bar, so they are displayed as "passive" effect (borderless icon)
Note: Veil of Discord mana regen uses Ring of Basilius icon to not make a mess with Discord debuff

New model for Ice Path, new effect for Cold Snap

Reverted Thunder Storm and Gleipnir animation



Improved some spell reflections, also now all projectiled spells can be reflected toward invulnerable or immune caster

Decreased gold and exp for herokills in 1.0-1.15 times, depending on victim level (still more than in 88d2)

Slightly improved basic stats and stats grow of some heroes, mostly intelligent

Formless removed from game together with his books. I have no idea why but they does not work at all now.


Ensnares (all sorts: naga, troll, devoured) and Shadow Word:
Can be casted on invulnerable targets. Cannot be casted on hidden by enemies targets

War Terror
No longer affects non-hero units, but only heroes or illusions
Charge cooldown 60/50/40 -> 80/65/50
Delay between cast and actual effect increased from 0.5 to 0.64 second, so it can be avoided easier
Damage rescaled from 90/120/150 + 2.0/2.5/3.0 str to 120/180/240 + 1.0/1.5/2.0 str
Debuff duration decreased by 0.5 seconds
Minimal cooldown between uses 2.5 -> 3.0
AoE 750 -> 650
Note: overall nerf-nerf-nerf

Rotten Heap
DPS 25/45/65/85 + 1.2/2.4/3.6/4.8% of caster max hp (it was way higher than mentioned) -> 20/40/60/80 + 0.5/1.0/1.5/2.0% of caster max hp
In other words, DPS increases by 25% from basic DPS at 1000 HP, by 50% at 2000 HP, etc

Chaos Meteor
Physical damage component increased in 1.33 times (overall just small buff)
Damage AoE increased by 25
Cooldown 60 -> 50

Hero now able to perform any actions during traveling, he is no longer stunned for duration
Damage 100/150/200/250 -> 65/130/195/260

Magnetic Field
Cooldown 45/40/35/30 -> 26/24/22/20
Can now be dispelled and does not stack pushing effect from recasts

Berserker's Call
Cast time 0.4 -> 0.35
AoE 300 -> 325 (as it was mentioned on tooltip)
Cooldown 18/16/14/12 -> 21/18/15/12

Spiked Carapace
Stored damage conversion 24/27/30/33% -> 30/40/50/60%
Max spikes distance 600 -> 650 (thus max AoE 650 -> 700)

Brain Sap is no longer instant, uses projectiles instead
Firstly launches damaging projectile with speed 900, can be evaded by victim
Secondary launches healing projectile backward with speed 1200, cannot be evaded by caster

Poison Touch starting point 200 units in front of caster -> 100 units (reaches less max distance, but easier to hit in close range)

Refraction cooldown 16/14/12/10 -> 17/15/13/11

Meld cooldown 9/8/7/6 -> 10/9/8/7

Eyes in the Forest cooldown 55/45/35 -> 60/50/40, cast time 0.2 -> 1.0

Soul Channel drain 30/50/70/90 per second -> 24/46/68/90

Very slightly increased Fissure and Ice Path AoE according to reports that both they did not catch units which were logically in radius

Quill Spray damage slightly reduced

Mass Serpent Ward base attack time 1.5 -> 1.4

Poison Touch DPS and attack damage bonus decreased by 4

Sanity's Eclipse cast range 600 -> 700, attrribute difference multiplier +0.2
Rocket Barrage damage per rocket decreased by 1

Tiny Toss
Can now be avoided easier:
According to total flight time of 1.3 seconds, target unit should move from projectile further than (estimated time in seconds * 1000) distance per 0.02 sec to avoid Toss

Spirit Lance Break removed

Tempest (devoured) now ends when caster dies


Orchid and Bloodthorn
Damage is no longer amplified by Spell Amplification (as damage outcome meant to be amplified already when taken and recorded to be multiplied)
Damage is not applied even when dispelled
Reapplying same debuff (Orchid on Orchid, Bloodthorn on Bloodthorn) dispels previous debuff, so it instantly deals already recorded damage from previous debuff instance

Steamrollers Recipe and bonuses changed
Recipe requirement Phase Boots + Demon Edge -> Phase Boots + Talisman of Evasion + Broadsword
Total cost 5250 -> 5000
Damage bonus 55 -> 30
+20% evasion
Active DPS 40 -> 50

Phase Boots damage bonus 15 -> 12
Phase Boost and Steamrollers cooldown 8 -> 9

Guardian Graves recipe cost decreased by 300 (total cost 5250 -> 5000, read Buckler change)
Jackboots recipe cost decreased by 250 (total cost 5250 -> 5000)

Force Staff, Hurricane Pike, Jackboots manacost 50 -> 100
Hurricane Pike HP Regen 4 -> 5, recipe cost 450 -> 600

Corrosive Pendant
Armor reduction 2 -> 3, now differs from Blight Stone debuff but overlaps it, so they does not stack.
Recipe cost 170 -> 220

Cruel Bracer, Elusive Band, Imaginary Talisman
Side attributes bonus 2 -> 3, recipe cost 290 -> 265
Elusive Band AS bonus 7 -> 8 [~5 * 1.(6), same as for other bonuses]

Headdress grants +1 hp regen to owner in addition to +2 hp regen aura
Buckler gives +1 armor to owner in addition to +2 armor aura, affect lane creeps too, recipe cost 200 -> 250
Ring of Basilius gives +0.4 manaregen to owner in addition to manaregen aura, aura bonus 1.25 -> 0.8

Drum of Endurance
MS bonus 25 -> 20 (reverted)

Holy Beads
Basic active HP and MP restore per charge 20 -> 17 + 0.7% of missing relevant state
e.g. if target unit has 1000/2000 HP and 1000/1500 mp, each charge will restore 17+(2000-1000)*0.007=24 HP and 17+(1500-1000)*0.007=20.5 MP
Note: making item more useful later in game and not incredibly useful when used 5 on same target at same time, as well as adding timing for more effective usage.

Diamond Penetrator
Recipe requirement Desolator + Demon Edge -> Desolator + Ultimate Orb
Bonuses: 90 damage -> 50 damage, 13 all attributes
Recipe cost 650 -> 800 (so total cost unchanged)

TP Scroll Upgrade cost 2500 -> 2400 (second upgrade 5000 -> 4800)
TP Scroll Upgrade lvl 2 is no longer combinable from two TP Scroll Upgrades lvl 1, so can be comboed only when picked up by a hero or Spirit Bear
Note: this is easiest and probably best solution of picking up tp scroll upgrade level 2 due to some reasons

Abyssal Blade cast range 200 -> 250, sends attack order after cast again

Monkey King Bar bonus magical damage 125 -> 150


Roshan now has growing attack speed in addition: 2 AS per 1 game minute
Reminder that damage grow was already decreased in 1.5 times in previous patch

Rexxar Boar
Damage type Pierce -> Hero
Damage 22/36/50/64 -> 26/40/54/68

Spirit Wolf
Hp decreased by 50 (all levels)

Thunder Lizard Slam damage 125 -> 225, slow 2 (4) sec -> 4 sec, manacost 100 -> 150, manapool 400 -> 450

Sasquatch Shaman attack damage decreased from 28-36 to 20-24, magical splash damage increased from 35 to 50
Lifesteal aura 10% attack / 10% (2%) spell -> 15% / 15% (3%)

Neutrals Ogre Mauler and Ogre Magi MS 270 -> 300, Ogre Mauler HP 850 -> 800 (just a bit too long to kill for it's bounties)


Very hotfix


Fixed !ff command not working correctly when surrending team has leaver in it
Fixed 8k error / lag glitch when Roshan takes damage from invulnerable hero
Fixed Sentinel bottom creep wave stucking in 2 places
Fixed losing control after Pulse Nova cast (aghanim upgrade does no longer update skill description, however)
Fixed Diamond Penetrator recipe requirements
Fixed Cleaves, Fury Swipes and Essence Shift working when attacking allies (e.g. deny)
Fixed Abyssal Blade stun was not updated from 1.4 to 1.8
Fixed Sammyface caused by Berserker's Rage, Flaming Lasso and Doom Speed Aura (skill icon or buff icon)
Fixed Rain of Chaos not killing trees in area
Fixed Psionic Trap have slowing aura like if there were upgraded (before removing aghanim)
Fixed Formless Books not working properly (Unus did not work at all)
Fixed Magnetic Field pushes invulnerable enemies
Fixed Moment of Courage not uses cooldown for lifesteal properly
Fixed Soul Rip heals x2
Fixed Avalanche visuals become too small
Fixed Holy Beads not working at doubleclick
Fixed Infest lvl 1 being unusable on creeps at all instead of being unusable on ancients
Fixed Linken's Sphere blocking sound being audiable through all map instead of being local
Fixed Snowball rolls in wrong direction when spelltarget dies
Fixed Last Word silence missing visual effect
Fixed Psi Blades proc conditions (should not work when attacking allies, structures, wards)
Fixed Culling Blade cooldown being not updated
Fixed Crimson Guard active not working as expected
Fixed Avalanche rocks size from magma set
Fixed Claymore not provides damage
Fixed displayed dmg amounts which is dealt under Winter's curse in final statistic
Fixed Octarine having higher priority than bloodstone in item comboing
Fixed Exorcism teleporting ghosts in wrong place when hero moves far away
Fixed Toss keep following target even if it teleports far away (above 1000), and vise versa, sometimes not following on close distances
Fixed Omnislash trying to hit caster once if havent other enemies around
Fixed Sonic Wave damage type
Fixed Battle Hunger slow stays forever until next debuff if caster dies before it was removed from victim
Fixed Time Walk heals on maximum possible amount even after taking minimal damage
Fixed Walrus Punch, Tidebringer, Infernal Blade not tirggers when hero has mana below x2 of it's manacost (now has triggered manacost, so abilites wont be shown as "not enough mana")
Fixed Walrus Punch cooldown
Fixed Shackles visual effect stays for whole duration even if channeling was stopped anyhow
Fixed hero does nothing after Primal Split ending even with turned on autoattack
Fixed Big Rock Throw pushes Roshan
Fixed Bloodstone begins consume charges on active ability after death with bloodstone in hands

Recoded roots, no longer causes bugs with losing invis detection bug with multiple roots on same target and slightly improved performance for roots and even for some other features

Using Magic Stick, Magic Wand, Holy Beads with 0 charges no longer interrupts caster, which used to interrupt his current actions as well
Instead it sends item ability in 0.5 seconds cooldown


Visuals & texts

Fixed text about AFK
Updated some non-updated before descriptions
Earth Spirit Stones are no longer visible on minimap
Added warning on Telekinesis pick that it's multiicon ability now
Reverted Hand of Midas icon
Changed Radiance Off icon



Time Walk
No longer heals twice per same damage instances if it was cooldowned very fast by some reasons
Now heals over jump time instead of instantly at cast, while exact total heal amount is calculated at jump beginning (reminder that it does not grant invulnerability anymore, so hero may get killed during jump more likely and vise versa, heal more in some cases, and also if jump would be interrupted somehow, heal will not be completed)
Heal cap removed, no longer strictly limited at % of maximum hp of carrier. Instead it now heals by not all of stored damage. Heal is equal to dmg in degree of 0.84/0.86/0.88/0.9 aka dmg ^ x, where "x" depends on skill level
Note: Means it's no longer "better to use on tanks", and even vise versa, heal efficiency falls with increased amount of stored damage, so having big chunk of armor or resistance is more important in this case, what properly buffed or armored carry or hardcarry would more likely have

Goblin's Greed now works on denies, and bonus gold is full, unlike normal deny gold being only 20%.
Greed bonus gold again appears as separated gold near victim
Note: Greed is fairly very weak in early game and then proceeding even in midgame may be very hard, so Greed received more usability in laning.

Magnetic Field now pushes enemies a bit further away than ally buff range (325 -> 360)
Note: this should keep standing on place enemy out of circle more likely and push away earlier

AS bonus per stack 12/18/24/30 -> 16/19/22/25
Max stacks 8 -> 5/6/7/8
So maximum AS bonus 96/144/192/240 -> 80/114/152/200
No longer keep getting new stacks (even without actual AS bonus) under Break
Overall Fervor is nerfed except level 1 in some conditions

Phantom Strike
AS bonus 60/80/100/120 -> 50/60/70/80 for 2 -> 2.25 sec
Cast range decreased by 50

Energy Drain
Drained mana decreased by 20 per second, spell amp by 1% per second, fixed drained amounts in description
Note: it become too strong in early game even with it's fairly long cooldown

Burrowstrike max stun & fly time 0.79/0.86/0.93/1.0 -> 0.96/1.04/1.12/1.2
Note: beatiful thing with just a bit not enough efficiency

Doppelganger cooldown decreased by 2 seconds
Note: it just should be slightly better

Phantom Rush:
Agility bonus replaced by Attack Speed bonus, 20/30/40/50 AS for 2 seconds
Max distance for starting Rush decreased by 50

Rolling Boulder bonus speed and distance with rock 100% -> 75%

Exorcism Ghost damage 59-64 -> 62-68, ghosts amount 10/17/24 -> 8/14/20 (overall small nerf)

Omnislash now has 50% to chance target instead of deciding new target at every jump. If previous target is in possible distance and alive, of course.

Decay damage is now doubled against units from who cannot steal STR

Dragon Slave speed 1200 -> 1100

Rain of Chaos stun and treekilling AoE 600 -> 475




Diamond Penetrator and Stygian Desolator does no longer stack on same target (Penetrator takes priority, of course)

Magic Stick:
Cost 300 -> 325
+1 all attributes in addition

Magic Wand:
Magic Stick + Crown + Recipe for total 950 gold (down from 1655)
+5 all attributes
Note: Previous version was too uncomfortable to buy items with that much different cost and from secret shop in addition

Holy Beads:
Magic Wand + Cloak + Point Booster + Recipe for total 3200 gold (up from 2800)
+6 all attributes, +200 HP, +200 MP, +20% Magic Resistance, +20% Heal Amplification (for self)
Active heal HP and MP per charge 21 -> 20 (thus 24 HP if used on self and have not other modifiers)
Maximum charges 20 -> 25
Note: Heal amplification includes HP restoring stuff which is not displayed as regeneration. Includes lifesteal and spell lifesteal as well.

Urn of Shadows
No longer receives 2 charges when having 0
Now receives 1 charge at purchase
Recipe cost increased by 50
Total heal 280 -> 300

Orb of Venom slow decreased by 1% (from 13/7 to 12/6)

Doubled damage of Ancients against hit-count armor so their attacks treat same as hero attacks, except Familiars, however Ancients cannot attack Supernova Sun and Ignis Fatuus.
Neutral Lizard aura swapped back to Big lizard. Frenzy from Big Lizard removed




Fixed couriers not respawning
Fixed Charge of Darkness cooldown being unaffected by CDR and being not silenced while running
Fixed problem with losing control / no cooldown bug on bunch of multiicon abilities (e.g. Icarus Dive, Rotten Heap)
Fixed Solar Crest not having cost of pruchasing recipe (it's 900)
Fixed Rain of Chaos causes leaks if not stunned anyone
Fixed Group Leak caused by Dust of Appearance (internal checksum failed, error 8k)
Fixed Necromastery was clickable and having "active" icon at pick stage (without any effect, but still)
Fixed Moon Glaive missing icon, what causes crash when player looks at ability
Fixed Chaos Strike being disallowed to pick with Jinada or Tidebringer, even tho it does not provide guarantied critical strike anymore
Fixed Mystic Snake instantly returns if target dies while snake flies toward it
Fixed small shortage in damage system
Fixed Epicenter pulses amount and damage per level.
Fixed Epicenter continues at hero respawn location instead of death location in case of buyback
Fixed Force Staff affects self instead of enemy
Fixed Ball Lightning costs in 2 times less mana per distance than intended
Fixed casting TP Scrol instantly evades projectiles
Fixed Windrunner still evades projectiles on cast
Fixed Sleight of Fist evades projectiles while they used to not do
Fixed Relocate evades projectiles on cast instead of at teleporting
Fixed Freezing Field not turns in random direction and not depends on caster facing as it was intended
Fixed Black Dragon Fireball stops doing damage after 3 seconds after Dragon's death
Fixed illusions spell lifesteal values
Fixed illusions not spawning when created from hero with low Str (very-very-very old bug)
Fixed text about AFK
Fixed Dark Rift teleports frozen leaver's heroes
Fixed Arctic Burn and Crystal Nova lacks some visual effects on victim
Fixed Chain Frost visual effect duration in victim
Fixed Fiery Soul displayed not at cooldown after being refreshed
Fixed Necromastery learning causes lag spike, it still exist but happens at end of pick instead (for me old time required to learn Necromastery required was ~0.47 sec, thus lag spike, new 0.0001 sec)
Fixed Arcane Orb manareg amount from illusions
Fixed Soul Siphon healing when target is invulnerable (and healing by wrong amounts)
Fixed Powershot damage being reduced beginning from first target instead of second and following
Fixed Shackles, Dismember and Fiend's Grip interacts with status resistance slightly incorrect
Fixed Doppelganger ending point can be messed when other forces movements are applied
Fixed Necromastery learn gives +1 dmg at lvls above 1 when have 0 souls
Fixed Power Cog, now aligns better, to closest possible point
Fixed interaction of Chronosphere and Black Hole with Phase Shift and Tricks of the Trade
Fixed Smoke Screen and Static Storm affect invulnerable units
Fixed fatal error message caused by Smoke Screen and Static Storm
Fixed Black Hole damage was buffed instead of nerfed
Fixed polymorphing illusions was technically unnecessary slow
Another attempt to fix sentinel creeps stucking near scourge t1

Improved performance a bit more by removing some often used but excessive stuff


Heroes now respawns in slightly random location around (in 100-200 distance from normal spawn location from -45 to 135 graduses for Sentinels and from 135 to 315 graduses for Scourge)



Added some more and updated icons:
Solid Granite Aura, Craggy Exterior, Geminate Attack, Backstab, Manaburn, Helm of Overlord, Big Rock Throw, Solid Granite Aura, Phantom Rush, Hand of Midas and some others
Acknowledgements for Hiveworkshop for pictures and LeArnHowToWiN for adapting them

Requested credits from Hiveworkshop:
JAKEZINC for StaticField.mdx (Gleipnir Root)
chr2 for BTNstrength.blp (Solid Granite Aura)

Fixed error message "Cannot target sapper team" to proper "Cannot target couriers"

Added buff indicator on Soul Ring / Martyric Boots mana bonus


AdvancedStatsIconDisabled has now effect again to not display advanced unit state on selection, thus positively affects performance, may be important for slow PCs
Displaying is enabled by default (AdvancedStatsIconDisabled = false)
Cannot be changed during game, only via config


Torrent cast range 1500 -> 1350

Reactive Armor now provides armor bonus before taking damage (similarly to armor reductions by Desolator and others)

Paralyzing Cask is now completely blocked by Linken's Sphere at first target (not continues jumping, ignoring only first target, unlike before)

Death Ward no longer receives +1 target from Aghanim's upgrade. True strike decreased from 100% to 50%.
Pocket Nuclear charge now has minimal fly time of 0.3 seconds on low distances below 360, on higher distances it retains constant speed of 1200 units per seconds

Counter Helix cooldown can now be modified by CDR and is displayed on ability
Stampede no longer affects surrounding enemies when unit is invulnerale
Jinada no longer works against structures
Rotten Heap, Voodoo Restoration, Mana Shield and Overcharge can no longer be silenced
Pulse Nova cannot be stolen via Spell Steal
Enrage now counts as dummy-spell (does not trigger special effects like last word, static field, etc)
Ball Lightning now deals damage by counting distance between starting location and victim location instead of being strict at each rolling step

Tempest (Wildkin or devoured) damage now scales smoother and more realistic:
Instead of scaling damage as 100% at distance below 150 and 25% at 150-600 it deals maximum damage in distance 150, which falls fast till nearly 0 in very epicenter and near edges
Reduced debuff duration from 0.5 to 0.25 (like most other auras)

Troll Axes manacost 50/55/60/65 -> 66/74/82/90, melee axes blind 60% -> 50%

Static Storm duration increased by 0.25 sec

Firewall debuff duration from 1.0 to 0.25 (like most other auras)

Black Hole damage tickrate 1 sec -> 0.1 sec

Psi Blades
Recoded, improved performance, now area of effect is more correct, clean rectange
Affected rectange length 240/400/560/720 -> 330/460/570/720, width 90 -> 100
Can now be used by illusions


New item — Gleipnir
Heaviness is good, heaviness is reliable: even if it won't shoot, you can always hit the head with it.
Independent of name, it's not a flail but pretty cool looking hammer. You will want to obtain some for sure.
Maelstrom (2700) + Rod of Atos (2850) + Recipe (700) for total 6150 gold
+10 Str
+10 Agi
+20 Int
+30 Dmg
30% chance for true strike with chain lightning with 180 dmg up to 8 targets
Active: Lightning Chain
1100 cast range, 18 cd, 150 manacost, 1500 projectile speed, 275 AoE
Launches projectile toward targeted area, deals 225 magical Dmg and roots all non-immune non-invul enemies in it for 2 seconds

Mjollnir lightning jumps 12 -> 8, damage 170 -> 180

New item — Diamond Penetrator
Previously demonic weapon, covered in dwarven forge by diamond crumb this extremely sharp and sturdy blade leaves no chance for almost any wearable armor.
Desolator (3250) + Demon Edge (2200) + Recipe (650) for total 6100 gold
+90 Dmg
Passively reduces victim armor by 9 for 10 seconds

Desolator now requires Hammer and Claymore instead of 2 Hammers
Desolator damage bonus 55 -> 45

Buriza damage bonus 88 -> 90

All Yasha-based items now has properly stackable attack speed bonus, so only movespeed bonus is not stackable between them

Holy Beads now heals for full amount when targeting ally
Talisman of Evasion cost 1400 -> 1300
Heaven's Halberd now requires 300 gold recipe
Power Treads and Phase Boots can now be disassembled
Null Talisman magic resistance bonus 4% -> 3%, Imaginary Talisman 6.5% -> 5%

Abyssal Blade stun 1.4 -> 1.8 (in 1.5 times longer than normal Bash from this item), cast range 250 -> 200, no longer provides blink

Bracer HPreg bonus 0.75 -> 0.9, Cruel Bracer 1.25 -> 1.5
Triforce Blade all stat bonus 18 -> 16, recipe cost 750 -> 900


New Ancient neutral camp (restoring & changing Jungle Stalker Camp)
Sasquatch camp
x2 Sasquatch Warrior: 30-40 damage, 320 MS, 900 HP, 2 armor, 70% magic resistance, 150 attack range, 1.35 BAT
Abilities: 20% for critical strike x2
x1 Sasquatch Shaman: 28-36 damage, 320 MS, 1600 HP, 4 armor, 70% magic resistance, 200 attack range (melee), 1.35 BAT
Abilities: 35 magical damage in 300 AoE, aura for 10% lifesteal and 10% (2%) spell lifesteal.
All these abilities can be removed by Break

Thunder Lizard (small) renamed to Thunder Lizard Armadillo
War Drums Aura swapped from Thunder Lizard Chief to Thunder Lizard Armadillo
Both Thunder Lizards armor increased by 1 and BAT decreased by 0.05

Black Dragon splash attack damage 100% -> 75%, is now displayed on unit abilities.
Black Drake BAT 1.6 -> 1.5, now has 70% magic resistance

Ghost slow duration 1.5 -> 2

Centaur Khan War Stomp AoE 250 -> 300
Nerfed Centaur Khan (-200 hp, -7 dmg), buffed Centaur Outrunner (+100 hp, +4 dmg, -0.2 BAT), accordingly rescaled gold bounty for them.
New neutral creep: Centaur Archer. Replaces 1 of Outrunners in big camp.
Creep level 3. 400 HP, 1 armor, 330 speed, 350 range, 24-30 damage, 1.5 BAT.
Passively reduces victim's armor by 3 for 4 seconds, does not pierce magic immunity, affects buildings, affected by Break
Can be devoured for 2/3/4/5 armor reduction for 4 seconds, does not pierce magic immunity, affects buildings.

Emerald Golem got an active ability
Golem mana 600 + 1 per second
Big Rock Throw
Throws huge piece of rock in target area to stun enemies for 1.5 seconds and deal 200 Magical damage.
Creates earthquake which slightly pushes enemies away of epicenter in both cast and target area.
Cast range 800
AoE 350
Cooldown 20
Manacost 200
Cast Time 0.5

Slighty increased Rock Golem damage and gold bounty

Movespeed of slow Ancient creeps, which had 270, increased to 310-325

Balanced experience per ancient neutral camps

Roshan hp grow per minute 115 -> 125
Roshan Status Resistance 25% -> 20%, now grows by 0.5% per minute up to 80%



Fixed weird crashes (at least some)
Fixed (?) desynches
Fixed Spectral Dagger deals too low damage
Fixed Track not providing any bonus gold
Fixed Track visuals getting lost upon polymorphing
Fixed Rotting Heap bonus hp functionality (including False Promise and Frozen HP cases, bonus HP from ability overlaps both)
Fixed Illuminate vision lasts too long
Fixed bashes duration was doubled against heroes instead of against creeps
Fixed Stolen Ice Blast being weaker than normal in some conditions
Fixed Steamrollers visual effect being visible even when carrier is invisible for player
Fixed Track gives gold to allies in slightly less AoE than normal assist AoE
Fixed Tether, Relocate and Icarus Dive breaking by polymorphs
Fixed EMP unit itself was not visible for allies
Fixed Reality does not interrupting forced movements
Fixed Reality Rift and Doppelganger affects illusions which they should not (Reflection or Haunt)
Fixed Reality Rift caster and target units overlapping each other sometimes
Fixed Viscous Nasal Goo and Rocket Barrage projectiles travels on ground instead of having height
Fixed (?) heroes counts as non-heroes when hitting things with hit-count armor type after own death


Slightly decreased gold per hero kills

Heroes cannot be denied by attack under some DPS spells anymore

Amount of banned heroes by voting changed from random 6-8 to constant 7


Shallow Grave
Now heals by 5% of missing HP from max at end, including case of recasting Grave on already buffed target (in form of Heal)
Duration 5 -> 4.0/4.5/5.0/5.5
Cast Time 0.4 -> 0.3
Cast Range 550/700/850/1000 -> 625/750/875/1000
Cooldown 60/45/30/15 -> 36/30/24/18
Manacost 140/130/120/110 -> 150

Poison Touch
Now deals first damage instance at hitting enemy
Debuff now adds damage to attack equal to it's DPS (this damage cannot crit)

Moment of Courage
Now lays buff for 2 seconds maximum instead of forever
Bonus lifesteal 24/36/48/60% -> 26/39/52/65%
Is now melee only ability
Note: buff timer will not end during second attack delay of 0.25 seconds, it will be prolonged  to be at least 0.25 sec remaining

Nightmare is no longer blocked by linken at attacking of sleeping target

Attribute shift can now shift more stats (down from 5 to 1)
Limit of 5 existed for preventing bug with illusions disappearing at low hero str, but this thing does not help properly anyway

Swoop Down is now count as disable

Deafening Blast
Slightly increased speed and smoothered visuals

Tricks of the Trade attacks no longer ignores Disarms

Berserker's Blood maximum Hp Reg from STR decreased on 4%

Fervor no longer reacts on instant attacks, neither gains charge or count as changed target (stifling dagger, tricks of the trade, moment of courage, geminate attack, omnislash, etc)

Brain Sap damage 100/200/300/400 -> 90/180/270/360

Black Hole DPS 100/150/200 -> 80/140/200

Fireblast cast range 600 -> 500

Fiend's Grip mana steal with aghanim 10%/sec -> 8%/sec (max total 70% -> 56%)

Demonic Conversion cooldown 35 -> 50/45/40/35, duration 35 -> 40

Test of Faith manacost 90/100/120/130 -> 90/105/120/135

Holy Persuation cooldown 30/26/22/18 -> 15

Static Field cooldown penalty per damaged unit 0.25 sec -> 0.5 sec

Track bonus gold for allies x0.33 -> x0.4

Illusion damage percentage:
Melee: 40/60/80 -> 40/55/70
Ranged: 25/40/55 -> 26/37/48
Illusions no longer receives increased to 400 base movespeed

Main damage slightly reduced, bonus damage slightly increased, so it's more necessary to hit by multiple razes to be effective
Cast time 0.4 -> 0.45

Burning Spears DPS per stack decreased by 2


Medallion of Courage and Solar Crest duration and cooldown 7 -> 12
Self debuff from them is no longer dispellable, but instead affected by owner CDR (lasts same as cooldown)

Solar Crest
Medallion + Crown + Wind Lace + Recipe for 2625 gold total
+6 armor, +5 all stats, +25 MS
Active changed: modifies armor by 6, AS by 65, MS by 10% (positive numbers for allies and negatiive for enemies)
Caster only loses 6 armor for duration
Active ability name Shine -> Sunshine

Abyssal Blade cast range 550 -> 250, cooldown 35 -> 25

Tranquil Boots HP reg 14 -> 9, but no longer breaks when owner attacks heroes. Breaks only when owner taking hit from anyone
Martyric Boots HP reg 16 -> 12, self-active hp requirement 275 -> 225 (still provides 275 mana). Both self and ally active abilities duration 10 -> 12.

Drum of Endurance active ability now affects lane creeps normally. Manacost 50 -> 60.

Guinsoo cooldown 22 -> 20

Necronomicon: Removed from game


Tombstone gold bounty 100 -> 75
Nether Ward exp bounty 0 -> 75


89a2, hotfix

Fixed Desynch caused by -light cmd
Fixed Desynch caused by buybacks
Fixed Demonic Purge and Telekinesis reflections
Fixed Acid Spray and Spin Web lacking icons
Fixed (?) random crashes
Fixed orders on Summon Wild Boar and X marks Return
Fixed charges indicator on Culling Blade
Fixed (?) Primal Roar sometimes not pushing enemies
Fixed Homing Missile lvl 1 HP
Fixed The Swarm beetles not having autoattack priority
Fixed Will-o-Wisp visual effects from multiple units at same time became broken in last patch
Fixed Tombstone damage not aggroing neutral camps
Fixed some descriptions

Note: -light felwood / -light ashenvale commands will not change environment sound. To change environment souud, if you need it by any reason, change lighting settings in config.

Backstab damage bonus x1.15/1.7/2.25 -> x0.9/1.35/1.8
War Terror max charges 4 -> 3
Splinter Blast can now be cast against invulnerable units
AM, Jugger, Slark BAT increased from 1.6 to 1.7, starting attributes slightly improved to compensate


89a1, hotfix

Fixed some tooltips
Fixed Bulldoze icon in multiboard being still "passive"
Fixed Fissure contained debug feature
Fixed non-owned couriers having wrong color (it used to be different from normal, but not that black)
Fixed Tombstone having too low basic HP
Fixed Tombstone causes crash sometimes
Fixed Radiance blind working against any units
Fixed Borrowed Time heal against certain types of damage
Fixed Time Lapse location conditions were reverted for dead and alive units
Fixed Supernova and Ignis Fatuus lacking it's damage block
Fixed Lightning Grapple still breaks unit flying possibilities
Fixed Sammy Face from Death Pact and Chilling Touch buffs
Fixed creep waypoints on bottom lane near Sentinel T1
Fixed War Terror affects magic immune or invulnerable units who got these bonuses during activation delay
Fixed Demonic Purge DPS lasts too long
Fixed Cold Feet not creating any visual effect when blocked, now creates short effect
Fixed some spell reflections
Fixed Glimpse cause crash on cast
Fixed Primal Roar not working at all when don't have side targets to push
Fixed donated Troll Warlord not working when picked Berserker Rage on other heroes
Echo Stomp effect is no longer visible when caster is not visible, thus it should not leave effects when time is over until revealing location


Added ClassicNaturalLighting option, allows to change it between Ashenvale (old style, if there is "true") and Felwood (new style, any other text after "=")
Default option is "false", so default lighting stays new.

Chat commands
Added chat commands "-light felwood" and "-light ashenvale" to switch between options during game. Type "-light" to read possible options.

-mute command now works against observers (-mute 11 for first, e.g. RGC, and -mute 12 for observing player)


89a0, main patch


Beta testing: LeArnHowToWiN

Landscape: FilLaD1N

Most of the new icons: Hiveworkshop

Naga 3, new bracer/band/talisman: ResQ

Hero models fixes: ABLAGOOD



  • Fixed units trying to move into position of dead target (for right click attack only) if it died during spellcast which does not interrupt order queue instead of standing on place, like units does in same case but with autoattacking
  • Fixed Game Time was displayed not exactly correct (shifted for up to half-second)
  • Fixed Accurate Shot being available for melee heroes
  • Fixed Courier upgrade to flying not working properly if courier was dead at moment of reaching 5 lvl
  • Fixed Rain of Chaos living infinitely
  • Fixed Glimmer Cape lost active magic resistance and buff indicator
  • Fixed Poison Nova still affecting allies (for real this time) and staying after death
  • Fixed some spells become usable on magic immune enemies since last version
  • Fixed Track being usable on non-hero units
  • Fixed Dagon visual effect being too long
  • Fixed Disassembling Ring of Basilius (normal version) breaks item
  • Fixed Smoke of Deceit not provides truesight immunity as it should be
  • Fixed Pulse Nova can be toggled for 1 tick even without mana
  • Fixed Sand Storm malfunction
  • Fixed Shadowraze and Fireshow effects stays on fog until revealed
  • Fixed losing up to 50 Reliable gold on death in case of not having enough unreliable gold
  • Fixed (?) Tricks of the Trade loses invulnerability sometimes
  • Fixed some visual stuff on illusions
  • Fixed Dagon manacost on lvl 1
  • Fixed abuse of Pocket Nuclear Charge and Eul (which allowed to use Eul between landing and taking damage)
  • Fixed Essence Shift owner not receiving stats on hit which kills enemy
  • Fixed Soul Siphon and Life Drain interaction with magic immunity
  • Fixed Observer and Sentry wards becomes visible for enemy at death moment
  • Fixed Aegis heal being being cancelled by hpremoval damage and not cancelled by low damage amounts
  • Fixed Assist being counted when dealing 0 damage
  • Fixed Ghost ship not being "Ghost" visually for most of it's duration
  • Fixed Corrosive Breathe being not spell amplified
  • Fixed Frost Shield doing phisical damage instead of magical
  • Fixed Homing Missile being blocked or reflected by invulnerable or magic immune units
  • Fixed Pocket Nuclear Charge visual effect on caster stays forever in rare cases
  • Fixed multiple Backstabs in game does not work, but only first learned
  • Fixed Backstab calculates angle too early (on attack foreswing instead of hit moment, thus it was calculated wrong if foreswing begins with turning)
  • Fixed Feast so now adds damage strictly on 1 attack, but not for split shot / flak cannon (bonus damage is not displayed on interface)
  • Fixed Drunken Haze provides only lvl 1 debuff
  • Fixed Spirit Bear being unable to charge Magic Stick or Magic Wand
  • Fixed Spirit Bear loses consumed upgrades after death
  • Fixed Spirit Bear + Necronomicon + Refresher Orb allows to make 2 necronomicon packs from 2 different bears in addition to fixed item cooldowns on bear
  • Fixed some ablities was not allowed on AR/DM modes even tho they are not intended to (enchant totem, lunar blessing, dark ascension)
  • Fixed Tidebringer and Infernal Blade goes on cooldown in case of miss by enemy walking too far away while attack swing lasts
  • Fixed Critical Strikes visuals sometimes lacking on ranged hits
  • Fixed one of Synergies working on ARDM mode, as it used to be not available
  • Fixed Frost Nova deals damage by 2 instances instead of 1 to main target
  • Fixed Dark Rift being uncastable on Fountains
  • Fixed (?) scroll of TP not working sometimes, leaves teleportation effect on ground
  • Fixed Spell Stealing multiple polymorphs
  • Fixed Infest shows wrong cooldown on panel
  • Fixed Geminate Attack does not provide bonus damage against wards and structures
  • Fixed Arcane Curse can stay after death in rare cases
  • Fixed Arcane Curse still deals damage once when was dispelled
  • Fixed Devoured Tempest slows twice
  • Fixed Tranquil Boots becomes broken forever on -ardm
  • Fixed Mana Drain ignores it's channeling nature
  • Fixed Unstable Current affecting Roshan while it already used to be prevented.
  • Fixed Fire Spirits lays debuff on invulnerable enemies
  • Fixed Geostrike still lacking visual effect for duration
  • Fixed Telekinesis flight affecting Roshan partially
  • Fixed interaction of Snowball and buybacks
  • Fixed Ignite and Liquid Fire having same order
  • Fixed Death Ward visuals under caster stays for full duration even if cast was interrupted anyhow
  • Fixed Electric Vortex moving victim while other forced movement is active
  • Fixed Electric Vortex preventing Flaming Lasso from proper work and vise versa, as well as multiple Electric Vortex usage at same victim
  • Fixed Greater Bash not affecting Roshan at all instead of only not pushing back
  • Fixed passive abilities with cooldown being displayed as unavailable (silenced) under silences
  • Fixed Jinada having active hotkey
  • Fixed Spirit Lance creates illusion in wrong place if target dies to lance damage or before
  • Fixed Firefly can get negative flying counter in rare cases
  • Fixed False Promise loses it's heal multiplication recording before invulnerability ending if target is invulnerable at normal ending time
  • Fixed False Promise not working properly on illusions
  • Fixed Smoke of Deceit ends at attack beginning instead of attack swing end
  • Fixed Smoke of Deceit not ends when attack happened through manual usage of togglable attack ability
  • Fixed Doom's Frost Attack provides short visual frost on target buildings (as it's bugged innerly), tho it still slows their attack.
  • Fixed Donation announce appears twice sometimes
  • Fixed missing visual effect on Magnus Shockwave slow
  • Fixed very abusable bug with Chronosphere and less abusable with Static Storm and Smoke Screen (won't mention it's kind here)
  • Fixed Flamebreak pushes resistant target for too low range instead of being just faster
  • Fixed Sunder being blocked by allied Linken
  • Fixed Goblin's Greed gives more starting gold than intended
  • Fixed Doom Hatchling attack hit sound
  • Fixed Devoured Shockwave possible targets (changed to ground only)
  • Fixed Icarus Dive skips some trees on it's way
  • Fixed neutral Shard Golems and Skeleton Warriors attacking couriers
  • Fixed Sentinel's Small neutral camp being too hard to pull
  • Fixed Power Treads alt click message
  • Fixed some movement abilities which stuns caster allows to use things like Eul's between cast swing and actual effect in 0 secs window
  • Fixed illusion of hexed unit being hexed as well
  • Fixed End Ancestral Spirit interrupts anything on caster
  • Fixed Insatiable Hunger grants same lifesteal amount on ranges as on melee instead of being decreased
  • Fixed Phantom Rush works under Break effect
  • Fixed Black Dragon fireball lack of visual effect
  • Fixed Thunder Clap neutral being undispellable in some games
  • Fixed Omnislash ends by timer slightly incorrectly, fixed vision not follows caster
  • Fixed Sunder counts hero damage dealt incorrectly
  • Fixed Dota2HPBars having different size for neutral units and other units, at least fo me this does not intended
  • Fixed Illusions having some passives displayed or not displayed unproperly. So now they have displayed only passives which are fully or partially works on them (Except for passives with cooldown indicator, they are not displayed even if working, like Phantom Rush)
  • Fixed Avalanche effect size scales from Grow! level instead of from Avalanche level together with increased AoE
  • Fixed Fire Jump and Snowball interaction with forced movement cancellers
  • Fixed Winter's Curse effect not following target if it moves somehow
  • Fixed Focus Fire not being caster from first attempt sometimes
  • Fixed Orb of venom slow lasts longer than expected
  • Fixed Stone Caller being unsilensable while it used to be, now has cooldown of 0.1 seconds
  • Fixed Trueshot Aura animation being showed on every target instead of on carrier only
  • Fixed Charge of Darkness reveals caster when cast is blocked
  • Fixed Charge of Darkness, Bulldoze and Infest using Chakra Magic buff, althought they does not get receive any bonus from it
  • Fixed Infest + Glyph abuse
  • Fixed Flaming Lasso duration being reduces by Status Resistance twice
  • Fixed Power Cog being displayed in fog of war until revealing
  • Fixed many abilities being prevented of using on couriers instead of not allowed (cannot select couriers as target of ability from now)
  • Fixed Solar Crest being not partially purchasable by clicking on it in shop
  • Fixed Shrapnel and Frozen Sigil slow always stayed at lvl 1
  • Fixed Timewalk and Soul Assumption recording damage even if it was not taken, counts damage taken after all reductions now and not more than unit's current HP
  • Fixed Refresher Orb does not refreshing ultimate's cooldown on multiboard
  • Fixed (?) Dusts from different players were unstackable in inventory
  • Fixed some abilities being shift-ordered after Primal Split ending
  • Fixed (?) Primal Split death still counts as suicide sometimes when it was obviously not suicide
  • Fixed (?) Sentinel creeps stucking on botlane sometimes
  • Fixed (?) TP Scroll visual effects on teleporting unit position not becoming visible after revealing him, as well as not hiding when he hides
  • Fixed Macropyre having too low cast range in comparing to effect distance
  • Fixed Forged Spirits Acquire range not growing with increased attack range through Synergy
  • Fixed some fast movements again (e.g. phantom rush, shapeshift)
  • Fixed Counter helix provides visual effect against invulnerable targets
  • Fixed Primal Roar pushes units in wrong directions
  • Fixed Leap flies 1 more instance if it was cancelled somehow
  • Fixed Ghost Scepter and Ethereal Blade duration on allies was affected by status resistance
  • Fixed Heart loses damage bonus from Sange (gives +10 now)
  • Fixed Tranquil Boots being not broken if user attacked or was attacked in short time before very first Traqnuil pickup
  • Fixed triggered projectiles spawns in wrong directions in some cases (e.g. Flak Cannon, Split Shot)
  • Fixed (?) multiple buyback sounds does not play for every buybacked hero if many heroes doing this at same second
  • Fixed Ogre Powa gives very slightly better CDR for some skills than intended
  • Fixed Echo Saber slow being undispellable
  • Fixed Silence icons from different sources
  • Fixed Turning Rate slowing was instantly cancelled by polymorphs
  • Fixed Crippling Fear silence was technically dispellable (even tho it's nearly instantly reapplied) and Rage and bladefury silences silence by enemy's dispell
  • Fixed Battle Hunger deals by 1 damage instance less than intended
  • Fixed courier sometimes hanging in place where hero died and not gonna reincarnate
  • Fixed Awful UFO lvl 1 has too big sight range
  • Fixed Disruption and Astral Imprisonment provides small aoe vision around for victim instead of caster, thus breaking visual effect animation if lost in fog
  • Fixed neutral creeps killed was displayed wrong for some players
  • Fixed Macropyre still having unit targeting
  • Fixed allied Nightmare being affected by victim status resistance
  • Fixed Tiny Toss interrupts in wrong case of exceeding distance, now counts distance change per tick
  • Fixed Berserker Rage grants more damage than normal troll, althought it's used to not give any (was a very sneaky difference)
  • Fixed Supernova Upgraded being unusable on own illusions
  • Fixed Fire Remnant cooldown being unaffected by CDR in some specific cases
  • Fixed Gem's true sight being lost after reincarnating (aegis)
  • Fixed multiple instances of Insatiable Hunger on same unit (e.g. refreshed)
  • Fixed Helm of the Dominator and Helm of the Overlord not adding creep to player group properly (select all units / all other units keys)
  • Small fixes in Toss unit positioning after landing
  • Some fixes about Spell Steal
  • Some fixes in Mystic Snake
  • Fissure, Ice Path, Macropyre, Earth Spliiter, Tether, Primal Roar now more precisely counts affected units. Full figure form is now "Capsule", but not complete rectangle, which used to feel more realistic, natively understandable.
  • Workaround was done to minimize chance of moving units very far after correcting their position
  • Spin Web no longer has own vision at all, but still visible for owner and his allies
  • Improved unit hp freezing effect
  • Announcers selection is circle of power is no longer alt-clickable
  • Rocket Flare projectile is no longer selectable
  • Improved Sentinel tower attack animation
  • Increased Kinetic Field thickness even more to prevent occasional passing through
  • Smoothered Weave armor change (strict 1 armor per tick instead of n armor per second, which was rounded down)


  • Added debug for flying and phased states at hero respawn. Report these cases with replay if they would still broken, please
  • Multiple optimisation / perfomance improvements. Together with 88e0 update — alot of optimisation. Game really should be smoother now.
  • Fixed perfomance on DM mode falls unnecessary much

Visuals & Sounds

All item traders now has their personal names

Added music options -music special1 (instead of -music special), -music special2, -music special3

Changed Landscape Lightning from Felwood to Ashenvale, which used to be more colorful, especially at nighttime.

Fixed some models becoming bugged after polymorphing and other models attachment points

Multiple improvements in tooltips
Improved tips in attack and armor information
Improved tips for all skills and items which:
1) can be used during wind walks — description contains "Can be used safely during Wind Walks" text, except for Recipes
2) Similarly for abilities, which "Can be used on invulnerable units"

  • Improved movement animation for nearly all units in game
  • Improved projectile animations for nearly all ranged units in game

Believe me or not, with these updates many heroes and creeps become really more satisfying to play with

Improved unit recoloring so it will not try to overlap each other or won't break sometimes. Most important colors will be used prioritized over less important.
Added unit recoloring for Enrage (Brown color)

Information about banned heroes now lasts 15 seconds instead of 5 and cannot be cleared by pressing Esc

Updated donated couriers (Cosmic Eye, Goblin's Glider) so they become complete units with own names, icons and voice sets
Removed donated version of March of the Machines, as it causes too heavy FPS drop, in times heavier than normal March

Rearranged order of charge indicators on Charges panel (topright corner) to following logic: spells originally from 1st slot, then from 2nd, then 3rd, then 4th.

False Promise now has special effect "Owl" and "Grave" in case if target is gonna survive or die respectively
For allies dying target also indicated by other color of counter till buff ending
Thus Eclipse got changed effect from Owl onto another

Illusory Orb now has estimated duration indicator. Visible for caster only.

Decreased size of Mass Serpent Ward and Plague ward, fixed Plague Ward being too small in donated version

Decreased size of text about networth above Circles of Power by 12%, so they will less likely override each other on higher cameras
This text is moved slightly closer to circles

Added visual effects on Refresher Orb and Mjollnir active

Added visual effect on Warcry buff

Added sound and improved visual effects on Stone Gaze

Added better distinguishable visual effect on Bloodpact (Bloodstone active)

Added visual effect on Fatal Bonds damage splitting (does not shows units which are currently invisible)

Added missing shop animations on selection (the Trophy Dealer)

Changed visual effect on Silver Edge and Vendetta Break

Updated effects on Tank's attack, Rocket Barrage, Spark Wraith slow, Malefice and some other abilities.

Matched Blinding Light visual effect size to real AoE, added visual indicator on affected unit, added sound effect.

Supernova now has visual effect between caster and target
Supernova now has distinguishably different colors in cases if contains only caster or other unit in addition

Chronosphere is now visible for everyone
This used to evade cases when units are stunned from "nowhere" when chrono is hidden in terrain

Blackhole is now visible for everyone

Rocket Flare indicator is now always visible for allies and is slightly bigger

Acid Spray is now always visible in fog for allies

Finger of Death Upgraded AoE upgraded is now mentioned on cursor

Bkb now has duration indicator on item in inventory

"Owning" sound is now delayed by 1.5 seconds instead of 3 seconds if killer has no announcements for his streaks

Soul Catcher now counts hp removed and restored into + and - hero dealt damage accordingly
Purifying Flames now counts heal effect on enemy hero as negatively dealt damage in statistic

Updated Legacy hotkeys for items in shops, some where lacking or overlapping. But i'd still recommend to use QWERTYshops from config :/

Nethertoxin renamed to Neurotoxin
Denique renamed to Eximus


Renewed config.lod in map (recreate it if want to pick it up, as previous config misses many things)
Differences from previous default config:
Camera height 1.33 (old is 1, not gonna push on everyone who want to look into grass but not THAT close)
Chat message duration 8 sec (old 10)
Double click helper is now enabled by default
Right click deny is now enabled by default
Fog density 192 -> 150
Some missing strings are no longer missing
Added some commentaries

And I strongly recommend to set Widescreen=true for widescreen users, as well as shopsQWERTY=true

Added Dota2HpBars option to separate allied and own player HP bars Colors
Standart color for own units — green, slightly darker for units than for hero.
Standart color for allies changed from green to yellow

Doubleclick Helper is now enabled for everyone by default, as there were many request to do this
There is replacing string DoubleClickHelperDisabled, which is "false" by default, for some very old schoolers who wanted that.

Chat Commands & Hotkeys
Added -dh as short command with same role as -disablehelp
Legacy hotkey for all neutral spells and summons set to "R", and if they have more than 1 active ability, second takes key "E"
Emoticon "happy" can now be used through "joy" text also

Ancestral Spirit can now be selected via "SelectAllUnits" and "SelectAllUnitsExceptHero" hotkeys


Terrain layout changes, especially Secret Shops and forest around them.

Standart mode (if nothing was written) changed from ru6 to ru1

Changed ru3 HLC mode to -sds6itns (ru1 + noswap)
ru4 and ru5 were the same, so ru4 takes previous ru3 mode

Preparation and match now begins at night, turns to morning at first creepspawn
Day length increased from 8 minutes to 10

Mode AP picktime 2 minutes -> 3 minutes, whoever playing it

Gold and experience for herokills does no longer multiplies by streak ending. So streaks has only informative purpose.
Thus streak ending is again allowed at dying to Sentinel or Scourge as well as First Blood.
Bonus 50 Experience for First Blood removed, bonus gold for First Blood 150 -> 200

Gold and Experience for herokills:

Multiplier = squareroot(lvl) [varies from 1 to 5 between lvls 1 and 25]
Bonus per streaks (BPS) = 1.00/1.00/1.00/1.075/1.15/.../1.60, depends on killing streak 0/1/2/3/.../10 or more
Gold = (100 + squareroot(networth)) * multiplier * BPS
Exp = 200 * multiplier * BPS

Multiplier = squareroot(lvl*2 - 1) [varies from 1 to 7 between lvls 1 and 25]
Gold = 20 + (80 + squareroot(networth)) * multiplier
Exp = 200 * multiplier

Starting gold decreased from 625 (most modes) / 875 (ar/dm) to 600 / 850
This also affects games with lower amount of playes, where they will still have only 600 starting gold
Single Player / Test mode will always have bunch of gold at start

Repick now takes costs only 100 gold total on all mods where it's allowed

Item recipes does no longer counts toward player networth

Buying Faerie Fire, Mango and Bottle from enemy shops is now restricted.

Siege creeps no longer spawns 2 at once at any game stage. Instead they grows faster over time, and Super Ballists/Catapults slightly buffed at damage.

Now only melee heroes instead of any melee unit getting bonus attack range against wards, but it's gained on autoattacks as well and not bugs when autoattack continues against other targets without ordering.

Mechanics updates

Strength and Intelligence Attribute changers are divided on "positive" and "negative" effects, which are not mentioned on tooltips (at least yet), but logically understandable, which are which:
"Positive" will give raw hp or mp bonus (str/int) when attribute grows and retain current percentage when stat falls
E.g. Decay or Glaives of Wisdom effect for caster
Negative does vise versa
Drains raw hp or mp amounts when attribute is lost and retains current percentage when it grows
E.g. Decay or Glaives of Wisdom effect for victim


Recoded Cyclones (Eul's active, Invoker's tornado, Primal Split Storm Cyclone), so they no longer pauses unit (important for proper polymorphs duration) and not uses unit size in count to tornado size and no longer breaks attached to unit effects.
They also doing damage in proper time — before removing stun from unit.
And dispell applies properly from now on: allied-caused cyclones counts as buffs and enemy-caused cyclones count as debuffs
Tornado and Primal Cyclone can now be Resisted, however Eul's could not.


Recoded all Auras.
They are working from invisibility now. All negative auras does not work against magic immune enemies.
This also means that non-item auras will be affected by Break much more effectively
Devoured auras are now properly prevented from working by Break effect
Most auras buff/debuff duration (including Smoke Screen, Crippling Fear and Ice Vortex) is now up to 0.25 sec or less instead of much longer, AoE 900 -> 1200
Feral Impulse AoE 1200 -> all map
Global auras (Feral Impulse, Brilliance Aura) no longer work on illusions


Recoded special attack effects from Wind Walks (Vendetta, Silver, WW, Meld) will not cause bugs with fast attacks anymore at all
These effects like Break or minus armor are applied right before dealing damage


Geminate Attack, Moment of Courage instant attacks does no longer cancel Wind Walks and Smoke anymore.
So they does not proc any effects which used to work when attacking from Wind Walks.
Stifling Dagger and Omnislash still does, however.


Wind Walks now provides bonus damage against allies (e.g. on denying) as well


Mode -ss now displays enemy skills only during game, but not at pick stage
According Meeps 's request


Improved damage manipulation mechanics, no longer allows to pierce unit abilities if taken damage is above than unit's effective hp before some reductions
E.g. Illuminate vs ranged creeps under Pipe buff
This also means that hpbar wont twitch when different damage resistances worked
And that all effects finally will work properly with reflected damage
Things which nullifies taken damage does no longer triggers spell shields and raindrops
Rearranged damage resistance order to be more effective and logical

All damage increasing bonuses, like Veil, Wild Axes, Bloodrage, Enrage stacks linearly with each other
All damage resisting bonuses stacks multiplicatively

Miss chance now rolls random number only once per attack (unsure if this will fix higher misses from lowground than intended but on tests seems worked)
Miss chance now calculates at hit moment instead of attack launch moment. This allows to implement many features, including chance-based true strikes with additional effects (read item changes)
Also missed attack now provides different text for allies and enemies (red "miss" if attacker is ally and white "evade" if attacker is enemy)

Are now calculated at the moment of contact
Affects bonus damage from Frost Arrows and Searing Arrows
Numbers displayed above victim instead of attacker

Slardar Bash and Accurate Shot damage is now added to attack damage.
Time Lock and Greater Bash damage is now added to attack magical damage, which pierces magic immunity.

Recoded Manabreaks effect. It's still added to attack damage at one instance but will not have inconsistent damage and / or burn numbers at low amount of mana on target, especially with ranged attacks.
Manabreaks now adds exactly 60% of burned mana to damage instead of having different numbers for different abilities.

Lifesteals does no longer stack from same items (e.g. 2 or more Satanics, 2 or more Mask of Death, etc)

Completely recoded cleaves
They are no longer bugged when attacker turns before hit
Now they doing damage after lifestealing from main target instead of before
Damage area changed to 100 distance around attacker and in expanding from attacker to target trapeze with rounded far side and with much less angle than before, where it was cone with full 180 degrees
Damage from every cleave is now dealt in single damage instance instead of being separated for each, what can be improtant in some cases (e.g. for better piercing Borrowed Time or worse piercing Refraction)
Tidebringer no longer affects couriers
Tidebringer Hotkey D -> R

Tidebringer cleave distance 650/800/950/1100, percentage 135% -> 150%
Sven's Great Cleave distance 700
Empower and Battle Fury distance 650 -> 700

Removed "Divine" damage type as term, replaced by "pure, piercing magic immunity"

Some skills are updated to deal different types of damage "together with attack at same instance", more info in Items changes
Some of them pierces magic immunity

Hp Removal damage is now completely separated of common damage (technically does not "damaging" at all)
So it's no longer increased by illusion taking damage modifier and not prevents units, especially neutrals, from action (e.g. affected by Heartstopper Aura or poisons)
It's still does not pierce Glyph but pierces other damage manipulations, including Borrowed Time
It's still recorded into damage counter in statistic
It's still can be amplified by Spell Amplification and reduced by Magic Resistance (if damage type is magical), as well as blocked by Spell Shields and Raindrop
Typos of skills which deals Hp Removal damage are matched to same style

Updated interaction of many buff/debuff abilities with hiding abilities in addition to "classical", which were Shadow Demon's Disruption and Obsidian Destroyer's Astral Imprisonment
So these abilities can affect enemy of he was hidden by *his enemy" or ally of he was hidden by *his ally*, e.g. Poison Nova wont affect an enemy unit if he was hidden by himself or his ally, byt will if ally of nova caster will hide an enemy.
All updated hides allies only, however: Mirror Images, Doppelganger, Phase Shift, Tricks of the Trade, Snowball
Next updated skills now follows explained logic: Mekansm & Crimson Guard & Greaves & Pipe & Smoke of Deceit & Dust, Starfall, Weave, Hand of God, Guardian Angel, Global Silence, Vacuum, Nether Swap, Wolven Howl, Marksmanship, Dark Rift, Poison Nova, Ice Blast, Death Pulse, Scream of Pain, Flux, Shallow Grave
Tooltip specials:
1) "This ability affects hidden enemies if they were hidden by your your allies"
2) "This ability does not affect hidden by your enemies units"
Sleight of Fist and Omnislash still ignores any hidden unit, independently of who hide him, as well and Doppelganger and Reality Rift cant pull hidden illusions.

Illusions no longer trying to attack things they cannot damage like normal creeps already could not (Supernova, Will-o-Wisp, Homing Missile)
Also illusions now counts like creeps for all units with Hit-count armor type

Illusions damage against structures 40% -> 50%, against Roshan 20% -> 25%

Doppelganger, Mirror Images, Disruption now reveals real hero after illusions instead of before, thus not real hero will be autoattacked
In Doppelganger "Defender" illusion takes priority for autoattacks
For Mirror Images random illusion becomes targeted
For Disruption effect depends on being ally or enemy of caster: enemy target will be revealed first, so it can be intantly ordered to attack for created illusions, allied — last, so illusion will be autofocused
Reality Rift now teleports main caster after illusions for same reasons

Ghost Forms (Ghost Scepter, Ethereal Blade, Decrepify) reworked:
Instead if disallowing attacks on unit at all they grants 100% resistance to physical damage like Guardian angel or Cold Embrace, still applies disarm
This way additional effects like Cleave, Splash, Javelin, Maelstrom, Mkb, Bashes and others keep working
Bonus magical damage taken 40% -> 33.3% from items, 30/40/50/60% for enemy or 25% for ally from Decrepify
Ghost Scepter duration 3.5 -> 4.0
Decrepify cannot now be used at any ward, this should make skill targeting easier, evading missclicks, by cost of non-protecting netherward/healward/tombstone/etc

Improved illusion current attributes (str, agi, int) amount detection, which is used in some things like:
Centaur's Retaliate, FireShow (when hitting enemy), Berserker's Blood, also allows to Sanity's Eclipse to hit illusions

Updated every reflectable ability which did not have following stuff yet: they use straight reflection instead of dummy casting, so none of effects will fail due to range or be delayed, as it happened before sometimes.
Some more abilities will now provide their visual effects when cast is blocked

Improved handling of Earthshock/Leap/Pounce/ForceStaff in cases when last move order was ordered too close to landing point, and so hero turns around after landing
However this has one small problem: if unit was ordered to attack through RMB in range less than jump distance, he will stop attacking once.

All units which takes very limited amount of damage now has armor names "Hit-counter" (e.g. Sentry Ward, Supernova) and will take proper damage even if attacker has 0 attack damage

Other skills changes

Grow! is temporary removed until rework

Mortal Wounds now counts damage from the original damage instead of after reductions, thus it's efficiency is not multiplied twice by an armor and/or resistances
But thus this damage is no longer amplified by spell damage amplification
On question, become it stronger or weaker, answer is: if enemy resistance against taken damage type is above 0, Wounds become stronger, otherwise — weaker.

Mana Shield
Now blocks damage after most of damage resistances, makes it way more effective in cases of having positive armor / magic resistance
Damage block per mana point 1.6(1.4)...2.5(2.0) -> 0.7...1.3, maximum amount of blocked damage 50% -> 40...55%

Life Drain and Mana Drain does no longer stop if target turns invulnerable, but does not provide any effect aside of visual while it stays invulnerable (with exception that Life Drain requires caster being vulnerable in case of healing ally, which may stay invulnerable)
And they may begin cast on invulnerable targets as well
Visual effect has dimmed colors in this case
Life Drain now deals it's effect in 2.5 times more often, retains same dps
Fiend's Grip now deals it's effect in 5 times more often, retains same dps
Fiend's Grip no longer can be dispelled, so the only ways to stop it are death or interrupt caster.

Mana Drain reworked
Energy Drain
10 Manacost -> 50 + 5% of current hp Healthcost (can left minimum 1 hp on caster, but never kills him)
Mana drain per second 30/60/90/120 -> 60/80/100/120
Cooldown 16/12/8/4 -> 28/22/16/10
Now also drain's target spell amplification, but only if it's hero
SAmp drain 3/4/5/6% per second (0.3/0.4/0.5/0.6% per 0.1 seconds actually)
Bonus and drained SAmp retains for 10 seconds after end of Drain (affected by enemy's Status Resistance for both bonus and lost duration).
Stackable with itself but not refreshes previous bonus duration.
Cast Range stays 850, link break range stays 1200, still ends if target is invisible for caster.

No longer uses fire spirits automatically (as it does not refresh them)
Now cancels Rot / Pulse Nova / Voodoo Restoration on caster and target

Chain Frost can jump on fogged units again

Whirling Axes 2 seconds cooldown penalty on other ability is now counted with CDR

Fixed Raise Dead missing heal effect for hero
However, now only second zombie which spawned after some attacks creates healing projectile
Heal 20% of zombie max hp -> 40%

Decay now retains same hp percentage when losing str bonus on caster instead of saving all hps (nerf)
Manacost 80/100/120/140 -> 85/100/115/130
Upgraded STR steal 8 -> 7, but increases AoE from 325 to 375 in addition
Duration 30 -> 40, but counts target status resistance
Damage 30/60/90/120 -> 25/50/75/100, damage type magical -> pure

Rain of Chaos
No longer pierces magic immunity by initial stun
Aghanim no longer calls 2 Infernals
Instead it increases Infernal's duration (60 -> 75), HP (1000/1750/2500 -> 1500/2350/3200), Attackspeed (BAT 1.2 -> 1.1), Movespeed (320/340/360 -> 340/370/400), Flaming Fist damage (40/50/60 -> 60/70/80) and Attack damage
Infernal size slightly reduced

Now completely blocks Nether Swap, just like it does with blink strikes.
Blocking Blinkstrikes (and Nether Swap from now) now creates proper visual effects instead of none.

Attack speed multiplier x1.7 -> x1.5
Damage bonus 30/40/50 -> 30/45/60
Attacks animation are now faster, matches included attackspeed bonus (visual only)

Frost Nova
Damage to main target decreased from 125/200/275/350 to 110/180/250/320
Damage to side targets increased from 75/100/125/150 to 65/100/135/170
Slow duration 4 -> 3.0/3.5/4.0/4.5
Manacost 100/115/130/145 -> 96/114/132/150
Effect AoE 200 -> 235

Chaos Meteor roll distance 800/1100/1400 -> 900/1152/1404
Rolling speed decreased by 20%, what increases total damage to each target if it stays on meteor way
No longer deals burning DPS, DPS increased by 20% instead
Reduced visual and sound effects amount
Physical damage component now pierces magic immunity

Deafening Blast now Leashes targets for pushing duration. Affected by status resistance, however, with basic duration 1.02/1.26/1.5 sec
Deafening Blast now deafens heroes (if it hits real hero, his user will not hear sounds for disarm debuff duration, similar to global silence)
This also fixes effect of multiple Global Silence and / or Deaf Blast sources active at same time

Ghost Walk
Fade time 0.9/0.8/0.7/0.6 -> 0.75/0.65/0.55/0.45
Enemy MS Slow 10/15/20/25% -> 12/18/24/30%
Duration cost per cast 5 sec -> 4 sec, thus maximum duration when fully charged 55 sec -> 56 sec

Skeleton Walk charge cooldown 90/80/70/60 -> 89/76/63/50

Cast time 0.01 -> 0.25
Total damage 80/160/240/320 -> 75/150/225/300
Damage instances 6 -> 5
Bonus damage to lifted units x2.0 -> removed
Ministuns can now be resisted
First instance delay 0.5 sec -> travels with speed 1200

Cooldown 15/13/11/9 -> 16/14/12/10
Cast Range 1000/1100/1200/1300 -> 850/1000/1150/1300

Dual Breathe slow 28/32/36/40% -> 20/26/32/38%

Unstable Concoction can now be prefired against invulnerable targets.

Healing Ward now takes 2 hits from heroes/towers/Roshan and 4 from other units to be destroyed

DPS/Heal 60/90/120 + 30/45/60% of max stat -> 70/105/140 + 30/50/70% of max stat
Heal is now affected by caster's spell amplification (separated condition as heal is not connected to actual taken by an enemy damage)

Reality Rift distance between target and victim after teleporting slightly increased

Shallow Grave can now be used on invulnerable targets, following hidden unit rules

Devoured Purge cooldown 8/7/6/5/ -> 9/8/7/6, manacost 120/110/100/90 -> 80, maximum movespeed slow 100% -> 50/60/70/80%, duration 3.5/4/4.5/5 -> 5

Forged Spirits maximum armor reduction 20 -> 6/9/12/15

Timber Chain speed no longer grows with cast range bonuses

Rupture can now be used only against heroes/illusions and ancient creeps, but no longer against normal creeps

Allies taking in AoE 300 -> 250
Own vision 900 -> 300

Burning Spears damage pierces magic immunity, but new stacks cannot be layed on magic immune enemy

Leap charge cooldown 45/40/35/30 -> 54/46/38/30

Wolven Howl cooldown 32/28/24/20 -> 30/26/22/18

Ion Shell AoE 250 -> 265

Nether Ward cooldown 36 -> 40

March of the Machines speed 400 -> 500, cooldown 23 -> 22

Culling Blade
Removed Aghanim's upgrade
Cooldown 75/65/55 -> 40/30/20
Cast range 200 -> 250
Cooldown now resets in case of killing hero illusion in addition to killing real hero

Slightly decreased Eidolon damage

Marksmanship now properly decreases victim armor instead of multiplying damage like enemy had less armor, so it will not provide insane splash damage
Changed visual effect, so it appears on target instead of attacker's weapon, and is much better distinguishable.

Enfeeble debuff duration 4 -> 5 and is no longer affected by victim's status resistance.
Also it's now layed before damaging or applying any other effect on hit

Whirling Death
Tree killing AoE slightly increased to match damaging one
Damage is now always Pure, which grows per every cut tree, total 90+12n / 120+18n / 150+24n / 180+30n, where "n" is amount if cutted treen
Primary Attribute reduction 15% -> 12/13/14/15% +1% per cut tree
Manacost 70 -> 90
Visual effect become faster and does not follows caster, so peoplesh should stop believe that it has effects over time, as well as does not depends on caster's size.

Manacost 100/150/200 -> 80/140/200, manacost per second 20/25/30 -> 18/24/30
Effect frequency 0.5 seconds -> 0.25 seconds (retains same DPS)
Aghanim upgrade changed: Instead of giving second Chakram it increases Chakram speed, damage and AoE by 20%, what makes it not only stronger but easier to hit enemy as well.

Arctic Burn duration 6 -> 8, attack range 700/800/900/1000 -> 775/850/925/1000, slow 25/30/35/40% -> 22/28/34/40%
Manacost 120/110/100/90 -> 90
No longer grants flying vision

Wall of Replica
Illusion damage dealt 60/75/90% -> 60/80/100%
Illusion damage taken 300% -> 400/350/300%
Illusions now spawns with full hp, aghanim upgrade removed

Can be used on Siege units again, slowing and dispelling positively if allied, dispelling negatively them if enemy but not converting
No longer makes captured unit phased
Can now have only 1 captured unit
Now adds unit 20/30/40/50 base damage, 200/300/400/500 hp and 2/4/6/8 armor
Captured unit life duration 80 -> 30/60/90/120
No longer prolongs lifetime of Necronomicon unit
Still can capture non-strong illusions, giving all bonuses for them as well
Cooldown 30/24/18/12 -> 28/24/20/16
Manacost 65 -> 90
Synergy upgrade changed to +10/20/30/40 attack speed and +10/20/30/40 seconds lifetime

Any unit capturing effect (Enchant, Holy Persuation, Mind Control, Helms of Dominator or Overlord) now prevents recapturing unit by something else
Any non-ultimative creep instakilling effect does no longer work against Dominated units, except for Hand of Midas

Moment of Courage
No longer getting charge when owner is attacked by Wards or Structures
Cooldown 2.0/1.6/1.2/0.8 -> 2.35/1.9/1.45/1.0
Bonus lifesteal 24/36/48/60% -> 27/38/49/60%

Counter Helix now procs when taking hit from towers (addition) or dead units (fix)

Summon Familiars 
Familiars stats are slightly rescaled: dmg 24/42/60 -> 31/53/75, base attack time 0.4 -> 0.5
They now have auras by themself, without Synergy, bonuses on auras are the same but with only 3 levels instead of 4
Acid Aura changed to Stoned aura, which gives allies armor instead of decreasing enemy armor

Demonic Purge and Nullifier now always fully affects invulnerable enemies, without previous exception "if they become vulnerable after purging"
Demonic Purge rescaled:
Slow and purge duration 7 -> 5/6/7
Cooldown / charge cooldown 50 -> 60/50/40
Damage is now dealt over duration instead of be at end
Damage is now HP removal, thus ignores most specific damage interaction, except nasic and spell shields, as well as spell lifesteal

Slightly rescaled Cold Embrace

Flux manacost 100 -> 70/80/90/100

Rupture duration 12 -> 10/11/12

Splinter Blast AoE 500 -> 525

Mystic Snake manacost 140/150/160/170 -> 100/125/150/175

Paralyzing Cask manacost 110/120/130/150 -> 90/110/130/150

Icarus Dive now travels in random direction instead of always in right side
Icarus Dive End no longer interrupts channelings

Smoothered Swoop Down effect on caught victim

Phantom Rush break range maxdist+250 -> maxdist*1.5

Disruption and Astral Imprisonment can now hide magic immune allies

Culling Blade cast range 150 -> 200

Essence Shift now steals stats before dealing damage instead of after, so it increases damage and decreases enemy hp and armor from very first hit, as well as gets stats in case if enemy dies to hit, as well as increases damage properly even with superfast ranged attacks
Essence Shift now has visual effect when stealing stats. Visible for everyone.

Forged Spirits now applies debuff before damaging as well

Elune's Arrow now completely ignores magic immune units instead of disappearing on hit

Power Cog stun and push duration can now be resisted (push becomes faster with positive status resistance, retains same total range)

Stun and air time can now be resisted
Vision is now provided at beginning of countdown
Vision duration 4 -> 3.3/3.4/3.5/3.6

Unstable Concoction Throw AoE 175 -> 250

Pocket Nuclear Charge now uses fixed flight speed of 1200 instead of fixed duration of 0.75 seconds
It has now minimum range of 100

Soul Rip damage on side targets is now real non-reflectable hpremoval damage instead of setting hp, thus it may kill

Magnetic Field reworked again
No longer creates negative field but instead it slowly pushes non-immune enemy heroes away from carrier
Pushing power increases per level, 90/105/120/135 distance per second
Cast Time 0.3 -> 0.2

Spark Wraith become smarter:
It cannot be evaded by invulnerability anymore, as it will wait until invulnerability ending to continue following target
If target dies, Spark seeks for other victim around self following same rules as beginning launch. However if no target found in this case, Spark dies.

Refraction no longer protects from self-inflicted damage

Spiked Carapace reworked again
No longer prevents Blade Mail from working
Increases hero armor by 6/9/12/15 and magic resistance by 26/34/42/50% for duration
Lasts up to 5/6/7/8 seconds or until taking limited amount of damage
Stores taken damage up to limit
Damage limit is 200/300/400/500 + 160%/240%/320%/400% of hero's Agility
At end releases carapace parts around, damages enemies by 24/27/30/33% of stored damage as physical damage to enemies in 650 distance
Cooldown 20
Manacost 80/95/110/125

Tombstone reworked
First of all this used to improve perfomance greatly by not creating shitton of units and by removing 50 checks on unit type in multiple cases
Also zombies wont get in the way of cursor and units
Tombstone size slightly reduced
Synergy does not affect it anymore, as spell become not summon-type
Tombstone gold bounty 125/150/175/200 -> 100, exp 0 -> 75
Cooldown 85/80/75/70 -> 35
Cast Range 600 -> 200
Manacost 120/130/140/150 -> 105/120/135/150
Tomb HP 4/5/6/7 -> 4/5/6/7
Duration 30 -> 10/12/14/16
Zombie spawn interval 4.0/3.5/3.0/2.5 -> 2
AoE 1200 -> 1250
More info about rework is not revealed in changelog, like main effect. Check in out in game :3

Flesh Golem reworked
It's still polymorph for a limited time, but with completely other effects
Flesh Golem attacks plagues enemy, causes him slowed (30/40/50% movespeed, 30/40/50 attack speed) and taking damage of 3/4/5 + 0.6/0.8/1% of his current hp every 0.1 seconds as magical HP Removal damage, thus it ignores all protections beside of normal magic resistance and magical shields.
Debuff lasts 6 seconds and dispellable
If victim stay close to it's allies in 275 range, they also receive plague damage as 50% of main (percentage is taken from side victim HP), and are slowed by half of efficiency, but only if they are not plagued.
This debuff lasts for 0.25 sec and also dispellable.
Does not pierce magic immunity
Does not work when owner is under Break
Polymorph duration is 30 seconds
Base movespeed during it 330, attack range 175
Cooldown 120/105/90
Manacost 100/125/150

Rot and Flesh Heap merged into 1 ability — Rotting Heap
Now pierces magic immunity on self
Active AoE 285 -> 265, slow 11/18/25/32% -> 14/20/26/32%
Dps 30/60/90/120 -> 25/45/65/85 + 0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2% of max hp
No longer grants Str per kills, instead grants straight Hp bonus, 14/20/26/32
Loses bonus by the same way — 1 stack per death, does not provide negative bonus
No longer grants additional stacks on learn
Break now prevents gaining new stacks by this ability

Quill Spray can no longer be stolen through Spell Steal
Quill Spray and Bristleback merged into 1 ability — Quill Spray
Manacost 30/35/40/45 -> 25/30/35/40
Main Damage 20/40/60/80 -> 18/36/54/72, cooldown 3.5 -> 3.25
Stackable damage 30/32/34/36 -> 24
Damage block from rear decreased to 10/16/22/28%, from sides to 5/8/11/14%
Protects but does not proc from non-reflectable damage
Break prevents passive component from working

Meld reworked
Allows walking during invisibility
Maximum duration 3600 sec -> 2.5 sec
Evades projectiles on cast
Cooldown 6 -> 9/8/7/6
Armor reduction is now stackable, damage bonus added right to an attack like at other WWs
No longer orders caster to stop, thus may be used during channels, e.g. to evade stun while teleporting

Empowering Haste reworked
New ability: Bulldoze
Active ability
The Spiritbreaker ramms through his enemies and even through entertainment with increased movement speed and status resistance
Does not interrupt channelings or wind walks
Grants 14/20/26/32% movespeed and 32/40/48/56% status resistance
Buff lasts as long as caster stays close to enemy heroes and 2 seconds after
Enemy heroes check range: 300
Cooldown begins at losing previous buff from this ability
Cooldown: 20/17/14/11
Manacost: 49/56/63/70
Cast time: Instant
Standart hotkey D

Duel removed
New ability: War Terror
Horrors of last war follows great warrior Tresdin, who endured and even tamed them, so now every naiv living will feel what Tresdin felt is past years.
Creates Tresdin's ghostly image beside random close enemies to scare them, so they will run in side of Tresdin and probably die by his hands.
Damage dealt is Magical as 100/125/150 +2.0x/2.5x/3.0x of caster's Strength, debuff duration 2.0/2.5/3.0 +0.005/0.075/0.01 of caster's Intelligence seconds (can be resisted)
Affects up to 2 random hero or illusion units and up to random 2 non-hero units per cast (thus can be countered by mass of units)
Affects only player-controlled units
Ignores magic immune and invulnerable units
Ignores already affected units
Debuff can be dispelled
Has highest control disabling priority
Delay before creating image and actual effect: 0.4
Max charges: 4
AoE: 750
Cooldown between uses: 2.5 sec, unchangeable
Charge cooldown: 60/50/40
Manacost: 120/140/160
Cast time: 0.25
Cast type: no target aka click-and-work
Can be acquired through Spell Steal, cannot be acquired through Eximus

Burrowstrike reworked
New ability: Burrowstrike
Active ability
The Sand King burrows into the ground and tunnels forward, impaling all on the surface.
Deals damage to enemies on his way and stuns them for short time and pushes targets away during during stun.
Speed and stun efficiency falls down during travelling.
Max stun 0.79/0.86/0.93/1.0 sec
Starting speed 1425/1550/1675/1800
Cooldown 19/17/15/13
Cast range & maximum range 675/750/825/900
Manacost 120/135/150/165
Cast time 0.25
Can be targeted at ground only
Cannot be blocked or reflected
Stun and push time is affected by victim's status resistance
Victims's pushing angle depends from victim position and Burrowstrike starting point
Both forced movements of caster and victims can be interrupted by overlapping their forced movement
Caster cannot pass through Kinetic Field

Static Storm rescaled
Now begins around caster and slowly moves to target area
AoE 450/475/500 -> 500
Duration 5 -> 5/6/7 (+0.25 when upgraded)
Total damage dealt 393/598/846 (433/648/907 when upgraded)

Requiem of Souls reworked
No longer releases on death
Now damage and debuff smoothly falls down, depending on distance
Damage fall depends on squareroot, thus varies from 100% to 19.6%
Maximum damage is 700/1250/1800 in very close distance
Minimum damage is 137/245/353 in 1450 distance
Debuffs duration falls linearly from 4 to 2 seconds
Now deals single damage instance to each victim
Shockwave-type effect recoded for less perfomance consumption, but stays only visual purpose
Fixed debuff indicator being doubled on buff panel
Cast Time 1.4 -> 1.5

True form changed to temporary polymorph
No longer received Battle Cry ability
Polymorphing time 1.9/0.8 -> 0.03
HP bonus is now added straightly to current hp instead of keeping current percentage (thus e.g. 500/2000 hp on cast will become 900/2400 instead of 600/2400)
HP bonus 300/600/900 -> 400/800/1200
Attack range 200 -> 225
Base movespeed 290 -> 325
Base armor 5/7/9 -> 6/9/12
Duration 40
Cooldown 100
Manacost 150/175/200
Illusions instantly follows hero form, similar to other polymorphing abilities
Can be stolen by Spell Steal

God's Strength rescaled again
Duration 35 -> 14/22/30
Cooldown 140/125/110 -> 100
Damage bonus 90/135/180% -> 110/135/160%
Manacost 100/150/200 -> 100/125/150

Duration 3.5/3.75/4.0 -> 3.5/4.0/4.5
Damage 100/200/300% -> 180/240/300%
Cooldown 70/60/50 -> 100/80/60
Manacost 120 -> 150/175/200

Reflected Telekinesis will now throw original caster in side of his closest allied hero or illusion if they exist
Reflected Telekinesis landing point is not displayed

Subability "Telekinesis Land"
To select point of throw is now always allowed to use (standart hotkey D)
This point is always displayed for allies but never for enemies
Can be cast from Wind Walk
Cast time 0, cooldown 0.1 (unchangeable)

Voodoo Restoration and Pulse Nova wont go off if not enough mana to continue, but will just not provide effect while mana is not enough

Cannot pull units through Kinetic Field again (considered as too weak pulling for that action)
It will still deal damage as soon as pulling ends, stun ends prematurely, as if it'd be cancelled by any other forced movement

Time Lapse
Now counts position of dead hero as "on fountain" when record, where he was 5 seconds ago, except cases when he reincarnating (Aegis)
Now creates it's visual/sound effect on both starting and designation point

Homing Missile
Cannot be attacked by towers, creeps and illusions anymore as well as cannot be damaged by them
Slightly increased Homing Missile projectile size

Shadow Dance
Heal per second 5/7/9% of max hp -> 4.5/6.0/7.5%
Movespeed bonus 32/44/56% -> 30/40/50%
Both bonuses stays exactly at half for allies with aghanim

Ether Shock
Max targets 1/3/5/7 -> 3/4/5/6
Damage per target 140/200/260/320 -> 100/180/260/340
Manacost 95/105/125/150 -> 100/115/130/145

The Swarm
Damage is no longer reduced by damage block
Latching AoE 375 -> 100 (around each beetle)
Cooldown 44/36/28/20 -> 40/34/28/22
No longer reduces armor of invulnerable units

Meat Hook
No longer Aghanim's upgradeable
No longer has 0.4 sec cast backswing which is meh as it can be evaded by ordering to stop, but still disallows moving before retracting
Damage 90/180/270/360 -> 120/200/280/360
Cooldown 14/13/12/11 -> 20/17/14/11
No longer restores mana after hooking rune
Now puts victim slightly more in front of caster at end of duration rather than nearly on caster's head, which caused weird position changes

Lunar Blessing
Bonus damage 14/22/30/38 -> 11/18/25/32
Now gives 8/12/16/20% chance for True Strike
Still works only for heroes
Still provides night vision bonus for carrier and now for his illusions too
True Strike affects illusions
Aura is removable by Break effect on carrier, night vision bonus is not
Night Vision bonus decreased from 256/512/768/1024 to 258/384/512/640
So now hero still need need to get Moonshard also for full night vision

Casting Leap does not interrupt any actions again. Pounce has this feature too now.
Thanks to some other fixes and Burrowstike change that this ^ change become possible without bugging.
Pounce now overrides Flamebreak push and no longer instantly cancelled by Force Staff, but only if it pushes unit enough far to break rope.

Shuriken Toss
Main target damage 150/225/300/375 -> 130/210/290/370
Bounce damage 0/125/175/225 -> 0/190/245/300
Stun duration 0.01 -> 0.2
Manacost 120/130/140/150 -> 105/120/135/150
Cast range 600 -> 500/550/600/650

Arcane Curse reworked
No longer prolongs when target is silenced or casts spell
Now if victim is silenced, it also burns equal to damage (before multiplications and reductions) amount of mana
If victim casts spell, it also takes normal damage tick and loses mana
Normal damage 18/27/36/45 to 20/26/32/38
Duration 6 sec -> 5/6/7/8 sec
Spell amplification -10/16/22/28% -> 15/20/25/30%, but debuff is now modified by status resistance

Last Word reworked
No longer instantly blocks victim spell if it requires channeling
No longer burns mana
Cooldown 24/20/16/12 -> 17/15/13/11
Damage pierces magic immunity
If triggered by timeover, silence duration is increased by 2.5 seconds
If triggered by spellcast, Silencer becomes brave, receives bonus spell amplification 9/12/15/18% for 10/12/14/16 sec
This buff is dispellable.
Note: if you're interested, bonus spell amplification is granted before dealing damage, so this small boots affects Last Word impact damage.

Static Field nerfed
Now does not perform at maximum efficiency always.
It requires some "Power" to operate, displayed as cooldown
Consumes 0.25 seconds of cooldown per every affected target
Full recharge takes / cooldown cannot fall below: 6.5/7.0/7.5/8.0 seconds
Means skill will take longer to reach max efficiency at higher levels as well as can last longer but still regains damage faster per limited amount of time
As well refreshing will obviously restore skill completely
Cooldown is affected by CDR, thus will faster recharge will restore Power more effectively, as well as can be refreshed
Maximum damage when fully charged 5/7/9/11% of current hp -> 6.5/9.0/11.5/14% of current hp
Does not provide effect if less than 0.5 of cooldown passed to not make superlow damage ticks
AoE 1176 -> 950
Cooldown reduction works by specific way here: it reduces amount of lost power per cast
E.g. 25% CDR means skill will consume 0.1875 sec of CD per each affected enemy instead of 0.25, but also cooldowns faster, so will have less max charge time. This allows to ONLY affect power regain time but not anything else.

Status resistance now affects Battle Hunger damage reduction debuff modified instead of duration (tickrate)
Battle Hunger DPS changed from 16/24/32/40 to 8/12/16/20 + 2/3/4/5% of Current HP
now pierces magic immunity if was placed on enemy before getting immunity

Nether Blast
Slightly decreased damage and manacost on early levels

Plasma Field
Slightly rabalanced for more smooth damage scaling at any distance.

Unstable Current
No longer applies any damage
Now it's an aura which grants movespeed, 9/12/15/18% for self and 6/8/10/12% for allies
Note: Owner or his illusions will not buff each other inbetween, so carrier will completely lose bonus during break.
But from other hand illusions receives full bonus, up to 18%

Spirit Lance
Manacost 125/130/135/140 -> 110/120/130/140
Illusion duration 2/4/6/8 -> 3/4/5/6
No longer slows attack
Movespeed slow 10/20/30/40% -> 10/18/26/34%
Slow duration 3.25 -> 2.5
Now applies Break together with slow

Now always have 12 souls maximum
Each soul provide 1/2/3/4 bonus damage and 0.25/0.5/0.75/1.0% spell amplification
Thus maximum 12/24/36/48 dmg and 3/6/9/12% SAmp
Hero kill no longer provide more souls than creepkill
All souls are lost on death instead of half

Searing Arrows
Now decreases victim armor by 1/2/3/4 and if victim is not structure and not Roshan, by additional 1 per hit with a maximum of 10/12/14/16
Debuff exist up 8 seconds (renewed duration after next hit) and, this duration is resistable
Manacost 10/9/8/7 -> 9/11/13/15
Damage bonus 30/40/50/60 -> 20/30/40/50
Damage bonus is now included in critical damage calculation (tho this is mentioned in other place)

Burning Spear is now again ranged only ability. This is important to make ability usage more comfortable and not bugged anyhow.

Berserker Rage is now silensable again

Sanity Eclipse now affects enemy illusions

All 3 Ensnares (naga, neutral troll, doom) can now be used against invulnerable units and fully affects them

Slightly nerfed Magic Missile: stun reduced by 0.1 sec, cooldown increased from 9 to 12/10/11/9, manacost decreased by 10

Sonic Wave AoE min/max 100/450 -> 100/400

Will-o-wisp cast time 0.1 -> 0.2

Fireshow stat mult 0.5/0.6/0.7/0.8 -> 0.4/0.5/0.6/0.7

Haunt cooldown 160/140/120 -> 180/160/140

Shadowraze manacost 90 -> 76/89/102/115, bonus damage per stack decreased to 20/35/50/65, stack duration 8 -> 12

Echo Stomp Cast Time 1.3 -> 1.35

Fire Storm Cast Time 1.2 -> 1.35

Venomous Gale cooldown 22/20/18/16 -> 25/22/19/16

Ice Circles slow 40/60/80 -> 40/55/70%

Charge of Darkness can now be casted from Wind Walks

Elder Dragon Form slow does no longer work against towers

Goblin's Greed buff duration 20/22/24/26 - > 20/24/28/32

Blur evasion 19/26/33/40% -> 18/27/36/45%

Flamebreak AoE and max push distance 375 -> 500

Reflection damage percentage 40/60/80/100 -> 55/70/85/100

Midnight Pulse DPS 3.5/4/4.5/5% of max hp -> 4.75/5.5/6.25/7% of max hp, damage type Pure -> Magical. Still pierces magic immunity.

Frostmourne buff/debuff duration for ranged attackers 50% -> 66%

Frostbite total damage 90/160/230/300 -> 105/170/235/300
Damage frequency 0.5 -> 0.25

Stifling Dagger can no longer miss it's triggered attack

Walrus Punch critical strike multiplier 3.5 -> 2.8/3.2/3.6, cooldown 30/21/12 -> 24/18/12
Walrus Kick knockback distance 900 -> 1400, still over 1 second

Poison Touch cooldown 27/24/21/18 -> 20/18/16/14, DPS 16/28/40/52 -> 18/30/42/54

Degen Aura no longer slows attack speed, AoE 350 -> 375

Feral Impulse bonus damage 14/26/38/50% -> 12/22/32/42%

Acid Spray activation delay 1.0 -> 0.5
Acid Spray and Neurotoxin damage tick rate 1 sec -> 0.5 sec

Cast time 2.0 -> 1.75
Aghanim upgrade changed:
Decreases cast time from 1.75 to 1.0 and increases stun duration from 0.01 to 1.0/1.25/1.5
Channeling no longer lays buff indicator on target's buffpanel

Spin Web
Movespeed bonus 20/25/30/35% -> 12/18/24/30%
Hp Regen 3/5/7/9 -> 2/4/6/8

Insatiable Hunger
Now grants same bonus damage for ranges and melees
Bonus damage 80/100/120 -> 65/100/135
Melee lifesteal bonus decreased to 60/75/90%
Ranged lifesteal bonus decreased to 40/50/60%
Cooldown 60 -> 90/80/70
Manacost 100 -> 100/125/150
Cast time 0.2 -> 0.01

Geostrike now deals damage every 0.5 seconds instead of every 1 second.
DPS 24/36/48/60 -> 18/36/54/72
Duration for melee attackers 4 -> 3

Chaos Strike changed back to chance-based
Thankfully to technical improvements it can be used by ranged attackers again
20% chance to
x1.2-x1.5/x1.2-x1.8/x1.2-x2.1/x1.2-x2.4 critical strike
With 10-25/10-40/10-55/10-70% lifesteal
Provides it's previous visual effect only at moment of proc

Crippling fear (in addition to other tweaks):
Manacost 50 -> 65/70/75/80
Cooldown 30/25/20/15 -> 28/24/20/16

Ogre Powa bonuses 10/16/22% -> 10/15/20%

Glaives of Wisdom manacost 18/22/24/30 -> 18/24/30/36
Due to attribute stealing change mechanics, as using Glaives against enemy heroes would be more effective for own manapool

Rolling Boulder cooldown 13/10/7/4 -> 15/12/9/6

Earthbind duration increased by 0.1 sec

Aphotic Shield cooldown decreased by 0.5 sec

Stifling Dagger manacost 30 -> 36/44/52/60

Powershot base damage 150/250/350/450 -> 135/225/315/405, damage fall per victim 20% -> 15%

Multiple instances of Malefice on same target are now independent of each other

Reaper's Scythe and Mana Void can no longer be used toward spell immune enemies

Brewmaster Thunder Clap cooldown 12 -> 11

Cold Snap
Slightly improved stun and damage
Duration 4.5 -> 5
Manacost 100 -> 105/110/115/120

Changed Borrowed Time Aghanim upgrade: increases duration by 0.6 seconds and increases damage dealt and heal while active from 50% to 75%

Omnislash can now be casted on ancients, but not on Roshan

Spectre Desolate
Damage 30/50/70/90 -> 30/45/60/75
Now pierces magic immunity

Nightmare damage taken (after reductions) required to wake up target 50/75/100/125 -> 100/150/200/250

Dark Ascension AS bonus 50/75/100 -> 40/80/120

Penitence AS bonus 30/50/70/90 -> 45/70/95/120
Caster now receives attackspeed boost buff when cast Penitence

Fire Spirits cooldown 40/35/30/25 -> 42/38/34/30

Spell Steal cooldown 20/16/12 -> 12, upgraded 6/5/4 -> 5

Dmg per pulse 110 -> 110/120/130
AoE 300 first pulse + 50 per each other -> 500 + 25

Windrun movespeed bonus 50% -> 40%, slow now lasts exactly 2.5 seconds on each target after last contact with caster.
MS slow rescaled from 8/16/24/32% to 15/20/25/30%
No longer evades magical projectiles on cast
Manacost 100 -> 75

Chemical Rage manacost 50/100/150 -> 100/125/150

Fire Jump no longer forcibly turns caster in front

Fissure AoE 175 -> 190

Earth Splitter now moves units not exactly in center of lane but instead shortens distance between unit and center of lane in 3 times to not mess units up that much

Vacuum now shortens distance between victim and target point in 3 times instead of pulling them to center to not mess units up that much.
In other words it pulls by 33% less distance than before.
This also should look better.

DPS 1.0/1.5/2.0/2.5% -> 0.75/1.5/2.25/3.0%
DPS is now dealt against any units except Roshan the Great
Now damage timing matches animation (0.12 sec delay)

Pit of Malice root duration 0.9/1.2/1.5/1.8 -> 1.05/1.3/1.55/1.8
Pit of Malice cast time 0.5 -> 0.35, now has 0.5 sec activation delay, while graves growing up

Freezing Field
Now turns into random direction instead of always clockwise and beginning sector depends on caster facing instead of always being bottomright
Now affects with particles falling down delay as well (~0.17 sec delay after deciding actual hit position)
Now slows only damaged targets instead of all units in area, slow duration is 3 seconds
Explosion radius 300 -> 315
Initial cast time 0.3 -> 0.05
Aghanim upgrade changed: still increases damage, but instead of increasing slow efficiency it grants 25% chance to stun victim for 0.75/1.0/1.25 sec, separated for each victim.

Moon Glaive changed back to losing damage per every jump
Additional targets (bounces) amount: 2/3/4/5, depends on skil level
Damage lose per jump: 50/44/38/32%

Lycanthrope spirit wolves no longer slows attack speed by 60 but instead slows movement speed by 12% and turning speed by 24%

Shackles cooldown 10 -> 11

Fortune's End max channel time 2.5 sec -> 2 sec, root duration 0.5-2.5 sec -> 0-3 sec (0.5 sec + 0.8x channel time -> 1.5x of channel time)

Purifying Flames ally damage decreased by 50%

Laser cooldown 14 -> 13

Heat Seeking Missile cooldown 18 -> 18/17/16/15

March of the Machines cooldown 22 -> 20

Phantom Strike buff duration 3 sec -> 2 sec, bonus as 60/80/100/120

UFO sight range 900 -> 750

Primal Split
Units appearing speed increased in ~6.8 times (delay ~0.85 sec -> 0.125 sec), now spawns slightly closer to each other
Units size decreased, so they won't overlap each other that much

Double Edge and Life Break now deals self damage even when blocked by an enemy, unlike before, and part of visual effects appears in this case.
They both now pierces magic immunity of main target and caster itself
Double Edge cooldown 5 -> 4
Life Break cast range 550 -> 550/625/700

Ravage cast time 0.3 -> 0.35

Caustic Finale chance on range attack 50% -> 66%

Mortal Strike critical chance 15% -> 16%, multiplier 1.5/2.0/2.5/3.0 -> 1.9/2.2/2.5/2.8
Drunken Brawler critical damage x2 -> x1.8

Trueshot Aura AS bonus 16/24/32/40% of agility -> 20/30/40/50%

Rocket Barrage manacost 60/65/70/75 -> 61/69/77/85

Spawn Spiderlings Synergy bonus changed to 40/80/120/160 bonus hp to Spiderlings and 15/30/45/60 bonus hp to spiderites
Spiderling and Spiderite attack animation time 0.5 -> 0.35

Liquid Fire
Cooldown 13/10/7/4 -> 14/11/8/5
DPS 22/30/38/46 -> 18/30/42/54

Open Wounds lifesteal 25/30/35/40% -> 25/35/45/55%

Earthshock slow 10/25/40/55% -> 16/24/32/40%

Skewer max range decreased by 100, now pulls victims slightly closer to caster (200 -> 150)
Skewer and Lightning Grapple now stuns enemies for additional 0.2 seconds after sucessful landing (caster was not interrupted or killed)

Dispersion no longer deals reduces dmg in case of having less hp than original damage dealt

Grave Chill
+-AS increased by 2%, +- MS by 1%, duration from 6 to 6.25
Now buffs all caster's owned units in 1200 radius around target (and target's, if reflected)
Manacost 90 -> 100

No longer receives increased dmg bonus from Aghanim's, but always heals by 40% of damage
Charge time 2/3/4/5 sec -> 2/2.7/3.4/4.1 sec, total dmg stays same (200/300/400/500 max)
Reduced vision duration, now depends on skill level and channeled time, further points receives vision for less time

Sanity's Eclipse cooldown 30/26/22/18 -> 18, manacost 125/150/175/200 -> 120/140/160/180

Become Enraged damage resistance increased by 5% at all levels of upgraded and non-upgraded version

Slow from neutral and Doom devoured Tempest is now stackable

Devoured Troll Priest manareg aura 1.75/2.5/3.25/4.0 -> 1.2/2.0/2.8/3.6

Due to Kaya change:
Ball Lightning active manacost 32 + 9% -> 24 + 9%, manacost per 100 distance 13 + 0.8% -> 14 + 0.7%
Pulse Nova manacost per second 45/60/75 -> 40/55/70

Chilling Touch
Now deals bonus dmg together with other magical bonus dmg to attack (e.g. Javelin)
AS MS slow increased from 30% to 35%, slow duration from 0.3 to 0.5

Reverse Polarity now interrupts enemy's forced movements

Attribute Shift does no longer limits avalable heroes on agilers but instead it changes hero main stat onto Agility, adapts base damage as well
Attribute Shift learn now grants +3/4/5/6 base agility per skill level, so +3/7/12/18 total

Attribute Bonus
Learn now grants base (white) attributes instead of bonus (green), fixed it's interaction with Ice Blast and False Promise
Now grants different attribute grow in dependance of main hero attribute
+2/1/1 for main/others at skill levels 1-5, +3/1/1 at levels 6-8, +3/2/2 at lvl 9 and +4/2/2 at lvl 10
For total maximum +26 main attribute and +12 to others (vs +20 to all previously)

Manta Style no longer stops Omnislash, only Supernova and Infest does

Spirit Bear cannot be resummoned now while he takes damage from heroes (same rule as with Dagger)
Spirit Bear mpreg 0.5 -> 1, as it was mentioned some versions ago

Some more abilities now completely pierces magic immunity, including damage and all additional effects:
MKB proc (but not Javelin, which provides only True Strike)
Sun Strike
Midnight Pulse (although it's damage changed from Pure to Magical)
Greater Bash
Walrus Kick
Viper Strike
Fiend's Grip
Life Break
Reverse Polarity
Flaming Lasso
Ice Blast DPS
Primal Roar (main target only, no longer stuns magic immunie side targets)
Echo Slam (initial damage)
Dream Coil (when upgraded)
Earth Splitter
Culling Blade (if not kills target)
Flaming Fists (Infernal's passive)


During last year our lovely Crabby, who did not succeed much in military science, he successfully passed trading and blacksmithing courses, so he returns as new trader with some magical items
Applause, little Crabby! We love, believed in you and did never forget you! :3

He even came with improved Kaya, Heart of Tarrasque and others!
And who knows? Will he stay at tradint or will return onto battlefield later with new and upredictable style!

Travel Boots removed
Now heroes and Spirit Bears can upgrade their teleport scrolls by purchasing TP Scroll Upgrade
Moved to Black Market together with Aghanim Consumable recipe
Can be upgraded twice, called "TP Scroll Upgrade" and "TP Scroll Maxed"
Each purchase costs 2500 gold. Item will be consumed at pick up similarly to Aghanim Consumable
"Upgrade" gives +35 movemenent speed forever, decreases teleport cooldown to 45 seconds, allows to teleport on allied creeps and not receive teleportation penalti, similarly to Travel Boots 1
"Maxed" increases movement speed by additional 25, decreases teleport cooldown to 30 seconds and allows to teleport on allied creeps and heroes and not receive teleportation penalti, similarly to Travel Boots 2
Item can be sold if was not inserted in hero or bear
If hero or bear already has one upgrade, he will receive second
Can be purchased as both upgrades at once, as well each separated
Attempt to pickup doubled "TP Scroll Upgrade" when already has one upgrade willnot work to evade possible abuses
Bonus movespeed fully affects illusions
Upgrade counts towards hero networth and Drums of War bonuses

Aghanim Upgrader and TP Scroll Upgrade can now be consumed without dropping any item in any case

Sentry Wards don't have own vision anymore but wards themself are still visible in fog as well as their duration indicator

Observer and Sentry wards can now be denied by owner at any hp

Arcane Rune bonuses changed:
Old: 30% CDR, 30% manaloss reductions;
New: 30% CDR, 20%/4% spell lifesteal

Echo Saber Movespeed slow 100% -> 65%, Attack speed bonus for second attack 490 -> 350
Mjollnir active ability now reacts on "damage above 5" before reductions instead of after, can be used on invulnerable targets
Blight Stone duration 8 -> 5
Desolator damage bonus 50 -> 55, armor reduction 7 -> 6, duration 15 -> 7
Ring of Health can now be sold per full cost in first 10 seconds

Dragon Lance agility bonus 12 -> 14

Hurricane Pike can now be used on magic immune enemies but won't push them away, only caster itself.
Force Staff and Hurricane Pike can now be used on self even from invulnerability
Force Staff and Hurricane Pike pushing effect now begins without small delay
Force Staff, Hurricane Pike and Jackboots Force effect is now dispellable by enemy dispell

Phase Boots movespeed bonus for ranged 10% -> 13% (stays 20% for melee)

Moonshard attack speed bonus 120 -> 130
Consumed Moonshard attack speed bonus 60 -> 75

Consume Aghanim recipe cost 1000 -> 1250
Now consumed Aghanim retains 80% of it's normal bonuses (140 hp, 140 mp, 8 all attributes) and thus can be consumed even when hero has nothing to upgrade

Abyssal Blade, Euls's Scepter, Tornado and Cyclone now cancels forced movements

Eul movespeed bonus 20 -> 30, manaregen bonus 150% -> 135%, manacost 175 -> 150

Solar Crest now requires Wind Lace also, grants +25 movespeed

Ghost Scepter manacost 0 -> 100

Diffusal Blade manacost 0 -> 50

Basher and Abyssal Blade bash duration 1.4 -> 1.2, cooldown 2.3 -> 2.0
Casting Abyssal Blade now sends passive ability in normal 2.0 seconds cooldown as well. If reflected, victim's Basher will be sent on cd as well.
Abyssal Blade active stun 1.4 -> 1.5 sec

Arcane Boots: activating no longer interrupts actions, can be cast without interupting wind walk.

Using Dust of Appearance no longer interrupts actions

Now requires 500 gold recipe to built in
Reduced charge gain AoE from 1600 to 1325 (to the same as gold and experience getting range)

Lotus Orb now requires Vitality Booster instead of Energy Booster, thus +250 MP -> +250 HP. Manacost on use 100 -> 125, can be used on invulnerable targets

Satanic active lifesteal bonus +175% -> +150%, duration 6, cooldown 35 -> 45, can be used safely during wind walks

Messershmidt Reaver cost 3000 -> 2800
Eaglehorn cost 3000 -> 2800
Mystic Staff cost 2700 -> 2800

Items reworks:

Armlet can now be toggled normally under HP Freezing effects (Ice Blast), as all other STR changing effects allow this since previous version

Now when unit stores rune in Bottle while Bottle has more than 0 charges, user receives bottle heal as if he used it manually
Also runes autouse from bottle will not happen if owner unable to use bottle manually (stunned or his inventory muted) until he will be able to use this bottle manually

Bracer: +2 all stats, +3 str, +3 dmg, +0.75 HP reg, total cost 500
Wraith Band: +2 all stats, +3 agi, +5 AS, +1.5 armor, total cost 500
Null Talisman: +2 all stats, +3 int, +3% SAmp (stackable), +4% magic resistance, total cost 500

Kaya and it's upgrades no longer decreases manacost/manaloss.
They gives spell lifesteal instead (not stackable inbetween them)
8% for Kaya and Bloodstone, 14% for Yasha&Kaya and Kaya&Sange, 16% for Triforce Blade
In 5 times less amount from creeps, as always.

Octarine Core: Aether Lens + Soul Booster for total 5475 gold, +425 hp, +725 mp, +150% mpregen, +200 cast range bonus, 25% cooldown reduction. Can be disassembled.

Magic Stick cost 200 -> 300, hp and mp reg per charge 15 -> 13, max charges 10 -> 13, so max total heal 150 -> 169
Magic Wand: Magic Stick + Circlet of Nobility + Point Booster for total 1655 gold, +3 all stats, +200 hp and mana pool, hp and mp reg per charge 15 -> 17, max charges stays 20, so max total heal 300 -> 340
Soul Ring: Ring of Regen + Sobi Mask + Ring of Protection + Recipe for 800 gold total, gives +2 armor in addition, hpregen bonus 3 -> 1.5, manaregen 50% -> 33%, active cooldown 30 -> 25, activating no longer interrupts actions, can be cast without interupting wind walk.
Soul Ring now always gives same bonus to maximum and current manapool (150 for Soul Ring, 275 for Martyric Boots) instead of exceeding mana only, thus it does not stop allowing to regenerate lacking mana even if bonus was not used.
Removed Ironwood Branch, replaced by Crown of Condifence: +4 all stats, no active ability, 450 gold cost
Removed Ring of Aquila
Ring of Basilius: Sobi Mask + Recipe for 425 gold total, grants only aura for 1.25 mp/sec
Veil of Discord: Ring of Basilius + Crown + Recipe for 1525 gold total, grants +4 to all stats, aura for 2.0 mp/sec and same active ability.
Drum of Endurance now requires Crown instead of 2 Circlets, no longer has an aura, all stats +5 -> +4, +25 MS, active bonus AS 35 -> 45, cooldown 50 -> 45, total cost reduced to 1500

Orb of Venom slow duraton 3 -> 2, slow efficiency 12% -> 13% (melee), 4% -> 7% (ranged), DPS 4 (melee), 3 (ranged)
Ring of Regeneration cost 325 -> 175, hpregen bonus 2 -> 1.5, cost of all following items matched
Sobi Mask cost 325 -> 175, manaregen bonus 50% -> 33%, cost of all following items matched
Boots of Speed cost 400 -> 500, cost of following items changed.
Tranquil Boots speed bonus 85 (60) -> 70 (45), hpregen 13 -> 14
Gloves of Haste cost 500 -> 450
Planeswalker Cloak cost 550 -> 500, magic resistance bonus 15% -> 12%.
Glimmer cape magic resistance AS +20 -> +25
Ring of Health cost 850 -> 825
Void Stone cost 850 -> 825
Vitality Booster cost 1100 -> 1050, Vanguard recipe cost 200 -> 250, damage block is now "increases base damage block" instead of being separated. In other words, Vanguard and it's upgrades damage block overlaps melee heroes innate block (50% for 16) instead of working "lower attempts to proc if higher did not proc)
Ultimate Orb cost 2150 -> 2050
Helm of Iron Will cost 900 -> 925, hp regen +3 -> +3.5
Chainmail armor 5 -> 4
Phase Boots armor 5 -> 4
Broadsword cost 1200 -> 1000, damage bonus 18 -> 15, all upgrades cost matched
Claymore cost 1400 -> 1350, damage bonus 21 -> 20, all upgrades cost matched
Blade Mail damage bonus 22 -> 18
Nullifier armor bonus 5 -> 6, damage bonus 65 -> 70, debuff duration 6 -> 5, cooldown 13 -> 15, no longer prevents item usage but instead continues dispelling enemy for whole duration, which is undispellable; slow duration 0.4 -> 0.6, efficiency -100% ms -> -60% ms, projectile speed 750 -> 900
Heart of Tarrasque recipe cost 450 -> 0, requires Ring of Health instead. Now regenerates 1.2% of max hp always instead of 5% out of combat, no longer displays buff on panel. Affected by heal amplification. Works on illusions.
Quelling Blade dmg bonus vs creeps 18/6 -> 13/6, cost 150 -> 130, Battle Fury 24/8 -> 18/7
Radiance recipe cost 750 -> 900, damage bonus 70 -> 65, burn DPS 50 -> 55, now affects ancient units with both DPS and Blind, however Roshan receives only Blind.
Divine Rapier damage bonus 330 -> 333

Hood: Ring of Health + Cloak + Recipe for 1850 gold total, +7 hp regen, magic resistance +20%, activating no longer interrupts actions, can be cast without interupting wind walk.
Helm of the Dominator: Helm of Iron Will + Crown + Recipe for 2350 gold total, cooldown 60 -> 45, adds creep's base ms to 425, minimum hp to 1000, 25 damage, 12 hpregen and 4 manaregen to captured creep.
Rod of Atos: Staff of Wizardry + Crown + Crown + Recipe for 2750 gold total, attribute bonus changed to 10 str / 10 agi / 20 int, no dmg bonus.
Vladmir's Offering: Ring of Basilius + Buckler + Mask of Death + Broadsword for 2700 gold total, grants +15% lifesteal aura (both melee and range), +18% damage aura, +3 armor aura, +2.0 mpreg aura.
Headdress of Rejuvenation: Ring of Regeneration + Recipe for 425 gold total, no all stat bonus.
Nathrezim's Buckler: Ring of Protection + Recipe for 375 gold total, +2 armor aura (for allied players controlled units only)
Mekansm: Headdress + Chainmail + Recipe for 1875 gold total, +4 armor, +3 hpreg aura, active does not provide armor, activating no longer interrupts actions, can be cast without interupting wind walk.
Pipe: No all stat bonus, hpreg aura 4 -> 3, hpreg 8 -> 7, magic resistance +25%, total cost 3100 -> 3275, activating no longer interrupts actions, can be cast without interupting wind walk.
Shiva's: Recipe cost 600 -> 650,  in addition to slow aura now decreases enemy healing and lifestealing by 25% (linearly stackable with Skadi and other heal debuffs), manacost 100 -> 150
Vladmir, Headdress, Buckler, Mekansm, Pipe, Greaves, Cuirass active abilities and most of auras AoE 900 -> 1200

Movespeed +50 -> +60, no all stat bonus, +4 armor, +3 armor aura, +4 HP reg aura; +6 more armor and +12 more hpreg when hero/illu has less than 25% hp
Low hp buff now works on ancients in addition to hero-type units.
Activating no longer interrupts actions, can be cast without interupting wind walk.

Hyperstone AS bonus 55 -> 60
Assault Cuirass: Plate Mail + Hyperstone + Buckler + Recipe for 5075 gold total, AS bonus 35 -> 30, Aura AS bonus 20 -> 30
Crimson Guard: Vanguard + Helm of Iron Will + Recipe for 3800 gold total, +250 hp, +12 hpreg, +6 armor, active cooldown 40, activating no longer interrupts actions.

Javelin: Cost 1100. No +damage to every hit. 30% chance to True Strike with 80 bonus magical damage. Illusions can proc True Strike but does not deal bonus damage. Not stackable with itself. Proc has visual effect on target.
Monkey King Bar: Demon Edge + Javelin + Gloves of Haste + Recipe for 4300 cost total. +40 damage, +35 attack speed, 50% chance to True Strike with 125 bonus magical damage. Illusions can proc True Strike but does not deal bonus damage. Not stackable with itself. Bonus damage pierces magic immunity. Proc has visual effect on target.
Maelstrom: Mithril Hammer + Javelin for 2700 gold total, can be disassembled. +24 damage, 30% chance to True Strike with 140 magical damage on 4 targets Chain Lightning. Illusions can proc True Strike but not lightnings.
Mjollnir: Total Cost 5700, +24 damage, +65 attack speed, 30% chance to True Strike with 170 magical damage on 12 targets Chain Lightning. Illusions can proc True Strike but not lightnings.
Things like Split Shot and Flak Cannon can get true strike from these things as well, but not bonus effects.

Basher now requires Mithril Hammer again instead of Javelin for total cost 2950, damage bonus 10 -> 25. Bash damage is added to attack damage.
Abyssal Blade total cost 6650, damage bonus 10 -> 25. Bash damage is added to attack damage.

Orchid total cost changed to 3475, manaregen bonus 150% -> 120%
Bloodthorn no longer grants critical strike x1.3, bonus damage from debuff increased from x1.3 to x1.45, cooldown 18 -> 16, AS bonus 85 -> 90, total cost decreased to 6400

Dagon: Staff of Wizardry + Crown + Recipe for 2750/4050/5350/6550/7850 gold total, +6/8/10/12/14 Strength and Agility, +14/16/18/20/22 Intelligence, same active
Necronomicon: Belt of Giant Strength + Sobi Mask + Sobi Mask + Recipe for 2050/3300/4550 gold total, +6/12/8 Strength, +100/130/160% manaregen, active manacost 50 -> 150.
Necronomicon Warrior last will damage 600/700/800 -> 400/575/750
Necronomicon Synergy: No longer grants attack speed, but instead grants 125/250/375/500 HP. Archer no longer getting permanent Blademail effect from Synergy

Slightly rebalanced other items which grants hpregen and/or manaregen.

Using all unit targeted items no longer interrupt any hero actions except channelings

Linken's Sphere: restored blocking sound.

New items:

Holy Beads: Magic Wand (1655) + Planeswalker Cloak (500) + Recipe (645) for total 2800 gold. +5 all stats, +225 hp and mana pool, +20% magic resistance
HP and MP reg per charge 21, max charges 20, so max total heal 420.
Can be used on allied hero with 2/3 efficiency from 500 distance (14 heal per charge for max 280 hp and mp), doubleclick to use on self without interrupting order queue.
Has same and shared cooldown with Magic Stick and Magic Wand

Helm of the Overlord: Helm of the Dominator + Ultimate Orb + Recipe for 6000 gold total. +20 all stats, +8 hp regen, +8 armor.
Active: Dictate, same as Dominate in basis, but in addition can be used on Ancients (not on Roshan, jeez)grants minimum 1800 hp instead of 1000, slightly more all other bonuses and grants immunity to every capturing or instakilling effects, even to Infest (if target is enemy).
Has same and shared cooldown with Helm of the Dominator

Sublimal Blade: Diffusal Blade + Mask of Death + Recipe for 5500 gold total. +30 Agility, +15 Intelligence, +20% Lifesteal.
Active: Inhibit, same as Diffusal Blade, but cooldown reduced from 15 to 12 seconds, shares cooldown with Diffsal Blade.
Passive: Greater Feedback, burns 50+2.5% of enemy current mana per attack, multiplied by attacker's illusion damage dealt multiplier, and adds 60% of burned mana to attack damage (can cleave or splash, can lifesteal, cannot crit)

Steamrollers: Phase Boots + Demon Edge + Recipe for 5250 gold total. +60 movespeed, +55 damage, +5 armor.
Active: Steam Vapor. Provides 20% / 13% movespeed and, unlike Phase Boots, flying movement for 3 seconds.  Damages nearby enemies in 275 distance as Pure damage by 6 per 0.2 seconds, resulting 30 per second or 90 per 3 seconds. Damage does not penetrate magic immunity.
Can be used during Wind Walks.
Cooldown 8, shares cooldown with Phase Boots.
Manacost 0. 

Jackboots: Power Treads + Force Staff + Recipe for 5250 gold total. +60 movespeed, +10 All Stats, +35 Attack Speed, +5 HP Regen.
Active: Inexhaustible Force. Retains same role as Force Staff, but cooldown reduced from 18 to 16, cast range increased from 800 to 1000, pushing distance from 600 to 750 and pushing time decreased from 0.4 to 0.35 seconds.
Shares cooldown with Force Staff and Hurricane Pike.

Martyric Boots: Tranquil Boots + Soul Ring + Recipe for 3000 gold total. +70 movespeed, +16 HP Regen, +50% MP regen, +3 Armor.
Active: Great Sacrifice.
If used on self, provides same effect as Soul Ring, but costs 275 HP and provides 275 MP.
If used on allied hero, protects him from damage by cost of taking damage by self. Protects up to 50% damage, depending on distance between caster or target, so closer means more effective, and falls down to 0 in distance above 1500. Shared damage counts after all possible reductions on ally and cannot be avoided by caster anyhow. Dying to this damage will count kill to attacking enemy.
This buff lasts 10 seconds and can only be dispelled by death of protector or protected unit or by receiving new buff by either protector or protected unit.
Different Visual effects exist on both caster and target, which are visible for everyone, and they are linked by thin link, which is visible only if both units are visible
Visual effects also changes when protected unit takes damage
Protected HP cannot overlap current protector HP, e.g. target takes 1000 dmg after reductions, protection = 25%, so protector should take 250 damage instead of target, but protector has only 100 HP, and then he will consume only 100 dmg and die, while protected unit will take 1000-100=900
Hint: this stuff may be especially useful against any sources of enemy lifesteals or lifedrains, as protected damage is "lost" for attacker, he will heal less as outgoing damage is reduced.
Can be used during Wind Walks.
Can be casted on invulnerable units.
Cast range 1000
Cooldown 25, shares cooldown with Soul Ring.
Manacost 0, health cost is also 0 if used on ally

Corrosive Pendant: Circlet of Nobility + Orb of Venom + Blight Stone + Recipe for total 900 gold.
+3 all stats
Attack effects: 4/3 poison DPS with 13/7% ms slow for 3 seconds, -2 armor for 7 seconds
Has same debuff (aka does not stack) with Orb of Venom and Blight Stone

Cruel Bracer: Bracer + Gauntlet of Strength + recipe for total 925 gold, +2 all stats, +6 str, +5 dmg, +1.25 HP reg
Elusive Band: Wraith Band + Slippers of Agility + recipe for total 925 gold, +2 all stats, +6 agi, +7 AS, +2.5 armor
Imaginary Talisman: Null Talisman + Mantle of Intelligence + recipe for total 925 gold, +2 all stats, +6 int, +5% SAmp (stackable), +6.5% magic resistance


Couriers cannot now use any items on themself
Courier Shield hotkey G -> W

Buff linger duration 2.5 -> 1 sec (as bottles can be used during teleport, this is not much important stuff)
True Sight AoE 1200 -> 1250
Damage decreased by ~45%
Instead they deals same amount of additional damage as Magical damage (Not pierces spell immunity)
Fountain damage type Siege -> Fountain
Note: this damage type is similar to Hero, just it's ubertip displays info about bonus magical damage

Ghost slow is no longer castable arrow-based skill, instead it's always working passive effect, removable by Break instead of Silence
AS and MS slow 20% for 2 sec -> 25% for 1.5 sec

Reduced neutral Satyr Hellcaller Shockwave cast range from 1200 to 750 (affects only distance from which he will use this spell automatically, does not affect effect distance or cast range when he is captured)

Black Dragon fireball now uses 1200 speed projectile instead of being instant

Nether Ward gold bounty 35/50/65/80 -> 75

Illusory Orb vision 900 -> 450

Psionic Trap gold bounty 1 -> 25, exp bounty 48 -> 25

Roshan Bash damage and duration now grows over time (+5 damage, +0.01 sec duration per game minute after creep spawn)
It's proc also grants True strike and it's damage is added right to attack damage
It can now proc on wards as well

Roshan and Thunder Lizard chieft recoded, so their slow is properly affected by status resistance
Thunder Lizard Slam manacost 90 -> 100, AoE 250 -> 325, dmg 70 -> 125
Thunder Lizard aura changed from 15% damage and 15 attack speed to 25 attack speed and 40 accuracy (chance to not miss an attack)

Melee Ancient creeps (Spirit Bear, Rock and Emerald Golem) attack range 100 / 128 -> 150

Satyr Hellcaller MS 290 -> 300
Satyr Soulstealer MS 270 -> 300
Satyr Trickster Purge maximum movespeed slow 100% -> 50%
Gnoll Assassin MS 270 -> 290
Harpy Scout MS 280 -> 290



88e series

88e3, hotfix


Fixed Shiva's Guard active ability malfunction...
Fixed Poison Nova poisoning targets...
Fixed Rain of Chaos not stunning...
Fixed Stampede having Haunt sound on cast
Fixed Charge of Darkness does not allows to shift orders as it was intended but hero was standing still instead
Fixed Sammy Face caused by Phantom Strike speed
Fixed Necronomicon Warrior not deals damage to killer
Fixed hero walking during Tricks of the Trade sometimes
Fixed Blade Fury missing animation
Fixed (?) Formless delayed subskill removing
Fixed Bounty Rune picking up animation rules
Fixed Couriers becomes valid target for neutrals after changing their type
Timber Chain now kills exactly 1 tree, never skips to kill it nor kills more than 1


Visual & Sounds

Selecting allied tavern no longer creates text about that tavern is not belongs to player
Shallow Grave new visual effect is now visible for everyone instead of only allies
Reduced Metamorphosis model scale from x1.0/1.1/1.1/1.1 to 0.85



Tier 1 towers damage increased by 4 so they will kill ranged creeps from 4 hits from beginning.

Nether Strike now applies dispel on victim between teleporting and other effect

Pocket Nuclear Charge manacost 125/150/175/200 -> 120/140/160/180

Presence of the Dark Lord armor reduction 3/4/5/6 -> 3.1/4.4/5.7/7.0

Acid Spray armor reduction 4/5/6/7 -> 3.1/4.4/5.7/7.0, DPS 14/20/26/32 -> 15/22/29/36
Manacost 130/140/150/160 -> 115/130/145/160, AoE 625 -> 475/525/575/625

Eyes in the Forest cooldown 35 -> 55/45/35 (depends on Overgrowth Upgraded level)


88e2, hotfix

Updated unit turning even better
Fixed some typos
Fixed Summon Eagle ability stats
Fixed Tombstone taking too low damage from heroes
Fixed Eul's
Fixed Hookshot breaks game

Fixed SelectCircleOfPower key not working
Added SelectBestCourier and SelectCircleOfPower in standart config

88e1, patch


Fixed Group error in Magnetic Field
Fixed Radiance visual effect
Fixed Lightning Bolt point of animations
Fixed Natural Order reduces not all armor on lane creeps
Fixed Natural Order cannot reduce armor by decimal amounts
Fixed Anchor Smash damage being less than intended
Fixed Mirror Image illusions being not selected with enabled selectionhelper
Fixed Firefly being not count as range morph
Fixed Elder Dragon Form not provides corrosive attack and splash attack for illusions
Fixed Assassinate and Nether Strike being continued channeled if target dies during it
Fixed Level 4 Lycanthropy Wolves being unaffected by Primal Split dispel
Fixed Ethereal Jaunt missing visual effect on point from where hero teleported
Fixed Phantom Strike being reduced by owner status resistance and attack speed bonus being less than intended
Fixed StartChatString21 being not readable


Quality of Life

Units without active abilities will not be affected by most Silences anymore (mostly AoE silences, in case if silence don't have attached additional effects on it)
Units without passive abilities will not be affected by most Break effects
This used to decrease amount of effects on screen as well as improve perfomance

Moonshard can now be used on hero by Couriers

Waveform can now be cast at any point on map, traveling is limited by maximum range

Improved unit capturing by Power Cog

Global gameplay

Experience bounty for killed hero increased by 50 (all levels), simply removed decrementer

Reduced towers attack point from 0.6 to 0.2 to evade weird stuff where tower "attacks much further than it's range"
Tower attack damage arc greatly reduced

Removed Flying Courier item
Couriers now getting upgrade to flying version at owner hero level 5
Unlocks Boost at level 10 (duration 4 -> 6, cooldown 90 -> 120)
And getting Divine Shield at hero level 20 (2 seconds invulnerability, cooldown 200)

HP limit to deny allied unit <50% hp -> <=50% hp (not strict, so e.g can deny with 1/2 or 2/4 hp)

Skills balance

Recoded Demonic Conversion, spawns Eidolons slightly in side of each other multiply ability works "better"
Also now they they multiplies at end of 6th (less with Synergy) attack instead of at beginning of 7th
Same changes applied to Raise Dead zombies
Raise Dead cooldown and duration 30 -> 40, now also costs 8/10/12/14% of current hp to be cast, manacost retains same

Reworked Frost Armor to Frost Shield
Grants target unit slowing aura (9/12/15/18% movespeed slow for 0.5 sec while under aura, slow is undispellable)
Grants protection from attack / cleave / splash damage for 30/40/50/60%
AoE 600
Deals 20/30/40/50 magical damage in area every second
Lasts 6 seconds
Manacost 100/110/120/130
Cooldown 30/25/20/15

Dark Ritual temporary removed until getting good idea for replacing
Sinister Gaze is not good one

Ice Shards partially returned to old style — circle center is not moved too far back from explosion point. It's still moved but for 98 cells instead of 196
Decreased cast range by 100 to compensate
Ice Shards improved so they does not mixing enemy positions who was on walls too much. It already does not move units which can fly atm

Supernova does no longer refreshes cooldowns.

Exorcism can now be stolen through Spell Steal (very old exception for old reasons)

Voodoo Restoration manacost per second 8/12/16/20 -> 9.2/12.8/16.4/20, so heal becomes slightly more effective per mana point at higher levels

Marksmanship basic bonus damage 120/130/140 -> 90/115/140 (reminding that chance been increased from 20/30/40 to 30/40/50)

Burrowstrike cast range 350/450/550/650 -> 350/425/500/575 (temporary change until rework)

God's Strength duration 40 -> 35

Battery Assault damage 24/41/58/75 -> 21/39/57/75

Dual Breath DPS 20/40/60/80 -> 20/38/56/74, manacost decreased by 5

Lucent Beam cooldown 5 -> 6


Abyssal Blade and Mjollnir can no longer be disassembled


Necronomicon Archer no longer has speed aura. Matched Necronomicon units movespeed to compensate.
Reverted attack order onto enemy from Necronomicon Purge

Mud Golem level 5 -> 4
Rebalanced devoured from him skills respectively

Slightly increased Satyr Trickster DPS (BAT 1.7 -> 1.35, dmg 7-10 -> 8-12) and level 1 Kobolds (+1 dmg)

88e0, main patch


Some fixes in Formless Books. Could not imagine that, huh?
Fixed (?) Radiance + illusions causes game desynch. Need tests with 10 players to be sure.
Fixed Hand of Midas cooldown being unchanged
Fixed Spell Reflection being delayed on cast time for some spells
Fixed impossibility to spawn Ice Vortex under trees
Fixed Nether Swap upgraded not swapping creeps
Fixed Ghost Walk End not hides icon on death (weird)
Fixed Lycan Howl not updating attackspeed instantly, fixed affecting magic immune enemies
Fixed (?) Hookshot stunning caster sometimes (weird)
Fixed Borrowed Time reduced cooldown from previous patch not working
Recoded Rain of Chaos, so it wont be broken by summoning only one infernal when upgraded
Matched Natural Order spell damage incrementer to proper numbers
Fixed Blink Strike being unlimited
Fixed Wall of Replica creates illusions of dead heroes
Fixed Wall of Replica illusions not attacking victim when summoned
Wall of Replica's illusions now has proper timed life displayed on them as they ends together with wall
Fixed Timber Chain not killing targeted tree sometimes
Fixed Rocket Barrage targeting invulnerable units
Fixed abuse with stopping Echo Stomp and using it again without visual effect
Fixed Will-o-Wisp current pull not ends when victim or Wisp dies
Fixed Charge of Darkness consumes mp twice
Fixed Charge of Darkness being interruptible by silences
Fixed Stifling Dagger bonus damage
Fixed Stasis Trap and activating time being 2.25 seconds instead of 2.0. Fixed Stasis Trap animation.
Fixed Shadow Poison provides invulnerability to target forever when damaging hidden in astral
Fixed Frozen Sigil being too tough against heroes
Fixed Force Staff and Euls giving less Intelligence than used to
Fixed Force Staff being wasted on some wards
Fixed Linken's Sphere missing sound effect when transferring to ally
Fixed Paralyzing Cask missing visual and sound effects on hit
Fixed Sanity Eclipse regenerating mana to enemy
Fixed Linken's being castable on enemies
Fixed Shadow Amulet not working at all in many cases
Fixed Drums of war effect stays forever sometimes
Fixed interaction of Cold Snap with Nether Ward and Last Word Fixed
Fixed Spirit Bear not dying with owner even without aghanim
Fixed Spirit Bear refreshes items after death
Fixed Poison Nova width
Fixed Siege Units spawns on 30 seconds earlier
Fixed weird direction of Plague Ward when placed
Fixed Psionic Trap providing vision for some seconds after death (which happens only when not upgraded)
Fixed Meteors rolling way being slightly shorter than intended
Fixed Triple Meteor messed up visuals
Fixed Untouchable affecting invulnerable attackers
Fixed Tether always gives level 1 movespeed bonus
Fixed Centaur Return and Nerubian Assassin Manaburn counts stats of owning player hero instead of original hero for illusion.
Fixed some spells being still usable on tombstone zombies
Fixed multiple invises in pick being broken at ordering
Fixed Leap acts weird in some rare combinations
Fixed Roshan Slam damage growing from game beginning instead of from creep spawn
Fixed not own Bottle not counting toward networth
Fixed Essence Shift not giving stats to attacker if target dies to hit or at next 0.01 second
Fixed Soul Siphon not ends when target changes owner (captured)
Fixed Shadowraze castpoint being slightly less than intended
Fixed Pulse Nova being not affected by manacost reduction
Fixed Pounce causes flight to be broken if caster dies in flight
Fixed Tricks of the Trade jumping onto tombstone zombies
Fixed Iceblast hitting hidden targets
Fixed Doom interaction with Status Resistance
Fixed Hexes interaction with Status Resistance
Fixed Dark Rift teleporting hidden allies
Fixed Snowball being castable on couriers or zombies
Fixed Toss stun ends before damaging
Fixed Enfeeble breaks Roshan's natural Status Resistance
Fixed Soul Rip being blocked by allied linken's
Fixed Perseverance still having higher priority than some reciped items from Ring of Health or Void Stone
Fixed Split Shot and Moon Glaive trying to hit dead targets (thus Split Shot sometimes does not hitting anyone as it has limited amoutn of arrows)
Fixed Breathe Fire debuff lvl 2 3 4 being undispellable
Fixed Soul Rip being usable on magic immune enemies
Fixed Soul Rip heals Tombstone too much
Fixed Spell Steal with stealing already known or not learned yet abilities — they simply wont be stealable, caster will be interrupted.
Fixed Gem visual effect allows to differentiate real hero from illusion for enemies. It's still visible for enemies, just exist on illusions too.
Fixed Dota2HpBars size being not updated when loading both hpbars and camera distance settings from config. As camera distance is commonly further away than normal, hpbars were bigger than intended until manual changing them in game at least once.
Matched Call Down visual indicator size to real damage AoE

Smoke of Deceit and Shadow Dance are now completely immune to true sight
Mirror Image effects and Doppelganger now confuses attacker's orders
Improved interaction of multiple Forced attacks and other triggered control on single unit
Necronomicon lightning effect is no longer visible if killer is invisible for player
Recoded Chronosphere in more secure form, will not cause glitches anymore. All units of owner now get speed and phased bonus instead of only caster.

Quality of life

Improved autorestoring Courier's delivery to reincarnating heroes
Feeding by courier is now count toward feeded by non-hero gold
Improved TP Scroll alt click message
Recoded Phase Shift, now makes unit semi-transparent, similar to other hides, and does not provide short invisibility anymore.
Triforce Blade recipe is no longer usable, as using it will not provide proper items in some cases
Lifesteal visual effect does no longer appears on non-player controlled units
Captured units (Dominator, Enchant, Persuasion and Mind Control), also Eidolons, minigolems and minidooms are now properly added to selectable "all player units" group.
Also they are selected by Selection Helped in this process.
Gold for killed units (not heroes) is no longer displayed when victim is invisible or fogged for killer
Removed special coloring from Shapeshift and Elder Dragon Form as it causes problems with hiding in own illusions

Using following targeted abilities and items no longer interrupts followed order queue, e.g. all single unit targeted items, in other terms means they can be used in mid-action without losing target or other orders, what is especially important when you need to buff self. Channeled abilities will be stoped, though:
Also if this feature will feel good, all or most single-target spells will be reworked to this base. If bad — already changed will be reverted.


Urn of Shadows
Medallion of courage (removed attack order onto enemy)
Solar Crest (removed attack order onto enemy)
Force Staff
Hurricane Pike
Glimmer Cape
Lotus Orb
Linken's Sphere
Eul's Scepter of Divinity
Diffusal Blade
Heaven's Halberd
Rod of Atos
Orchid Malevolence
Guinsoo's Scytche
Ethereal Blade (so selfcasting it wont be uncomfortable in comparing to ghost scepter)
Hand of Midas



Press the Attack
Viscous Nasal Goo
Cold Snap
Homing Missile
Arcane Bolt
Death Coil
Aphotic Shield
Shaman Voodoo
Lion Voodoo
Open Wounds
Amplify Damage
Chakra Magic
Static Link
Ion Shell
Heavenly Grace
Shadow Wave
Hurl Boulder (Earth Primal Split)
Necronomicon Purge (removed attack order onto enemy)





Changed Reliable and Unreliable gold sources
Passive income and Bounty rune income now gives reliable gold
All other sources gives unreliable gold

Decreased starting gold by 25 (5v5) to 600

All consumables no longer counts toward networth: Sentry Wards, Dust, Smoke, Tome, Healing Potion, Clarity Potion, Tango, Cheese
Mango, Faerie Fire and Raindrop does, as they are not "true" consumable — provides additional effects while carried

Increased streak ending gold and exp reward multiplier from 5...40% to 7.5...60%

Gold for destroying barracks 225 melee, 175 ranged -> 240 melee, 160 ranged
Gold is now splitting as half of common gold reward to allies and enemies, similar to tower denying.

Towers and creeps

All towers damage and reload decreased by 20% (dps stay same)
T1 towers damage decreased by 20 more, Glyph multishot additional targets for them 1 -> 2
Tower damage changed to more random instead of having tendency to be average

Slightly decreased creeps hp grow over time as int does not grant spell amp anymore
Slightly decreased towers damage grow as creeps hp reduced
Glyph duration on structures 7 -> 6

Towers, fountains and Roshan now deals in 4 times more damage to Sentry and Observer Wards, Frozen Sigil, Nether Ward.
Towers, fountains and Roshan now deals in 2 times more damage to Tombstone, Seeking Missile, Nerubian Beetles.
Illusions now counts as creeps when attacking all those units.

Removed manapool from Mud Golem, Shard Golem, Rock Golem, Emerald Golem, Doom Hatchling and Thunder Lizard


Melee Units with attack range less than 251 now getting bonus 150 attack range against Sentry and Observer wards
Quelling Blade, Battle Fury, Tango and Gifted Tango are no longer usable against wards

Intelligence no longer grants spell amplification
Mana per intelligence point 12 -> 15

Turn Rate slows are stackable and their effectiveness is affected by victim's status resistance, adapted instantly when resistance changes.
Currently here are only 2: Stone Gaze and Backstab

Roshan Slam damage grow 20 per 4 minutes -> 10 per 1 minute (in 2 times faster in average)

HP limit to deny allied unit <50% hp -> <=50% hp



Matched following abilities to their "true" distance aka fix:
Time Walk distance -60 (660 -> 600)
Skewer distance -40
Lightning Grapple distance +40
Trample distance +20

Manabreaking effects now multiplies burned amount of mana in dependence of illusion damage dealt multiplier instead of having fixed amount (50% Mana Break, 16/8 Diffusal Blade), similar to other non-poison effects on illusions. Bonus damage from breaken mana adds proper percentage to attack, e.g. for 30% dmg illusion with diffusal, bonus damage will be 40 * 0.3 * 0.8 (diffusal burn-in-damage mult) = 9.6 and not multiplied again on 0.3
Overall Diffusal Blade should become better pickup for illusionists than now, except for Phantom Lancer, which manaburn become weaker. Also it loses exception for ranged illusions as they already deals less damage than melee
Matched Naga and Terrorblade illusions damage percentage to strict 67% for ranged heroes.

As manapools increased, amount of some manaburns are slightly increased as well
AM manabreak 30/34/38/42 + 0/1/2/3% -> 25/30/35/40 + 1/2/3/4%
Diffusal Blade manabreak 40 -> 45
Nerubian Assassin Mana Burn x3.5/4.0/4.5/5.0 from enemy intelligence -> x3.6/4.2/x4.8/x5.4 from enemy intelligence
Neutral Satyr Mana Burn 100 -> 100 +2.5% of enemy maximum mana
Devoured Satyr's Mana Burn 125/175/225/275 -> 150/200/250/300
Mystic Snake base Mana Steal 20/35/50/65 -> 25/40/55/70

Return and Counter Helix now multiplies illusions damage by their damage output percentage as well.

Homing Missile can now be casted toward invulnerable units
Aphotic Shield and Press the Attack can now be casted toward invulnerable units to e.g. dispel enemy's Eul

Shadow Wave can now be casted on invulnerable allies. It can jump on invulnerable units, so why not allow casting too?

Active duration 1.3 -> 1.2, resting duration 1.85 -> 1.95 (it was not nerfed previous time as intended tho)
AoE 725 -> 675
No longer turns units in side of Wisp

Slightly increased speed (in ~1.1 times), thus maximum jump time 0.75 -> 0.68
Enemy check AoE 96 -> 120, what makes hitting enemy simplier

Mass Serpent Ward reworked
They getting double attack works from beginning.
Attack range and double attack from Aghanim's Scepter replaced by 1 of 3 random bonuses: +1 hp, +20 damage, +30% attack speed. Bonus is same for wards from single cast.
Attack range increased 650 -> 675
Attack damage 50/75/100 -> 25/40/55
Synergy bonus removed
Manacost 200/400/600 -> 250/425/600

Call of the Wild reworked
It's separated on 2 skills again:
1) Summon Boar (standart hotkey B)
Boar appears behind caster, 350/500/650/800 hp, 22/36/50/64 pierce damage, 16/24/32/40% as/ms slow poison.
Duration 60, cooldown 42/38/34/30
2) Summon Eagle (standart hotkey G)
Eagle appears far behind caster and flies to target point. He is permanently invisible and completely uncontrollable.
300/340/380/420 movespeed, 600/700/800/900 air vision range.
Synergy bonuses retains.

Flux reworked
Basically it got reverted condition to work
Lays debuff onto enemy unit, which deals different effect in cases:
Checks victim every 0.2 seconds
If victim is alone (no allied units in 800 range around), it's silenced and takes basic damage
If victim is not alone, it's not silenced but damage increases per every nearby ally, depends on distance to him:
Full bonus in 200 range, then linearly falls does at range between 200 and 800
Bonus is up to 50% for every nearby hero or ancient and up to 25% for creeps and illusions
Basic damage is 4/5/6/7 per 0.2 seconds, up to 68/115/174/245 total but can grow significantly if target is surrounded by allies or simply act as silence if needed.
Debuff is dispellable normally, silence is dispellable by magic immunity only.
First tick happens immediately after cast
Cast time 0.3
Cooldown 14/13/12/11
Cast range 500/600/700/800
Manacost 100

Magnetic Field reworked
Cast type "targeted" -> "no target"
Creates positive charged Magnetic Field around hero which follows hero and grants him and other allied heroes and structures around bonus attack speed and evasion.
Atackspeed bonus 50/60/70/80
Evasion is 100% but works only if attacker stand outside of field.
Also creates negative charged field which moves mirrored from main and affects enemy non-immune heroes, decreases their attack speed
Attack speed reduction 50/60/70/80
Duration 5/6/7/8
Cooldown 45/40/35/30
Cast Point 0.5
Manacost 85/100/115/130
Note: negative counterpart will stay close if caster will not move, thus spell will be more effective. But from other hand it also may be handly if controlled properly. Negative counterpart cannot interfere map borders.

God's Strength no longer grants bonus str
Bonus damage 80/120/160% -> 85/130/175%
Duration 25 -> 40, cooldown 100 -> 140/125/110

Hunter in the Night removed
Dark Ascension now grants bonus 20/30/40% movespeed and 50/75/100 attack speed instead of damage bonus
Duration 25/30/35 -> 25

Headshot and Take Aim merged into 1 ability
Accurate shot
+50/100/150/200 attack range and acquisition range (works on illusions)
33% chance for 30/60/90/120 bonus damage and 100 as/100% ms slow for 0.35/0.45/0.55/0.65 seconds (does not work on illusions)
Both parts are disabled by Breaking effects, except for acquisition range.

Laguna Blade
Removed stackable bonus damage
Manacost decreased to 225/375/525, cooldown to 75/60/45

Atrophy aura bonus 2/3/4/5 (10/15/20/25 for hero) -> 3/4/5/6 (15/20/25/30 for hero)
Bonus duration 30/35/40/45 -> 35/40/45/50
Damage reduction 14/22/30/36% -> 10/16/22/28%

Scorched Earth
Duration 8/10/12/14 -> 15, dmg/heal per second 16/24/32/40 -> 12/18/24/30
Movespeed bonus 16% -> 9/11/13/15%, cooldown 38 -> 50/45/40/35
This used to balance early and later level of Scorged Earth, where e.g. level 4 becomes in >1.5 times stronger than level 3

Elune's Arrow now checks for closest unit around itself if has multiple possible targets
Elune's Arrow collision 96 -> 100 (+5%)

Life Drain now acts differently when heals ally: drains caster's hp instead of damaging him, thus does not care about his magic resistance, heals for full amount and both "damage" and heal are amplified by spell amplification

Reality Rift now interrupts forced movements like other blinks do. For both caster and target.

Warcry armor bonus 5/10/15/20 -> 6/9/12/15, AoE 700 -> 900

Marksmanship proc chance 20/30/40% -> 30/40/50%

Chakra Magic debuff duration 5 sec -> 5.0/5.5/6.0/6.5 sec

Dragon Slave wave distance 1075 -> 1000

Arcane Orb now deals slightly more damage by counting current mana + current manacost on shot instead of just current mana at hit moment

Anchor Smash damage 75/125/175/225 -> 75/130/185/240

Ion Shell
DPS 30/50/70/90 -> 24/46/68/90
Manacost 70/90/110/130 -> 85/100/115/130

Cooldown 12/11/10/9 -> 16/14/12/10
Manacost 20/30/40/50 -> 35/40/45/50

Static Link
Manacost 20/30/40/50 -> 42/48/54/60

Pulse Nova no longer cost additional mana for activation
Manacost per second 36/48/60 -> 45/60/75

Fade Bolt damage reduction numerical -> percentage, -10/18/26/34%
Makes effect more viable in lategame.

Vampiric Aura lifesteal 15/20/25/30% ( *0.66 for ranges) -> 12/18/24/30% (8/12/16/20% for ranges)

Chaos Strike now overlaps other critical strikes from skills and items
Chaos Strike crit and lifesteal numbers rescaled so highest critical numbers provides really low lifesteal bonus
Critical damage changed from 1.25 minimum and 1.65/1.85/2.05/2.25 maximum to 1.2 minimum and 1.5/1.8/2.1/2.4 maximum
Lifesteal changed from 10-16/20-29/30-42/40-55% to 10% minimum and 25/40/55/70% maximum
This way minimum 1.2 damage multiplier roll will provide lifesteal as 30/48/66/84% of normal attack damage (before calculating enemy armor), while maximum will heal by only 15/18/21/24% of normal attack damage
Overall here is slight decrement in damage and slight increment in lifesteal at low levels, slight increment in damage and slight decrement in lifesteal at high levels

Time Lapse now consumes mana for cast when used on self, means resulting mana after returning is less by manacost.

Backstab damage bonus x1.0/1.5/2.0 from main attribute -> x1.15/1.7/2.25
Backstab now slows enemy turn rate by 30/40/50% for 2 seconds.
This slow pierces spell immunity and dispelable

Spirit Bear damage to owner numerical "mixed" type damage -> 10% of owner's maximum hp, undecreasable and unevadeable.

Berserker's Rage can no longer be silenced

Flak Cannon cooldown 40 -> 40/35/30/25

Split Shot AoE increased by 50

Battle Hunger MS bonus per affected hero 12% -> 8%

Shadowraze bonus damage per stack 50/60/70/80 -> 30/45/60/75, debuff duration 8 -> 10

Echo Stomp AoE 500 -> 475

Acid Spray now has 1 second activation delay. Lasts 16 seconds after activation.
Dps is now stackable from multiple Acid Sprays, but not debuff

Wild Axes manacost 90/105/120/135 -> 90/100/110/120

Brain Sap manacost 70/100/130/160 -> 100/120/140/160

Heavenly Grace manacost 75 -> 100, cooldown 20/18/16/14 -> 24/21/18/15

Anchor Smash AoE 400 -> 415

Ice Blast DPS 15/25/35 -> 12/20/28

Dragon Tail cast time 0.1 -> 0.25

Bloodrage cast time 0.2 -> 0.01, no longer usable on enemies

Eidolons hp 200/250/300/350 -> 200/275/350/425

Ancient Seal cast range 750 -> 700/750/800/850

Spectral Dagger damage 90/140/190/240 -> 75/130/185/240

Slightly increased Tether slow AoE

Avalanche rocks now reaches target point after cast with 1200 speed instead of stable 0.5 seconds delay

Removed longer effect on creeps for Thunder Clap and Drunken Haze

Drums of War active AoE 900 -> 1200

Orchid recipe cost 775 -> 500, intelligence bonus 25 -> 20, attack speed 30 -> 25. Thus Bloodthorn become cheaper too.

Greaves recipe cost 1800 -> 1600

Halberd bonus evasion 25% -> 20%, damage bonus 25 -> 20

Teleport coodown 80 -> 75 (upgraded stays 40/30)

Bottle cost 660 -> 625
Sentry Wards cost 100 -> 75, cooldown 60 -> 75
Dust of Appearance cost 100 -> 80
Tome of Knowledge cost 150 -> 75

Necronomicon summon lifetime 40 -> 60

Hexes projectile speed 1650(shaman)/1500(lion)/1650(item) -> 1350 all

Furion Teleportation removed until complete rework

Bounty rune pickup effect is now visible in cases: ally picked up rune, this unit picked up rune

Detonate (Remote Mine skill) hotkey D -> F, similar to Focused Detonate


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